My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2887: Destroy the evil

The wind is getting stronger--

In the sword domain around Su Jin, the nine vertical and nine horizontal sword trails show endless arrogance! Those spectators who thought he could not compete with a Dharma king before, most of them felt hot on their faces, as if they were invisibly pumped!

Who dare!

Dare to say that Su Jin is not as good as Stone Bodhisattva! This confidence alone is several times better than before! Otherwise, how dare to call the name and surname, let the stone bodhisattva stand up and destroy the other party?

"Let's do it, I want to really learn, don't look at you in my eyes, how tough!" Su Jin looked at Shi Bodhisattva with cold eyes, saying no more, and seeing the truth in his hand.

Just now, Stone Bodhisattva did say, and did not put Su Jin in his eyes——

But Stone Bodhisattva just didn't expect that the destruction of the sword intent turned out to be Su Jin's painstaking realization when he was restoring his strength, and it was even more unclear that Su Jin could use it all!

"No matter how strong, but human beings, gods, no ghosts, you are nothing!" Shi Bodhisattva leaned forward and said that the whole person directly rose up into the sky, and stretched out stone claws to meet Su Jin!

The meaning in the words is obvious-

Even if Su Jin realized the terrible swordsmanship again, in the realm of human beings and gods, he would still not be cared by his Dharma King Stone Bodhisattva!

Su Jin's eyes were killing his heart, his open hands, his figure trembling slightly, under the blessing of powerful strength, the nine vertical and nine horizontal sword shadows, swimming faster and faster!


Don't persuade!

Su Jin is carrying a sword field and fighting against the stone bodhisattva!

Qiang Qiang--

Circles of blood light ripples on the stone claws of the stone bodhisattva. The phantom of the divine sword hit the blood light divine power, and it cut in easily, colliding with the terrible stone claws.


The stone bodhisattva felt his stone claws, the marks were heavy, and even the whole arm began to numb, and the tiger’s mouth was shocked.


Many spectators made incomparable exclamation sounds.

In terms of momentum, Ye Di has the upper hand! I haven't seen it in the means for the time being, but from the feedback of Shi Bodhisattva's facial expressions, it is known that the Ye Emperor's means make the opponent uncomfortable!

"Ye Di's fellow practitioners of the nine avenues, one of which has a real sword **** avenue inheritance. In the sword **** avenue, he realized the destruction of the sword. No wonder the stone bodhisattva was a little surprised!" The short exclamation did not stop, but someone started. Bragging about Su Jin.

"How much potential does the Nine Dao Body have to tap? Now he is just a human god! Ordinary human gods are not even worthy of giving shoes to the King. These Nine Dao cultivators are able to defend a hard blow, and they don't suffer!"

"It's not just that you don't suffer? I am afraid that the stone bodhisattva has already felt it. If you don't treat this person with a strong god, you may fall here!"

"I don't think so, at least the blow of the sword domain with Yedi didn't make Stone Bodhisattva suffer much!"


At this moment, Gui Zun Bai Withered did not take action, and the other ten great kings were also paying attention to this battle.

The terrifying status of Gui Zun was immediately obvious, because the Ten Great Kings did not bombard him three or two times.


The stone bodhisattva shattered millions of sword shadows, and his claws were leveled up and down in front of him, and a group of brilliant and bright blood light condensed and closed quickly from the state of escape!

In a blink of an eye, the whole body of the stone bodhisattva seemed to be wrapped in a round blood moon, and the splendid blood and supernatural power made people look like they were in a dream!

Su Jin's face became a little more solemn--

Slowly raising his hands, the nine vertical and nine horizontal sword shadows changed their way of operation in an instant, and quickly gathered above his head!

Qiang Qiang Qiang Qiang, a virtual sword shadow with a handle, is making crazy combinations!

More than five hundred sword mountains shook vigorously, and the nine-colored glow on Su Jin's body also began to transform, all transformed into the power of the Sword God Avenue!

Shengcai Peacock saw this scene and was stunned.

She knows that Su Jin can condense the Emperor Qi Emperor Sword. This scene is very similar to the Emperor Qi Emperor Sword, but the method is similar and the power is obviously different.

Su Jin held his hands high, it was not the Emperor Qi sword that had condensed! But under the blessing of more than five hundred sword mountains, a kind of extreme opposite sword intent is condensing!

"Emperor Qi——" Shengcai Peacock said two words in a daze.

"It's not the sword intent of the ancient Emperor Qi, right?" Gu Tangyan glanced at Sheng Cai Peacock and said.

"I haven't finished..." Shengcai Peacock looked at Gu Tangyan blankly, "Emperor Qi... Tianxie."

Destroy the evil!

Heavenly evil sword rhyme opposite to "Qihuang"!

Obviously, after Sheng Cai Peacock finished speaking, everyone including Shi Meiren took a breath. It was really too much. The sword intent of destruction was actually condensing and destroying the evil spirits——

Over the sky!

A virtual sword with a handle is quickly combined, and the hilt and body of the sword are mostly condensed! All the wandering around are traces of destruction!

Stone Bodhisattva's face gradually began to turn into a hideous expression. He did not expect that he had not been able to kill Ye Di in seconds before he was careless, and now he has made a big mistake! In that storm of destruction, a gray-silver giant sword that was deeply submerged in the sky appeared as if it had stabbed the sky!

The entire void began to become unstable, and the battlefield seemed to have fallen into a bad world for a time. Around the gray-silver giant sword, a series of void fragments were twisted in!

A string of huge stone beads hanging on the neck of the stone bodhisattva began to crack one by one——

"Since you want to die quickly, don't blame me! I still said that, without ghosts, you are nothing!" Shi Bodhisattva roared loudly.

A stone bead instantly turned into powder, turned into a shining blue brilliance, flooded with the blood-colored round power that enveloped the whole body——

Followed by the second one!

The fifth one!

The eighth-


Boom boom boom!

In the round gangway where the blood and divine power were condensed, the stone bodhisattva raised his arm like a mountain range, and bursts of shining blue robbery smashed down, like a dragon and snake. Under this momentum, many spectators glanced over and directly Affected by that momentum, Zhenfei was on the spot!

Stone Bodhisattva is too terrible--

The terrifying degree even surpassed Gui Zun's expectation!

"King! Don't take it arbitrarily!" Guizun was withered and raised his foot immediately, but soon ten phantoms flashed, and directly surrounded him, preventing Guizun from going to the rescue!

Outside the battlefield, I don’t know how many people are straining—

In the void, Su Jinmo was flying, his tricolor eye pupils were extremely rich, he touched the silver-gray Destroying Heaven Evil sword hilt with his hands, and the whole person's fortune seemed to be unified with the Heaven Evil Sword and the Human Sword!

Bang bang bang!

Big explosion!

In a blink of an eye, the ten sword mountains turned into gray gas——

In a blink of an eye, a hundred sword mountains capsized!

The scene was suffocating, everyone looked up, watching more than five hundred terrifying sword mountains turn into dust, ray of light seemed to linger on the evil sword of destruction——

"Kill!" The Stone Bodhisattva roared, moving his feet, bloody.

Su Jin's physical actions destroyed Tianxie, and the blade cut a piece of silence, and also roared: "Kill, kill, kill! Either you die, or I die!"

When cut down--

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