My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2875: Scalp tingling!

"Emperor Ye's methods have almost been used to the extreme before, and he has cut several powerful stars and nirvana. Now he can only burn the avenue and buy time for the blue-faced corpse." Yu Fei also paled.

"The Stone Man Law King is too powerful, Ye Di has no choice but to let the green-faced corpse take away the pagoda--" Gu Tang Yanxin was shaking.

Unless Gu Tangyan was Tianjun, the electronic mother who flourished back then, the pinnacle is here, and it may be able to stop the Stone Man Law King. Now there is no way to help Su Jin.

"It's over--" Long Yuhao finally burst into a thick thigh, and when the boss fell, he didn't know how to get involved in the future.


Su Jin looked directly at the Stone Man Law King again, feeling like facing an insurmountable heaven!

A piece of Golden Light Avenue appeared from under Su Jin's feet, and it unexpectedly spread in the direction of the blue-faced corpse statue behind.


The green-faced Corpse Zun stared at Su Jin in a daze, his eyes seemed to soften a bit, but the burning nine-color fire made him roar!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The Golden Light Avenue swept over, the green-faced corpse statue seemed to be isolated from the world, and the entire Golden Light Avenue directly penetrated the void!

The green-faced corpse was walking on it. With his terrifying strength, he couldn't break free. He was quickly taken away by the golden light that penetrated the void. Everyone could see that he wanted to come back and he wanted to fight!

The terrible atmosphere is spreading.

Su Jin's expression was cold and determined, and suddenly, behind his left shoulder, a cloud of black gushed out——

A weird weapon, showing endless evil power, suddenly appeared! Cut to his back fiercely!

"Shadow Tyrant! This is a powerful star nirvana! His attainments and strength on the Dark Avenue are no less than the previous Gusu Lingye! This person is really sinister. He saw that the night emperor was burning the Avenue and wanted to sneak attack. Contend for the treasures of Yedi!" Some spectators looked from a distance and exclaimed directly.

"That is a shadow dagger. It is rumored that after being stabbed by this knife, the blood will turn black and the divine power will be attenuated! The soul of the wounded will mourn for three days before dissipating!"

"I'm afraid Yedi didn't expect it, this kind of insidious trick is simply impossible to guard against!"

"Whether you think about it or not, the night emperor is burning the road anyway, facing this stone man, there is no hope of victory at all—"

"Ah! Look!"

Appeared with a silent exclamation.

Su Jin's expression on Lengyi didn't change the slightest. Although the shadow dagger was tricky, he seemed to have seen it a long time ago. He was shocked and avoided the blow in a thrilling manner!

In a blink of an eye, Su Jin's hands lightly made a knot in front of him——

A sacred bottle was condensed in an instant!

This is the Aquarius Handprint!

The power of the shadow dagger thrown in the distance seems to have been found directly, the Buddha's light at the mouth of the bottle tilts, as if with endless suction, directly controlling the shadow tyrant!

Su Jin slapped a palm!

A Buddha's palm condenses out and shoots the shadow tyrant fiercely!


The shadow tyrant screamed, and the whole person began to be wrapped in the extinguishing divine fire, tumbling quickly in the void!

"What's going on! Ye Di seems to be more than a few times stronger suddenly!" someone shouted in an incredible voice.

"Burning the nine-door avenue, squeezing all the potential in the body, it is strange that the strength does not increase! The timing of this shadow tyrant's choice is really wrong—"

"One palm, one palm! The Shadow Tyrant is also considered a powerful man with a fierce reputation, and Ye Di directly destroyed him with just one palm!" Someone else said with fear.

Su Jin hardly paid any attention to the Shadow Tyrant——

After slapped a palm, Su Jin swayed, his fist hooked behind him, and he was hurriedly approaching the Stone Man King!

This blow, the audience's attention!

The gorgeous nine-color fire condensed on Su Jin's fist, and his surroundings seemed to be enveloped by a circle of "Dao Patterns", with glowing rays of light. That was the "Fuxi Dao Pattern" that many people desperately wanted and valued!

The Stone Man Law King naturally saw Su Jin this ‘little thing’, but he didn’t expect that this little guy wanted to challenge him!

"Roar—" The Stone Man Law King roared at Su Jin, the roaring out turned out to be a terrible red hurricane!

Su Jin followed the terrible storm, and his body quickly began to spin in the void, his fist shadows seemed to increase!

Ten punches.

Hundred punches.

Thousand punches.

Ten thousand punches!

The rapidly rotating body seemed to have taken off the power of the red hurricane. Su Jin was not blown away, but got closer and closer to the Stone Man Law King! Then, with impulse, he jumped fiercely!

Bang bang bang bang--

Countless shadows of fists are extremely dazzling in the void, and those shadows of fists are like a giant fist made up of nine-colored fires, crashing on the huge stone of the stone man!


Ten steps!

Fifty steps!

The powerful stone-man Law King was actually beaten back by fifty steps!

Scalp tingling!

This kind of scene is more shocking than Su Jin's performance at any time!

Su Jin looked tired, looking at the Stone Man Law King, he felt a little sad--

Is this still not working?

Su Jin knows his current strength best, burning Nine Doors Avenue, even the heyday King Panaxe, he has the confidence to send him on the road, but the stone man King was only repelled, and it was all based on that terrible defense. Li took all his bombardment!

The Stone Man Law King was so angry that he couldn't himself. The entire huge body trembled and stomped his foot. The ground cracked nine rifts out. He stepped back fifty steps, but he was also running forward and running!

Su Jin knew that his time limit had arrived. The blow just now almost exhausted all his strength. He had never expected that he would be so calm and satisfied when facing death in this state.

The stupa has been taken away after all.


How magnificent is the stone man Karmapa's 100,000-foot tall body? That kind of sight is desperate!

"It's over." City Lord Jiuyitian, who had been outside the battlefield, was muttering black on his face.

Ye Nantian was standing next to City Master Jiuyitian at this moment. The two were still in a tacit understanding before, after all, they were both masters of the same level, and they were unwilling to attack Yedi.

"This punch can't stop it at all." Ye Nantian watched the Stone Man Law King jump up, his fist was like a mountain, and he raised it outrageously.

"It's time to go. As long as the Stone Man Law King is stopped here, we can't have any idea about the ruler." Ye Nantian came here, feeling empty-handed, and he didn't feel any sense of loss. After all, it would be good to be able to walk out alive. .

"It's a pity, if Ye Di doesn't die, he will definitely have a place in the future. Our small cities can't conceal his edge." Jiu Yi Tian City Lord nodded. He was the same as Ye Nantian thought. Cave out.

Su Jin is very calm--

Looking up at that huge fist, there was no wave of waves in his heart.

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