My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2894: A hammer out, the world is broken!

No one dared to doubt the power of Heaven Breaking Hammer——

Don't say that after the Ye Di cut off Tian Lei Peng, he is now weak, even if he is in full bloom, and the Jiu Dao Body rises to another level, the Heaven Breaking Hammer can be invincible and hammer him into a meatloaf!

Qinghuang grinned and watched the Heaven Breaking Hammer fall, as if he had foreseen the scene of Su Jin being smashed to death!

Immediately after...


There was no scream, no movement, the Heaven Breaking Hammer hit Su Jin's place, and the void was punched out of a hole, but the surface of the hammer began to glow with weird colors!

"Die? Die!" Many spectators were stunned, because from any angle, the Heaven Breaking Hammer was perfectly smashed at Ye Di. Just as people thought, Ye Di was very This ancient killer is powerless!

"Heaven Breaking Hammer, one hammer breaks the sky, the Azure Emperor has not yet exerted one percent of its power, he just hammered out that piece of void, but obviously, the enchanting Ye Di was finally cut off."

"Even the emperor is in vain! How about the Nine Dao Body? What about a transcendent magical skill? Tian Secret, all will be other people's wedding clothes, being plundered by others—"

"The Heavenly Secrets that the Blue Emperor is worthy of, use his means to refine the night emperor's many divine arts, and the heavens will once again appear a monstrous-level power. He will walk out of the Fawang divine cave, invincible!"


The green veins on Qinghuang's forehead were beating again and again.

Something is wrong!

The Skybreaker Hammer is impossible to emit colored fluorescence! Qinghuang was shocked!

not good!

Greatly bad!

The expression on Qinghuang's face changed drastically, and the colored fluorescence on the surface of the Heavenly Breaker's Hammer was gradually covered. He sacrificed the Heavenly Breaker's Hammer for several epochs and suddenly lost contact with him!

To the naked eye--

The Sky Broken Hammer is shrinking rapidly!

"Hey! Do you dare to take my hammer, I will chase you to any corner of the heavens!" Qinghuang was heartache to the extreme, his face was murderous, and he roared in the direction of the narrowing of the sky breaking hammer!

what? !

All the spectators were dumbfounded, no one thought that they would have reached this point! The Qinghuang was angry, but it was because the hammer was seized?

Chi Chi -

In the end, the Skybreaker Hammer shrank to a length of two meters, while Su Jin was sweating coldly, watching a ghost shadow appearing in the void.

That imaginary soul shadow, about fifteen or sixteen years old, a girl, with two hairy ball-shaped horns in her hair, elven ears, and a height of about 1.65 meters. She opened her arms and her colorful skirt sleeves looked like butterflies. , His hands are pressing on the surface of the Heaven Breaking Hammer!

"I'm so tired, Master——" The voice is warm, and the listener seems to have opened the door to a new world. The voice is absolutely unbelievable. It is hard to imagine that there is such a beautiful voice in the world.

The existence of the womb!

The tall soul shadow like an elf, Xiyan was taken in by the fateful gourd and returned to his body.

Su Jin just gave up struggling! But at that moment, the destiny gourd shook, and the soul shadow of the divine fetus rushed out of the gourd, and directly held it in the palm of the hand with its vast divine power, shrank the Heaven Breaking Hammer, cutting off the connection between this treasure and the Azure Emperor!

It's not just other people shocked--

Even Su Jin was shocked. Unless he ordered the Fate Gourd, no one had ever been taken in, and he could still come out, even if the soul was out of his body!

Could it be--

Could it be that this born divine womb has the ability to escape from fate?

Can't care so much!

Su Jin held the Heaven Breaking Hammer with both hands, the hammer **** in front, the colored light gradually receded, he poured out the mighty power of the ghost king, and the endless scarlet ghost king curse was imprinted in the hammer!


Streaks of crimson brilliance appeared on the surface of the hammer quickly, that was Su Jin's ghost king power! It can be said that he has already practiced this hammer initially!

"Give it back to me!" Qinghuang hated the sky, and didn't even think about it. He strode directly towards Su Jin, with sixteen arms, twisting a whirlpool air current in the void. For a while, the starry sky seemed to have returned to the time when the era was just opened. The disaster is evil!

Bang bang bang--

Like a mountain range, the silver arm slammed into Su Jin's location!

Su Jin’s figure is quite flexible. If the Heaven Breaking Hammer is very heavy, he will avoid the silver arm attack faster. It seems that the hammer is taken away, which is too hurt for the Qing Emperor, otherwise he would not want to take it like this. go!

Gradually, Su Jin felt that the Heaven Breaking Hammer seemed to be connected to his own blood and life, and the feeling was like when he once realized the sword of the sword and realized the way of the sword!

The Shengcai Peacocks are a little strange now.

"The color fluorescence just now, I thought it was the divine glow from the nine bodies of Ye Di!" Concubine Yu opened her mouth slightly and said in a shocked tone.

"No! That's... the power of the born god!" Shi Meiren felt that her guess would not be false, absolutely not!

"Strange! It seems to be the power of the divine fetus. She did not know how much divine power she had absorbed in the Phoenix Collector's Nest. Even the ten great Dharma kings were willing to waste countless years and protect them to this day, but how can the divine fetus help Ye Di?" Cai Peacock cried out puzzled.

"My boss, Ye Di, who can figure it out?" Long Yuhao smiled.

"It's hard to say the victory or defeat. Although the Ye Emperor has mastered the Heaven Breaking Hammer, this hammer requires a long-term sacrifice of the sun and the moon, otherwise it will be difficult to exert a powerful divine power. Moreover, he has already spent a lot of energy and exhausted his power. , Qinghuang still occupies a great advantage." Shi Meiren said with a solemn expression.

"Unfortunately, the fetus helped him once--" Gu Tangyan shook his head slightly, paying attention to the battlefield.


Su Jin didn't know that he was still disfavored by many people. This Qinghuang might have lost his mind. You know, how could he hurt his Nine Dao Body by just using this inferior method?


The Heavenly Broken Hammer seemed to have turned into a crimson color, and Su Jin’s handle of the hammer held by both hands, faintly spreading with the Flintlock **** pattern, as if a fire-colored totem——

And this hammer seems to be awakening! There was a trembling that only Su Jin could hear!

"Qinghuang! Today this king must kill you--" Su Jin held the Heaven Breaking Hammer, and this Qinghuang offensive became more and more fierce. He could no longer continue to sacrifice, and could only fight hard!

Jump up!

Su Jin grabbed the Heaven Breaking Hammer, stared at Qinghuang closely, and then raised...

Qinghuang was stupid.

How could Heaven Breaking Hammer be sacrificed so quickly? When he first got it, he couldn't lift it up at all, but what was the situation of the Ye Emperor!

"God, Donghuang Bell, Tian Secret! It's all mine!" Qinghuang reacted, roaring like thunder.

Su Jin was too lazy to talk to him again, a fool, his nine powers swarmed into the Skybreaker Hammer, the light of the Hammer seemed to turn into a strange path of laws.

The sky is shaking.

The earth seems to be affected, cracking inch by inch!

Hit it!

The world is broken!

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