My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2876: She is the king?

Gradually closing his eyes, quietly waiting for death. Su Jin felt that the waiting time seemed very long.

Shengcai Peacock, Long Yuhao, Yu Fei and Gu Tangyan are very desperate. No one wants to see this scene. Although it has witnessed the rise of a strong man with super talent, this rise is like the afterglow of the setting sun. Generally, it falls at a rapid rate.

The miracle that happened to Su Jin did not appear this time—

but! !

what is that?

The four of Yu Fei and Gu Tangyan hurriedly looked to their side. When they were paying attention, they discovered that Shi Meiren did not know when she disappeared, and at such a short distance, almost instantly manifested in that giant mountain-like giant. Under the fist!

"Ah—" Shi Meiren seemed to be very irritable, and the color of her body quickly spread. Her fists were not big, but the long stone legs slammed into the abdomen of the stone man Dharma!


The entire stone man Karmapa was kicked! No one had expected this sudden scene!

Shi Meiren's face was irritable, and the stone human body was rising rapidly. From a distance, although it was still a little shorter than the stone man, it was still terrifying——

Su Jin suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Shi Meiren's brutal shot, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

Could it be~~~

"What are you still thinking about? I'm not healing yet!" Shi Meiren turned her head slightly and said to Su Jin like a beautiful woman.


Su Jin felt that he was hopeless, but this stone beauty still thought that she had a way to survive? There is something in the obvious words-

Shi Meiren was obviously a little anxious. Seeing that Su Jin did not respond, she suddenly shouted: "Use this girl's bath water, and also! Take Dan!"


Why say it? Although Su Jin was tired and weak, when he heard Shi Meiren’s sturdy words, he almost smiled bitterly in his heart. Although he had just thought of this, he didn’t think he could survive the fist of the Stone Man Law King. After all, that **** The water can extinguish even part of the sacred fire, but whether it can extinguish the burning Jiumen Avenue remains to be tested.

As for the ‘regret medicine’ reminded by Shi Meiren, to be honest, Su Jin just feels that the name sounds good, there is no real regret medicine in the world. Given Shi Meiren’s words, he directly intends to try it!

A dead horse is a living horse doctor!

The stone man Karmapa was kicked, although the incident happened abruptly, the stone man Karmapa was not injured! Note that there is no injury at all!

Seeing Su Jin as if turning between his hands and taking something in his mouth, many spectators were all surprised and inexplicably-

Moreover, Su Jin's whole person was taken in by the fate gourd, the purple gold gourd lingering fate, turned out to be a treasure that cannot be underestimated!

The spectators burst!

"There is something between the emperor and Shi Meiren this time! What is the origin of that Shi Meiren? There have been powerful rumors before that this Shi Meiren easily severely injured King Panaxe!"

"King Panaxe was injured by Shi Meiren? It's strange, I said why King Panaxe didn't appear--"

"Don't you think this stone beauty is a bit strange! It is clearly the existence in the God Cave of the King of the Fa, and I feel that now many people have guessed her identity!"

"Lord of the Law! She... She is also a Lord of the Law! But why did she help Ye Di? This is simply incredible—"


Exclamations are everywhere!

The small mouths of the three Shengcai Peacocks opened, and they were already shocked from ear to ear!

"Deng's disciple!" Gu Tangyan was the first to react. She was gnashing her teeth in anger, and turned her head away, her face flushed as if she was beaten with blood.

"Bath water? There is a story—" Long Yuhao sweated violently. "I didn't feel it just now. Although I knew that Shi Meiren was a super strong person, I didn't expect... I didn't expect that she was most likely to be. A king!"

Shengcai Peacock was quite dumb, glanced at Gu Tangyan, and at the same time greeted Concubine Yu and Long Yuhao's suspicious eyes.

"I took the Ye Di to steal into the heavens not long ago. He opened the pupil to trace the path of the stone snake stupa. You were bathing at the time. It is normal for him to sweep it with the pupil." Shengcai Peacock frowned and used Some blame Gu Tangyan for his inhumane tone.

"What about this time?" Gu Tangyan felt that Concubine Yu's eyes were dazzling.

"This time...I really don't know--" Shengcai Peacock was ashamed.

"After Ye Di gets rid of the crisis of life and death, come back and ask." Yu Fei said ashamed.

Su Jin didn't know how much Gu Tangyan had misunderstood him now! However, no one would believe that when he fell into that sacred pool weakly before, what he used to walk from Shi Meiren's huge stone legs to her head was just because it was a statue!

The stone beauty statue is in the water, there is not even a trace of vitality, who can believe it?

But now Su Jin can't take care of the others--

Fate in the gourd.

When I used this divine water to fight the extinguishing divine fire, in fact, I used it for a long time, and now there is a little bit, but for Su Jin now, this little bit is no less than a big pond, and he burns all over. When this nine-color fire plunged into the water of the fateful gourd, I only heard a sneer~~~


People who have not experienced this feeling do not understand how painful it is! The pain is a hundred times stronger than when the soul is split and the body is broken!

The nine-colored fire on the surface of Su Jin's entire body only persisted for two seconds, and was completely extinguished in the water. He only felt that his body was filled with lead, the infinite and domineering medicine power, and the divine water surging inside his body——

Click, click, click~~~

The meridians were directly rushed by the powerful and majestic medicinal power, rushing to pieces, and finally even showing a state of fine fragments. Su Jin’s ears, mouth and nose were bleeding, but the blood that came out quickly dissipated in the water——

What kind of medicine is that!

Why is it so overbearing——

As soon as this thought in Su Jin's heart came out, he was occupied by incomparable pain, and often felt numb when the pain was extreme, but not this time! His pain is still increasing, and he feels cracks anywhere in his body, and there is a broken situation!

If there is a choice!

Even if it is death, he does not want to bear this kind of pain!

The body seemed to be dominated by inexplicable power, Su Jin felt a force that destroys the ancients, wreaking havoc in the flesh and blood of his meridians, and he didn't feel even a trace of power belonging to him.

It seems that life is controlled by people, life and death are ruled! Thinking and perception are more than ten times clearer than usual!

Terrible! This feeling is too terrible!

The roar appears! The Stone Man Law King was kicked, and he rushed over, yelling at Shi Meiren, as if they were questioning, the two fiercely fought together--

The rapid changes in the battlefield make people feel flustered. I'm afraid no one would have expected this to happen!

"In the past, someone burned the bloodline and didn't survive, right?" someone from the spectator asked his companion.

"Yes, Gusu Lingye just now was an example—"


"So, there is no doubt that Ye Di will die."

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