My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2877: Jiuxiaolongyin

"The boss will really die?"

When Long Yuhao asked Sheng Cai Peacock, several people were also thinking about this question in their hearts.

Shengcai Peacock shook his head, "The burning avenue is indeed difficult to stop, but there was once a Dan Zun who refined a reversal **** pill. The'reversal **** pill' and the'nirvana pill' are of the same level. If you don’t destroy your body and soul, you will surely survive, but surviving is half a waste."

"I don't know what level of pill Shi Meiren said about taking pills--" Yu Fei said anxiously.

"I hope it can be saved, I can only rely on my eldest brother to bear it." Long Yuhao sighed and shook his head.

Just now!

The anger of the Stone Man Law King can no longer be concealed, and he repelled Shi Meiren with a palm. Both of them were shaken three times. The Stone Man Law King stepped back before he could stand firm——

Gradually, Shi Meiren became more dignified. She almost didn't even think about it. She stepped straight towards the right hand of the Shiren Law King. This is because she is buying time for Su Jin!



The Stone Man Law King opened his arms, and waves of red electric light that looked like a python swirled around his huge stone body!

The vanity surrounding Wanli suddenly condensed the mysterious scene!

Amidst a red cloud, the Yunque Temple, the majestic mountain top, and even a round red giant sun rising high in the sky, red thunder and lightning tens of thousands of feet high, faintly falling into the clouds, as long as the monks who are still here watching the battle, Looking up, you can see the terrifying clouds and the terrible thunder!


The thunder that fell irregularly blasted down in a crowd of people, and three hundred cultivators were instantly evaporated!


When Shi Meiren walked to the distance, her hands slowly closed, and her body slowly knelt down. Her gesture was in a state of blessing, closing her eyes——

Fanao's spell was chanted in Shi Meiren's mouth. As the spell appeared, the surface of her stone-colored body began to swim with blue light patterns, and those patterns gradually wandered away from her body——

On her legs, waist, and Shi Meiren's heart, a dense and profound formation was condensed, and the blue light was brilliant!

Shi Meiren even has blue brilliance all over her hair! At that moment, everyone risked their lives to watch this scene!

It's so beautiful, Shi Meiren's stone color state seems to be relieved, her blue long hair is very bright in the red brilliance, her gesture of blessing and prayer, the blue pattern on the back of her two hands began to spiral up——

"Is this the majesty of the King of Law? I feel that the powerful Star Nirvana will be shocked and trembling when they see it!" Someone sighed.

"There are a total of 36 Kings in the God Cave of the Kings of Faith, and now there are two! And what kind of Kings is this stone beauty? It seems that this King of Stones can't be suppressed!"

"It's not necessarily true. Just now, Shi Meiren was indeed at a disadvantage, and she couldn't control the Shi Meiren at all!"

"It's weird, as the Law King in the God Cave of the God, he is actually helping Ye Di!"


Fate gourd.

Shake gently.

The pain is gradually disappearing, and every minute seems to ease the pain. Su Jin has no idea what is happening outside. In the divine water in the fateful gourd, the pores all over his body are draining a trace of filth, he seems to be The meridians, broken into grains of sand, are also beginning to recover.


Su Jin's King Buddha spine faintly radiated a special golden light, and the six-character Daming curse on it also shone one by one.

Bang bang bang.

A purple mansion quickly opened up around Su Jin's bodhicitta! This is because of the Buddhist scriptures of his deserted South Dao. The establishment of the Dao Zang Zi Mansion is in Bodhicitta, and the benefits it will bring to him are hard to predict! This is where the huge Purple Mansion is located!


Su Jin opened his arms as he closed his eyes, his right hand was the arm of the fire god, and the Sui Ren inheritance lines were growing crazily. In a blink of an eye, the location of his back was quickly covered with the mysterious Sui Ren Jing, and those Sui Ren Jing shining. In the blink of an eye, the horrible Huo Xia was covered with Flintlock lines on her left arm!

"Not enough! Not enough!" Su Jin yelled in his heart, he had endured such a huge pain, and now he can't go out to support! He knew that if he gave up this opportunity, he would not know how long it would take to achieve the ‘Flawless Nine Dao Body’!

Su Jin was already able to move when the flintlock flame disappeared on the surface of the skin.

Hardly considered--

Su Jin sat cross-legged directly on the bottom of the water, with his hands on his knees, and the position where he was sitting down, spiraled out two yin and yang fish!

Fuxi Dao Wen!

The glow of the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams seems to contain the principles of heaven and earth. Su Jin slowly rotates along with the Eight Trigrams that he sat down. The Xia Hui of the Nine Paths seems to be transformed into nine profound lights, in harmony with each other, just like the nine colors of fire before. As beautiful and mysterious.

What a powerful medicine!

Su Jin opened his eyes abruptly. He is now reborn. The bones and meridians are strong enough to make his scalp numb. If he displays the body of the Daquan King and Buddha now, he will definitely be far beyond the previous level!

"What kind of pill is this? It can change my Dao Soul form, and my Dao Soul can have the second transformation ability. The second change is the Dragon Soul, which can transform my body into a real dragon!" Su Under closer inspection, Jin couldn't help being shocking.

In the state of introspection, there is a faint golden dragon shadow traveling around the Bodhicitta in the Bodhi Heart's Dao Zang Zi Mansion. Su Jin suddenly realized that the magical medicine did not change his main soul, but the heavenly soul among the three souls and six souls.

Three souls and six souls, one is the heavenly soul, the second is the earth soul, and the third is the life soul. The soul of life is the main soul! Dominate the fate of fate.

One is the sky, the second is the spirit, the third is the spirit, the four is the strength, the five is the center, the six is ​​the essence, and the seven is the English.

just now……

Now Su Jin’s Heavenly Soul transforms into a Heavenly Dragon, the second transfiguration, capable of transforming into a true dragon emperor!

Su Jin even felt that Candle Dragon Dao was also sublimated and transformed——

So strong!

Su Jin watched the changes in the color of the surrounding divine water, and even lost the previous divine accumulation. It seems that when he was transforming, he had absorbed all those powers, and the water was no different from ordinary water.

Fighting outside--

Su Jin didn't even think about it, and when he confirmed that he had no problems, he stood up directly in the fateful gourd!

At that moment, Shi Meiren and Shiren Law King were all obviously shocked!

In the entire void, an extremely terrifying power and momentum is being released!

"Which strong man has appeared again?" Shengcai Peacock looked around, her face a little dignified.

"Could it be another Law King?" Long Yuhao clutched his heart, his aura made him feel suffocated!

Gu Tangyan and Concubine Yu became anxious. Now if there is another Dharma King, the situation is really hard to say. After all, Shi Meiren is on their side, and there is another one, Shi Meiren can't compete!


Above the nine heavens, there is the sound of dragons!

A golden real dragon raised its head, and the magic world vision of the Stone Man Law King, when the real dragon roared, it shattered!

Nine Dragons!

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