My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2881: Burning King

Strong confrontation-

Who is better!

The dragon kunpeng that Su Jin transformed into was extremely gorgeous, and there was a little crimson in the fire! That is the blessing power of the Great Sun Golden Crow Fire and the World Burning Golden Crow. Ten suns seem to evolve this place into a land of great years!

The sky is full of stars, descending, the ancient formations cast by the stone man and the ancient characters are joyous. When the formation is completed, there are visions of ancient roads and gods in all directions. This is the prosperous vision of the Kaitian God after the war!

The scene once made people unable to breathe--

That is the breath of a super strong, the power of a super strong! Those with weaker cultivation bases are retreating steadily, their faces pale and dangerous!

"It's terrible, it's terrible!" Some spectators covered their hearts.

"On Yedi's golden dragon head, the eyes are blood blue! Under his power, he also exhibited the word "Tian Mi". This battle is really hard to say. At least for the moment, the stone man is only slightly stronger than him. some--"

"There are already two French kings in the cave of the French king! The emperor of the night must die, otherwise none of us can conspire with that ruler. If he lives, he must be snatched from him!"

"His Lord, come on!"


The roar of the giant dragon seemed to sound the drum of the battle of life and death. The dragon kunpeng with a wingspan of 100,000 miles was rapidly shrinking, and the strength of his body was constantly compressing!

A change.

Three changes.

Five changes.

Seven changes!

Nine changes!

The existence that looked like a firefly shattered the sky!

The golden dragon shadows, as if traveling through the space, are constantly circling around the divine fire brilliance!

"You can't be so strong!" The Stone Man Law King was disturbed in his voice, shouting at the faintly changing Kunpeng Ying.

At this time, the power of the Stone Man Law King had also condensed to the extreme. In his vision and the divine formation, it is impossible for an ant to survive and crawl away, and the eight directions vision is enough to refine a lot of power that exceeds his strength!

But nevertheless!

Su Jin's toughness still makes the scalp numb!

The place where he exists, although it is only a radiance of divine fire, but that brilliance is enough to compete with the sun and the moon!

As if for a moment, Kunpeng Jiuchang disappeared in a blink of an eye——

When he appeared, there was a faint figure of Yedi in the eyes of the Stone Man Law King. At that speed, even the Law King would despair!

The Stone Man Law King was surrounded by a circle of blood-colored light wheels, especially at the position of his head, which made people look at it from a distance, and could not help but give birth to a vast feeling!


That punch of the blood-colored light wheel, like a paper paste, a divine light made by Kunpeng Nine Transformation, easily broke through, and appeared straight in front of the stone head of the stone man!

God, that has changed!

The Stone Man Law King kept on howling miserably, holding his head up to the sky and roaring, the unbearable pain caused him to roar constantly, even holding his head in pain and falling to the ground, unable to stop rolling!



The earth swelled up quickly, the mountains were gathering, and the rift valley was being formed under the rolling of the stone man Karmapa. The terrifying basins were formed in the place where it rolled, and the supernatural power was overwhelming!

The faces of Shengcai Peacocks changed slightly.

Shi Meiren gently raised her hand, and a circle of divine light swung out in front of her fingers, forming an enchantment directly, which directly offset the huge impact oncoming. The others had retreated far before. But he didn't retreat very much. If he didn't resist in this way, it would be impossible for a person like Long Yuhao to survive!

Even so!

At the edge of the grottoes, many people were still being lifted off, the power of the earth's trembling void, as if invisible, just affected, there were many deaths and injuries!

"Come out! Come out!" The Stone Man Law King hugged his head, and tears flowed in the huge stone man pupils, like two lines of blood. The dragon kunpeng that Su Jin had just transformed into a blast directly pierced his forehead and rushed into his stone skull. in.

Otherwise, how could he endure such a great pain——

The sacred peacock covered her ears.

In addition to Shi Meiren, Yu Fei and others also covered their ears.

"The boss's attack can actually break the body of the King of Fa!" Long Yuhao said with surprise and joy.

"This blow contains all of his power, and the Nine Dao Xiu is really impressive." Shi Meiren took a deep breath.

"The strength of the Stone Man Law King is also terrifying." Yu Fei transmitted voice to several people: "Hit the stone skull, and the extinguished divine fire will burst out in his stone skull, and he hasn't died yet."

"The Lord of Faith is inherently special, it's so easy to cut it off--" Gu Tangyan said with a flushed face.

The tenacious vitality of the Stone Man Law King makes people look at him——

And Su Jin's Kunpeng Nine Transformation powers, also completely erupted in the spiritual sea of ​​the Stone Man Law King, the terrifying extinguishing divine fire, coupled with the Great Sun Golden Crow flame, ransacked in the red ocean!

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

Crimson blood rushed into the head of the Stone Man Law King, and the divine fire evaporated patches of red power in an instant!


Burning Dharma King!

The fluctuations are getting smaller and smaller, and many spectators either support or watch from a distance with amazement. The flames on the Stone Man Law King are simply hard to extinguish!

"The King is not dead! This is just his stone body, and his soul must be even more terrifying -" Some spectators hated Su Jin. Just now, the spectator was lifted by invisible power and suffered a lot. Injury.

"Stand up! How could the dignified Karmapa be killed?"

"Look! Although the Stone Man Law King is weaker, he is obviously not dead yet, so he raised his hand!"


Sure enough, this scene also attracted the attention of Shengcai Peacocks.

The stone man Karmapa raised his giant hand like a mountain range, and the direction it stretched out turned out to be where the "Sea of ​​Forgotten" was!


A gray divine bridge condensed by divine power appeared, and that divine bridge spanned several sky moats and led into a thick gray fog.

Nineteen lanterns gradually lit up in the thick fog after five breaths...

Su Jin returned to normal, Kunpeng Nine Transformations had exhausted all his power, and it was a miracle that he could still stand now!

In the stone head of the king, Su Jin tried hard not to let himself fall, and sat down to recover.

The stone man Majesty is angry like a wandering silk, more miserable than him, the red divine power in the spirit sea is swept away, and the stone hole in the eyebrow that Su Jin pierced in the distance also makes people feel terrifying.

Su Jin is recovering! With his eyes condensed in the distance, in the head of this stone-man Law King, before it was a vast red ocean, which was all divine power. After it was burned, it didn't show a hollow--

There are a dozen black towers in the distance, rooted in this stone road. When they were burned, they manifested a red color, but now they have re manifested their original color.

And Su Jin didn't know--

On the grey divine bridge outside, nineteen lanterns are strangely floating...

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