My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2882: Stone Buddha

The scene was strange--

When the nineteen lanterns floated, they were seen by everyone. No one would have imagined that the Stone Man Law King would hit the gray **** bridge while he was still dead, which led to this scene.

The lanterns are in the shape of lotus petals and octagonal. In each lantern, it seems that there is a bright red heart beating, and the blood flame is faint. When Shi Meiren saw it, her brows were already tightened.

"Blood Lotus Lantern, Stone Bodhisattva." Shengcai Peacock's figure shook, and the peacock appeared gracefully, and the voice appeared in the ears of Concubine Yu.

"Master Shengcai, is this?" Concubine Yu asked puzzledly.

"Ready to escape." Shengcai Peacock said four words simply and neatly.

Gutang smoke:...

Even Long Yuhao was speechless for a while, Shengcai Peacock really became famous, and he didn't know what the boss was doing, so he was ready to escape.

"Stone Bodhisattva seems to be ranked ninth among the thirty-six Dharma Kings——" Gu Tangyan looked at Shi Meiren with a suspicious expression. Although she did not know Shi Meiren's ranking, Shi Bodhisattva was very famous and should be said. The top ten are in the record.

Blood lotus lamp, stone Buddha!

The spectators around didn't even dare to make a sound of the atmosphere. The stone man Law King was dying, and the Ye Emperor still did not come out of the stone skull, and the blood lotus lantern floated, which naturally attracted considerable attention.

"Stone Bodhisattva! It's Stone Bodhisattva!" a monk exclaimed.

"Emperor Ye did his best to defeat the Stone Man Law King, but besides Shi Meiren standing on his side, there are thirty-four others. Is the Ye Emperor finished?"

"Stone Bodhisattva was taken over, Ye Di is in danger. He is probably hiding in the stone head now, and he doesn't dare to appear!"


Nineteen blood lotus lanterns floated all the way--

In the mist, the blood lotus lantern illuminates the road ahead, and a faint stone bodhisattva walks out slowly behind him. His appearance is perfect, he is hung with 19 stone beads, and his gray eyes are staring at the stone man. One word.

In the stone skull.

Su Jin looked calm, walked to a black tower, gently raised his hand, and directly shattered one!

The aura of the entire Stone Man Law King became weaker and weaker, Su Jin narrowed his eyes and walked to the second seat——

The third seat.

Until the thirteenth black sacred tower was shattered, the body of the stone-man French king trembled, completely silent!

Click, click.

A terrifying collapse appeared on the Stone Man Law King, as if inexplicable power was surging inside. Pieces of terrifying cracks appeared on the whole Stone Man, and in a blink of an eye a tumult rose!

During the boom, the Stone Man King collapsed into a pair of rubble!

Su Jin squinted his eyes, slowly raised his head, and looked at the stone bodhisattva!

Yedi reappeared!

The monks who had just said that Ye Di was hiding in the stone skull, and dared not to show up, had already shut up, it can be said that their faces were cracked invisibly!

"Ye Di -" Yu Fei's face was reddened, staring at Su Jin, who had a calm complexion, and her heart was pounding for some reason.

"The boss's state is very weak, his power has just been almost used up, it is impossible to form a strong combat power in a short time, what should I do now?" Long Yuhao panicked, even he could see the current Su Jin Very tired, the brilliance on his body has also dimmed.

"I'm not the opponent of Stone Bodhisattva." Shi Meiren shook her head directly when she saw several people looking at her.


Shi Meiren said that she couldn't save the Ye Emperor in this state at all!

"Kill the Dharma King, are so daring." Shi Bodhisattva kept spinning the stone beads around his body, glanced at Su Jin and said calmly.

"Stop talking nonsense, this king has already made a profit without losing money!" Su Jin sneered.

The blood lotus octagonal lamp, the beating inside, must be the heart of God, Su Jin felt that this stone bodhisattva had the name of a bodhisattva, and its power was definitely not Buddha power.

"I see how hard your mouth is--" Shi Bodhisattva was silent and raised his right arm.

On the gray stone right arm, Shi Bodhisattva's fingers are sharp, as sharp as a knife, glowing with mysterious blood!

Although Su Jin is weak, it is impossible to wait and die!

Even if the opponent is a more powerful King, he will not admit his life!

One Void——

Circles of Buddha light instantly permeated Su Jin’s body. His complete King Buddha golden body was directly displayed. The entire void seemed to be turned into a paradise Buddhaland, filled with strands of scriptures, and hundreds of millions of Buddha shadows were faintly ups and downs. Singing Sanskrit, blessing Su Jin!

He still wants to resist!

Some people shouted incredible.

As soon as the stone bodhisattva came out, the entire Dharma King God Cave seemed to be still, and some people even dared not look at him at all. The power of dominance was extremely shocking!

"Even when the emperor is strong, he can't compete with the stone bodhisattva. He still wants to fight to the death. Is it necessary to use that burning avenue?" Someone asked inexplicably.

"Burning the avenue is also in vain. At the peak, he could cut a Dharma King, but this stone bodhisattva is simply invincible, and he cannot resist it in his current state!"

"Unless his nine realms can be sublimated to a higher level, but now it is obviously impossible. If he is weak, he will be caught alive by the Stone Bodhisattva——"



While whispering, Su Jin's looks like a golden body outside, and the visions of golden fetal Buddha roots and pure lotus blossoms are on display. Golden lotus packets are blooming and golden stamens are spit out, but only a few dozen plants. Know that when he was in his heyday, he could exhibit the visions of golden lotus everywhere!

Too weak--

Buddhism shines, Su Jin's power obviously gives people a feeling that they are no longer strong!

The Stone Bodhisattva was expressionless. Although his stone body was only ten feet high, the pressure on people was devastating. At this moment, he stretched out the stone claws, directly condensing the blood-colored power, and plunged into the void——

The splendid golden void, there are patches of blood clouds!

Su Jin opened the wisdom Buddha pupil, this stone bodhisattva is really strong! When he was in the state of being one in the void, the stone claws almost swept him, and the entire void was trembling, and the golden Buddha's glory seemed to be suppressed by the opponent!

"When you are in full bloom, neither of you can defeat me—" Shi Bodhisattva said in a cold tone as he watched Su Jin spit out Buddha's blood.

Shaking the void can directly hurt Su Jin! The simple means of extending the stone arm alone caused Ye Di to be injured!

The strength of the stone bodhisattva makes people feel the point of pointing out——

There was a trace of hostility on Su Jin's face, staring at Stone Bodhisattva, the anger in his heart was accumulating! Why is he willing to be bullied like this!

In the void battlefield, a spirit mountain appeared sharp! That Lingshan is mysterious and extraordinary, surrounded by circles of death, and when it banged loudly, it was pulled up in the void!

Shi Meiren cried out inwardly--

"What's the matter?" Shengcai Peacock glanced at Shi Meiren.

"The seal I put on his ghost king way is breaking." Shi Meiren's tone was obviously panicked, as if she could feel what Su Jin was going to do!

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