My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2895: Lord of Judgment?

Qinghuang completely changed his expression--

At this moment, the cracked earth is erupting with active magma, the stars disappear into the sky, and the cracked sky, there are endless void debris ups and downs.

The ancient Wuqiang seems to be blowing from the deepest part of deep space, and the sound of the whine seems to dominate the pulsation of all things, and the rhythmic melody floats on the edge of the sea of ​​forgetting!

On the battlefield, Qinghuang bears the brunt!

When the world-shaking hammer fell, Qinghuang's face turned black, and the entire giant body, facing such a magnificent scene, was just like a flat boat in the ocean, so weak——

Three silver arms were hit by the suddenly condensed shadow of the hammer!

It became Feiyan in an instant!



Su Jin picked up the Heaven's Hammer and looked a little surprised.

The power of this hammer has exceeded his expectations!

Hate hate hate!

"Small~~~ wicked animal!!" Qinghuang almost shouted at Su Jin with a gritted teeth, and then continued to roar with hiss: "Destroy my **** arm, grab my treasure hammer, this hatred is not shared! I want I will peel you off your skin and bones, and break your body into pieces!!"

"The last person who talked to me like this can't even reincarnate and rebuild--" Su Jin carried the Heaven Breaking Hammer on his shoulders. He looked quite relaxed, and even touched a cigarette to light it, his temperament is not unassuming. !

Qinghuang's pupils shrank slightly.

Now that the Skybreaker Hammer has changed hands, it has become a catastrophe. If it weren’t for this hammer, he couldn’t have lost three of his arms in vain. Even if he condenses three more with his divine power now, it is not an arm of flesh and blood, his silver arm cannot. regeneration!

At this moment, all the monks are boiling over!

"Even though the Azure Emperor has monstrous power, after the Heaven Breaking Hammer was taken, there was even some no way to take the Ye Emperor!" Some people still can't believe what they see.

"The Heaven Breaking Hammer was almost completely refined by the sacrifice, but why was it seized? What's the origin of the divine womb? It seems to be a goddess, and the colored stars can seize the control of the divine hammer in an instant, and this Qinghuang, it seems that there was no such great power in ancient times—"

"The divine fetus contended by several parties is naturally extraordinary. I don't know who will have the last laugh! Now the two are fighting, I don't know if there are any powerful eyes in the dark. Of course, this possibility is not very high. Deterrence is too strong."

"Yedi walked out of the God's Cavern with the Heaven Breaking Hammer, that scene...I dare not even think about it!"


Many people marveled.

In addition to marveling, it seems that more people believe that Yedi now has the ability to kill the Azure Emperor!

Qinghuang's eyes gradually turned into a blood-red color--

An unusual wind blows from the depths of the Forgotten Sea. The weather here is not cold, but it blows on the face like a knife!

Snow-white icebergs began to rise in the depths of the Forgotten Sea!

"Xiao Niehu! You will start to enjoy it later. I originally prepared this method for Tian Lei Peng. Now that it has been cut off by you, you have to bear it!" Qing Huang grinned: " Maybe you don’t know my true identity!"

"You are a dog, and you really are..." Su Jin sniffed a little.

"This emperor is the Lord of Judgment! If my enemy were not too strong, how could I shrink into this corner! I worked hard for many years, and now the treasure hammer has been taken away by you, I want to retake it!" Qinghuang The remaining thirteen arms are open, with unconcealable confidence in the tone!

"Then your enemy can be relaxed, because today I will kill you!"


The iceberg has risen. After the Qinghuang's stern drink, the Sea of ​​Forgotten began to freeze under that terrible low temperature. The temperature is too terrible. The Sea of ​​Forgotten has never frozen before!

From the naked eye, on every iceberg, there are densely packed ice monuments!

An ice corpse is embedded in each ice stele--

It's all kneeling!

"It turns out that he is the Lord of Judgment! No wonder I look familiar." Shengcai Peacock said: "There are his catalogues in the ancient books, but this person should have been ancient. The body of the sixteen-armed blue emperor should be The existence that has been repaired in reincarnation is the same as you..."

While speaking, Shengcai Peacock looked at Gu Tangyan.

Gu Tangyan is the current life of Tianjun Tianjun, the remote first life, she is not strong, but it is because of this life that her strength and identity are greatly reduced. .

"The scars on the ice corpses don't seem to be the same method." Long Yuhao said strangely.

"Normally, God’s Cave of the King of God has gone through many times of great cleansing. People like you who came in to find God’s treasures have died many times. The Lord of Judgment took the body and hid it, and then used the method of sacrifice and refining to return to the past. The summit of glory." Shi Meiren nodded and said.

"It's so cold--" Concubine Yu couldn't help shivering.

As more icebergs rise.

The ice corpses enclosed in the transparent stele began to open their eyes one by one!

In an instant, all the spectators supported their body protection!

Click, click, click——

There are some weak monks, Baoguang is frozen like a glass ball, screaming one after another!

Shi Meiren immediately propped up the enchantment and enveloped Gu Tangyan in it, thus resisting the cold attack.

one million.

Ten million.

As more and more ice corpses opened their eyes, the number was unimaginable! In the end, a full 80 million ice monuments began to tremble, and the ice corpses among them screamed. The black sky above the Sea of ​​Forgotten seemed to be illuminated by snow-white icebergs!

Vaguely, an eight-million-foot-high ice-colored cross rose from the ground among ten thousand icebergs, and the grievances appealed by 80 million ice corpses made the scalp numb!

Su Jin's smile gradually disappeared. Even though the hammer was held in his hand, the hammer had already poured out two blows. One was used by the Azure Emperor, and the other time he had just smashed the three arms of the Azure Emperor——

If you still have the power to infuse the hammer, there is no need to worry, but now...

"Do you want to use the ice corpse resentment to judge this king?" Su Jin flicked the soot, very dangerous... Almost unable to bear the strength of the Vulcan arm, he wanted to give this Qinghuang another hammer.

"You can't hide, this is your life--" Qing Huang said coldly.

Su Jin sniffed and smiled, throwing away his cigarette butts at random——

The eight million-foot-high ice-colored cross seemed to have become the mainstay of the God's Cave of the King of Faith, propping up the sky, and even the highest point reached the world beyond the Cave of the King of Faith!

Circles of weird power, invisible to tangible, gradually separated from Su Jin...

The tiger's body shook slightly.

Su Jin frowned, his body seemed uncontrollable, and strangely began to be curled up——

Roll towards that ice cross!

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