My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2901: Time and Space Swordsmanship

The water surface in the well fell by two feet, Su Jin's three pupils were superimposed, and the three-color pupils turned around. Lin Zhuer looked at him with a tongue out, his heart beating wildly.

Su Jin only felt in a daze--

Ripples appeared on the surface of the well, and he saw the most unforgettable scene of his life!

It was a vast and icy starfield, like the darkness that never sees the sun forever, with a total of 8,000 corpses of divine beasts, pulling chains, binding a mouthful of the underground palace grave hall, floating among the dark stars——

Lonely cool, eternal silence.

The underground palace grave hall is very vast. Su Jin first vaguely saw two coffin coffins side by side in the underground palace grave hall, one of which was a nine-color lacquer coffin, with rich patterns. Among them were young people with disheveled hair and three eyes!

To be precise, it should be three empty eye holes, the eyes of the gods were dug out, and the shroud covering the body was white, and the corpse cloth was stained with large blood stains, and the appearance was miserable. The other coffin is as white as ice and snow, and there is a woman in plain white clothes faintly in it. This female fairy, with a superb posture, is frozen by the entire ice coffin!

Su Jin trembled all over--

So familiar, who is not Xia Yuyan!

I don't know if it is an illusion or a mistake, Su Jin even heard a faint female crying in the scene of the grave hall of the underground palace. He can't tell who it is, but it must be the grave guard!

There is eternal silence, that star field, tens of billions of miles without people, along with a planet without any living creatures, the underground palace grave hall fell into eternal solitude——

"What do you see?" Lin Zhuer interrupted Su Jin's thoughts. She saw that Su Jin's expression was very wrong, and she was green for a while and white for a while, and she had a vague guess.

Guards, how many people are so dead?

Who in the world can't die?

Who in the world is willing to be ordinary, mediocre, and live a long life?

Su Jin slowly backed up a step and left the Bajiao Xianjing. He would fight against the heavens in the future. In all likelihood, he would not die, but he did not want to involve too many people. And when did the scene in the scene happen? He does not know--

"It's nothing." Su Jin glanced at Lin Zhu'er, hugged his fists and said: "Miss Lin, the sky is vast, let's make a difference now, let's see bye bye-"

Su Jin took a cigarette in his mouth and lit it silently. Today, whether he can find the ruler, he will walk out of the God's Cave of the King, but he does not know that his parents are still safe, and he... misses his wife.

Especially after seeing the scene just now, I miss it very much.

When he returned to China, he rushed to the Five Elements Heaven to promote the process of counterattack the heavens!

"Stingy, I didn't bother you..." Lin Zhuer pouted a little.

Su Jin breathed out smoke, turned around and walked to the sword tower, facing the sitting old man in the sword tower, his hands clasped together, circles of Buddha light lit up the sword tower.

Encounter is destiny——

The seniors in this sword tower are the seniors, even if they are sitting corpses, it will be a matter of frustration.

Lin Zhuer stretched her head and glanced carefully, and saw that Su Jin stood straight and had aloof temperament, which had a great impact on her heart...


The entire ancient sword building started to tremble. The old man who was sitting in the sword building started to turn into powder under the superpower of the Buddha's light, but soon changed suddenly!

Lin Zhuer was covering Ying's mouth, looking at the sword tower, a phantom old man actually rose up—

"My friend, I have a sword. Would you like to learn it?" The old man had a great phantom, his sword eyebrows grew out of his temples, and his eyes looked like star pupils, staring at Su Jin and asking.

"No." Su Jin shook his head.

"Why?" The old man phantom seemed very puzzled.

"I am a capable person, and I will be able to use it in my whole life. I am afraid it will be difficult to agree to the will of the seniors." Su Jin answered lightly.

Lin Zhu'er opened her eyes wide, how did she feel that Lord Ye Di was a little strange? It's so pretentious, I don't follow the routine at all! If I change to someone else, such as her, I'm afraid I will go straight to bow down and lead the worldless swordsmanship!

The old man's phantom seems a little helpless--

A trace of spiritual aspirations was almost exhausted in countless years. He just wanted to pass on the mantle after meeting people. He had thought long ago, no matter who it is, as long as he is willing to come forward and bow down, he will give and inherit regardless of his aptitude. The young man is unwilling to learn!


It's not bad!

"I am the first batch of immortal cultivators in ancient times, named Huanyu Sword God, I have an extraordinary sword, enough to let you cross the world! You should have heard of my Huanyu Sword God's name taboo" The old man shadowed his beard, and seemed to want to work hard .

"I haven't heard of--" Su Jin shook his head.

Lin Zhuer:...

Universal Sword God:...

So angry! Can you give me some face?

"I think you have a avenue of sword gods. It seems that you are walking all the way with the sword body. It seems to be the way of that boy Hongyu. Back then, our nine great sword gods were in a single faction. The sword god's will is distributed all over the world. The sword body avenue is not strong enough, it is better to learn my killing swordsmanship, the two sword **** avenues combined together, will definitely be invincible in the future!" The old man said with a kind smile.

"How can I be free, brother? It doesn't take time to learn Kendo?" Su Jin held his cigarette **** and took a breath.

"You--" Huanyu Sword God almost cried. When he was still alive, among the nine great sword gods, he had the least disciple. Because the swordsmanship he developed was too avant-garde, the disciple could only learn a little fur at most, and he was influential. He was the worst.

Now there are people who still don't want to learn his swordsmanship!

"Senior, how about you teach Lin Zhuer--" Su Jin pointed at Lin Zhuer and said slowly.

"Can I?" Lin Zhuer was very excited, with a little sprouting on her face, and she was about to step forward in anger.

The Huanyu Sword God’s old face changed, and he shook his head again and again: "My killing swordsmanship is difficult for women to learn. You have to use steel-like killing intent to barely get started. You girl looks good, but you can't learn my mantle and inheritance, but I I can teach you a mysterious sword, which is a sword skill I created for the former Taoist couple Qing Xuanyi."

"Okay, okay--" Lin Zhuer washed away disappointed, and bowed down three times before shouting to the master.

Finally, the Sword God of Universe looked at Su Jin eagerly...

Su Jin threw away his cigarette butts.

"Smelly boy, today you have to learn, and if you don't, you have to learn! My'space-time swordsmanship' is what I have learned throughout my life. I have become famous for this sword **** and must not be lost!" , Gradually turned into a ray of fireflies.

The swords on the entire sword tower all flew, constantly changing their trajectories in the void——

Lin Zhu'er also had a ‘Xuannv Sword’ imprinted in his mind, and after overjoyed, she began to sit down and comprehend carefully--

But Su Jin's mind was flashing, and phantom shadows appeared in his mind.

The sword styles used by those phantoms are very sharp, or the eagle hits the sky, or holds the Yuan Shouyi, or makes a sword with one hand, or breaks through the stars, many sword styles, no less than 10,000 moves! Su Jin was also attracted for a while, this time and space swordsmanship is far more powerful than his own swordsmanship!

It's more than a hundred times more powerful!

Miao Miao Miao!

This time and space swordsmanship is simply perfect!

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