My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2900: Octagonal Sendai

Into the head——

The scene that appeared made Su Jin astonished.

A naive white whale and dolphin, but three meters in length, two small eyes seem to be unable to open, the mouth opened, and a column of sea water sprayed over.

"Don't, don't make trouble." The **** the back of the whale and dolphin was a little flustered, and yelled softly at a loss. On her long hair like a waterfall, purple tied in a daze, with a snow jade bell tied to her wrist, clutching a piece of green bamboo. Looked at Young Master Su in a panic.

This is Yedi!


Especially the ‘Sky Breaker’ behind Su Jin gave her an unimaginable feeling of prestige——

"The girl is..." Su Jin thought for a while, but couldn't figure out why this girl wanted to leave the big army, but followed.

"I, I, my name..." The girl swallowed, some hesitating, but she was scolding herself in her heart. What is my name?

Su Jin looked ashamed, it seemed that she was scared, and immediately nodded and said: "Don't be nervous."

"My nickname is Zhuer." The girl said blushing.

"Where is the name?" Su Jin asked jokingly.

"Lin Zhuer."

"Why did you follow?"

"It's not what I want." Lin Zhuer's face was blood-red, and she patted the whale and dolphin under the seat, "It's making trouble, it's the one who came to find you--"

The majestic and mighty Yedi Lord, with a noble status, who would dare to risk his head off and offend the Yedi? If it wasn't for this cetacean to catch too strange, she wouldn't come, a big figure like Ye Di Su Jin, watching from a distance, admiring it.

This whale and dolphin--

Su Jin tilted his head, his eyes flashed, and vaguely saw the whale and dolphin's head, there seemed to be a special brilliance.

Reach out.

Su Jin gently twirled his fingers and walked away in circles.

The whale and dolphins neighed, and on the smooth head, there was a circle of mellow road signs. As expected, a blue yin and yang gossip picture appeared on the whale and dolphins' head——


"Woo-" The whale and dolphins seemed to enjoy it, swimming in front of Su Jin and letting his hand gently stroke his head, his expression turned out to be very humane with a smile.

Lin Zhu'er's smart eyes were full of helplessness.

Su Jin frowned slightly. This whale and dolphin felt very ordinary to him, but there was something wrong. In short, he was not a zoologist. He shook his head and looked at Lin Zhuer and said, "You better not follow me. , There will be danger, so go back to your people."

After that, Su Jin turned around and left~~~

Lin Zhuer didn't speak, but the whales and dolphins were still following. Su Jin was really surprised when he saw this, so he didn't take care of it...

After walking about three hundred miles to the bottom of the center of the Forgotten Sea, Su Jin walked to the edge of a submarine volcano and stopped!

Densely dense holes appeared on this submarine volcano, like a hornet's nest, but from the holes, it was a pale pink hookah. Not far from this submarine volcano, Su Jin finally made a good discovery !

Lin Zhuer really admired Yedi's luck and luck——

On the left, five miles away from the submarine volcano, there is a sword tower!

That sword tower is 30 meters high. I don’t know what kind of sacred tree it was built. It hasn’t been decayed during such a long time on the bottom of the sea. Hundreds of swords of various lengths are inserted into it, and there is even a dead corpse sitting on it. !

That's right!

Fairy corpse!

Although it has become a skinny state, but with long white beards and scattered long white hair, there is a feeling of life when I look at it——

"Although the immortal cultivation of the heavens is still huge, it has long been suppressed by the gods. Five immortal cultivation among a hundred people is considered good. This ancient person should have been sitting here very early." Lin Zhuer Sitting on the whale and dolphins, he swam to Su Jin's side, and said slowly and gently.

"Why are you still not leaving?" Su Jin turned to look at her and asked.

"Why... I'm afraid that I will grab your precious treasure?" Lin Zhuer asked with courage and akimbo.

Su Jin:...

I'm so speechless.

I said it earlier, it's dangerous to follow him, this Lin Zhuer didn't even listen.

Lin Zhuer saw that Su Jin didn't speak, and thought that Ye Di was not a person who does not distinguish between good and evil. He had better contact with him than imagined. Then he spread his hands and said, "It's troublesome to follow, what can I do?"

"Follow it!" Su Jin stretched out a finger, scratched his head, walked to the front of the sword building, and looked around——

This place was supposed to be an immortal cultivating site. There were many immortal foundations in the place where I just stepped in, but after the ruthless years, other places were destroyed and washed away by the sea, only this sword tower stood tall. Down, the corpse will live forever.

"There is an octagonal fairy well..." Lin Zhuer quickly got off the whale and dolphin and ran over.

"Don't look at what you shouldn't." Su Jin cried out for a headache, and directly stopped speaking.

"I want it." Lin Zhuer seemed to reveal his nature.

Xianjing octagonal, gray and primitive, due to the opening of the barrier, the surrounding sea is completely isolated, the water in Xianjing has fallen a little, dark, and Lin Zhuer ran to the edge, carefully observing the pattern on the edge, but I can't understand it.

And Su Jin looked at the fairy corpse, and the atmosphere was a little weird——

These fairy swords, if they were put in the same year, are of very good quality, but Su Jin pulled out one from the sword tower, but secretly shook his head, and broke when pulled out. These fairy swords have long lost the fairy cloud, and they have nothing to do with scrap iron. the difference.

"Brother Ye Di, come and see!" Lin Zhuer waved her hand with joy, without turning her head back, even yelling lying on the edge of the octagonal fairy well.

Su Jin stepped to her side, the girl's unique fragrance was smelled by him as he breathed, and she couldn't help but feel comfortable, and asked, "What?"

"In the well, I have seen my future--" Lin Zhuer looked at the well without blinking, and continued: "I am wearing a phoenix crown and a robe, and there are many maids following behind!"

how is this possible……

What is the origin of this octagonal fairy? Su Jin naturally did not believe what Lin Zhuer said. No one can know the future, let alone a well. However, Su Jin is still curious. After all, he is in the heavens, and sometimes he can’t help but believe it. evil!

"Illusion--" Su Jin said lightly.

"It's not an illusion! If you don't believe me, take a look, you can really see it." Lin Zhuer turned his head now, somewhat more real.

Su Jin hesitated a little. He didn't want to look at it. After all, if he saw some sights, it would mess up his Daoism and affect his future journey to the heavens. But since Lin Zhuer said that, he just took a look. !

"Okay, take a look." Su Jin nodded gently.

"Tell me what you see, everyone has already told you." Lin Zhuer believed this very much, but she didn't expect to encounter such a treasure well.

Su Jin pressed his hands on the two rims of the Bajiao Xianjing, and slowly looked towards the water surface under the well——

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