My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2886: Squinting momentum

The ups and downs of the sacred mountains, the sword intent rushes into the sky!

An astonishing aura of destruction appeared from every sacred mountain, and under the stars, patches of gray air joined together, as if condensing the chaotic sword fields!

"Will it be one of the Kings of the Law?" Gu Tangyan asked while looking at Shi Meiren.

"Yes, it is rumored that among the thirty-six Law Kings, there is a Destroyer Law King. Could it be the predecessor of the Destroying Law King coming?" Sheng Cai Peacock also asked Shi Meiren.

"Where can there be any Destruction of the King? The King is ranked 18th. In fact, he is destroying the King, and he is not destroying the sword. This kind of kendo can only be realized by people with the sword **** avenue——" Shi Meiren Yao Shook his head.

Sword God Avenue!

Shengcai Peacock suddenly looked at Su Jin--

Suspicious. Shengcai Peacock saw that Su Jin was closing his eyes and recovering. It did not seem to be a person who condensed the starry sky and the sacred mountain vision, but all the monks who were watching were looking up and looking around, looking for someone who really condensed this terrible vision. exist.

The evil spirit driven by the white withered ghost of Gui Zun has been consumed too much, and he does not actually have much influence, but in fact the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for him and Su Jin.

"Ten Dharma Kings? In addition to your Stone Bodhisattva, there are eleven! Well, well, I have been withered for a long time and have not really killed the vows. Let the eleven Dharma kings go together!" Ghost Zun's anger raised, obviously excited Out of the blood in the body.

Stone Bodhisattva looked at each other coldly. In the picture of the Ten Dragon Wall to the north, the ten Great Kings walked out of the dragon's mouth almost at the same time, and the ripples encircled the ten people and moved them in a flash.

However, when Stone Bodhisattva saw Guizun Bing, he turned his head and looked at the strange celestial phenomenon——

what's the situation.

When did the Fawang God Cave hide such a terrifying power? Stone Bodhisattva didn't doubt Su Jin for the first time!

Shengcai Peacock took a deep breath, "I don't know if there is power coming, but I know that only Ye Di has the Sword God Avenue, the real Sword God Avenue!"


Shi Meiren dumbfounded-

In the void, where Su Jin was sitting awkwardly, a faint wisp of gray was lingering around his body, and the nine-color glow became more and more full!

Seventy percent!



In just ten breaths, Su Jin's strength was close to the peak of recovery! That is the strength that can be seen by the naked eye, at least Shi Meiren and Sheng Cai Peacock can feel Su Jin's strength——


Long Yuhao was inexplicably excited. After Shengcai Peacock's reminder, he naturally had reason to believe that the great power who was seen by Shi Meiren was Su Jin!

Gradually, Su Jin woke up in the eyes that everyone was expecting. When he opened his eyes, hundreds of sword mountains were turbulent, and he didn't even have any surprises, looking at his left palm.

A circle of Buddha's light in the palm of his hand lit up, and his strength had reached its peak!

The visitors started to be shocked!

"Why are those Jianshan turbulent when Ye Di wakes up?!" Someone had already expected it to be bad. After all, they are the ones who look forward to the death of the ghost king the most.

"Could it be that the vision of the sacred mountain in the starry sky arises precisely because of the emperor? This may not be absent, because he also masters a kendo with the nine practitioners!"

"Hey, this is really about to take off. The Stone Bodhisattva has already handed in a helping hand, and now the eleven Dharma kings have joined forces, and they are invincible in the Dharma King God Cave!"

"Yes! Even if Ye Di gave us too many shocking surprises, in front of the eleven Dharma kings, he is still lonely and hard to scream, even if the ghost is withered, he will be cured to death!"


Su Jin relaxed, his expression was very calm, looked at Shi Bodhisattva and the ten other Dharma kings who had arrived, and said calmly: "It's really time for you to come—"

"The old man, the King of Enlightenment, has been watching the battle from the Sea of ​​Forgotten for a long time. It seems that your Yedi child is so rampant. Even if the other nine daoists don't come out to fight you, the old man will dispel your rampant arrogance!"

An old man with long beard in linen, carrying a large wooden fish on his back, squinted and said to Su Jin coldly——

"That's ok, do you guys shoot together... or... a wheel fight?" Su Jin asked while looking at the eleven French kings.



"You need our eleven Kings to join hands? I can take care of you alone—"

"Come and come, let this King see what is special about you!" The other Kings were full of anger, and there was also a middle-aged King in black robe with horns and gold patterns on his head, directly screaming at Su Jin.

These Dharma kings are used to being aloof. Many spectators never thought that they were all violent masters. They were irritated by Ye Di's words and couldn't control their emotions.

"Stone Bodhisattva!" Su Jin stretched out his hand and directly called up: "You deceived me just now. After this battle, there is no stone Bodhisattva in the world!"

Stone Bodhisattva almost died of anger--

When he came, Stone Bodhisattva was quite calm. Only when he faced the ghost king withered, did he show some anger. Now he was named by the younger generation of Ye Di, and he was directly announced that he was expelled. The meaning of that tone could not be clearer. , Su Jin wants to kill him!

"My lord! I won't be able to defeat them completely. It is absolutely possible to drag a half-pillar of incense for a while. You leave first, and when the realm is reached, the ghost king will be on top of them! At that time, no revenge Late!" Ghost Zun Baiku directly shouted at Su Jin.

The ghosts who had been blood-washed in the God's Cave of the Fa King were withered, and they were all persuading Ye Di to leave. One can imagine how critical the situation is now!

"Today, ruin the cave! You stone bodhisattva, stand up for this king!" Su Jin said softly.

"Haha! To be honest, you really haven't been seen in my eyes--" Shi Bodhisattva winked at the other ten Dharma kings, and took two steps towards Su Jin. He was letting other Dharma kings pay attention to ghosts. Respect Bacteria!

What a miss!

A strong anger grew in Su Jin's heart. He lifted his right foot and stepped heavily on the void. The whole person had turned into a divine rainbow and rushed directly to the sky!

The body leans back slightly--

His hands opened impressively!

More than five hundred sword mountains trembled violently, and the divine sword on each sword mountain turned into a phantom, carrying a touch of destruction sword rhyme, rushing towards Su Jin!

In a blink of an eye, nine vertical and nine horizontal sword shadows swam frantically around Su Jin's divine body, marking a terrifying sword field! The void is dying, and the stars in the sky seem to be eclipsed!

Stone Bodhisattva's heart tightened fiercely--

That Jianshan vision was actually condensed by Ye Di! Fortunately, he only noticed it now, and just didn't even notice it at all. Like Shi Meiren, he thought there was external power coming!


The spectators were trembling with fright, looking at the Lord Yedi who was in charge of Destroying Sword Mountain, everyone's eyes were shocked and could not believe it--

This scene gives people the feeling that Su Jin has a real sense of gaze!

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