My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2902: Dragon Corpse

With the ups and downs of the sword marks and the endless evolution of sword skills, Su Jin has an illusion, and that illusion is very familiar——

That is the taste of time.

Thousands of times, every shadow of the sword was condensed, and countless swords were imprinted in Su Jin's mind, forming a profound time-space kendo. Su Jin gently stretched out his hand and rose to the stage— —

The imprint of the'wheel of years' on the ascending platform flickered slightly, a circle of light wrapped Su Jin, his right hand slowly turned over, and a virtual sword condensed out, and the charm of time and space in it, As if fit in the years.

"God! This is God's will!"

The voice of the sword **** in the universe resounded from nothingness, and seemed to be shocked by Su Jin's acquisition of the Wheel of Time, and then said: "I once came to the Cave of the King of the Fa and I fell deep here, just to find the Wheel of Time. I didn’t expect it to fall into your hands. It’s so good! You are so talented that you have already started in a few breaths for a short time. I’m enough to stare at it. I hope... I hope someone will remember... One of the sword gods..."

"Senior, let's go with peace of mind—" Su Jin said lightly.

Glowing lightly, the Spiritual Wish of the Universal Sword God still wants to condense and form, but this is just futile. He refuses to give up, and asks one thing in his heart that most want to ask: "Where did you find the Wheel of Time?"

"It's very close and far away, beyond the heavens! So, Senior, you're off the track—" Su Jin said.

"In the future, when you can't live forever, can you justify my name? My time and space sword gods may not be as unbearable as I said outside! The nine real sword gods, I can be ranked in the top five, not the last!"

"In my eyes, Senior is the number one sword god!" Su Jin replied.

"Thanks...thanks..." Huanyu Sword God was very satisfied, his voice getting lower and lower, and the little fluorescent light began to dim, like pieces of ignited confetti, finally silenced forever.

Su Jin sighed--

Maybe one day, I will be like the sword **** of the universe, when a hero appears on the stage, and a hero is dying, after all, he can't clean the evaluation of outsiders.

Lin Zhu'er was still closing her eyes, studying the introduction to the'Xuannvjian'. Su Jin looked helpless. Is it that difficult?

One quarter of an hour.

A stick of incense.

Su Jin was a little anxious. During this period, he moved no less than fifteen times. He wanted to leave Lin Zhu'er here and go alone. But in China’s deep-rooted fine tradition, it would be dangerous to leave beautiful women in place. But he is in a hurry!

Fortunately, Lin Zhuer finally opened his eyes——

"Ah? Are you already getting started?" Lin Zhuer opened her eyes wide, staring at Su Jin with a look that looked like a monster, with infinite inconceivability in her tone.

"About a dozen breaths, how about your Profound Girl Sword?" Su Jin asked.

"I haven't gotten started yet--" Lin Zhuer blushed and slowly lowered his head. She looked away with her smart eyes, avoiding Su Jin's gaze, not knowing what she was thinking.

Su Jin touched his forehead, "Is it that difficult?"

"Yes! You think everyone is like you..." Lin Zhuer couldn't help but said.

"You have delayed my time to stick an incense. It's just time to wake up now. Let's say goodbye and go back to your family team." Su Jin said.

"They must have gone very far, so you have the heart to let me go alone in this sea of ​​forgetting? What if you encounter a big monster and eat me? Do you have any sympathy? You—"

"Stop talking, I'll leave as soon as possible." Su Jin whispered a headache, how come he feels that he can meet anyone? Let her continue, I'm afraid it will delay major events.


Lin Zhuer is so clingy! She also knew that Su Jin was not the kind of brutal and vicious person, otherwise she would not dare to talk to Su Jin like this, but it worked!

Gradually, the sea was overwhelmed, and the Bajiao Xianjing was completely covered. With the power barrier that Su Jin opened up, Lin Zhuer and him went farther and farther.

"Big Brother Yedi, they all say that you are not from the heavens, and you don't even bathe in the sacred pond, and you haven't changed, but why are you so powerful? Where are you from?" Lin Zhuer's voice.

"I come from a big world called Huaxia——"

"Never heard of it."

"Our Huaxia Great World has been an expert since ancient times. You must know a few names I said."

"Tell me."

"Suiren, Shennong, Fuxi, Nuwa, Eastern Emperor Taiyi."

"These super guys are of unknown origin. Many people say that they are members of their own big world. How can they prove that they came from your Chinese big world?"

"Because the ancient China Great World is the center of the heavens, but something happened later, you let me prove that I really have a way to prove it, it only depends on whether you believe it or not."


The girl riding a whale and dolphin, and a young man walked farther and farther, and the sound of communication gradually faded away——


Two sticks and half incense passed, and the dark seabed finally became a little more fluorescent.

Su Jin didn't know where the Sea of ​​Forgotten was here. The Sea of ​​Forgotten was too big. One million people would come in. After thousands of years, they would not be able to touch it. Without entering the sea, I don't know how vast the sea is.

Those fluorescent lights are like a kind of shell beads, each of which has the size of a basin. Lin Zhuer and Su Jin are also attracted by these brilliance——

"Sea King Palace."

The three big characters are clearly visible on the main entrance archway. The surrounding area is full of mottled traces of time. It is obvious that there is no knowing how many years, and there is no trace of anger.

Lin Zhuer looked at it and didn't dare to walk into the archway gate and said: "These submarine buildings used to be restricted by barriers, and sea water cannot enter. However, the restrictions have been worn out by the years, and they have lost their divine power. And it’s so cold here, the wind is gusty, how can there be wind on the bottom of the sea——"

Speaking of this, Lin Zhuer shrank his neck.

Su Jin was a little bit chilling.

That's right! Just chilling--

A gust of cloudy wind blew from the Sea King Palace. Although Lin Zhuer couldn't really see the scene outside the palace covered by the sea in the distance, what Su Jin saw was extremely clear!

There has been a slaughter battle here!

There are at least hundreds of dragons who have been beheaded here. The magnificent sea king's palace in the distance is still full of grievances, the dragon blood does not fade, and hundreds of dragon corpses do not rot!

Those hundreds of dragon corpses, who did not know who used the method, turned out to be a large array of dragon corpses, looking at them, their hearts and souls are chilling! Su Jin silently walked into the archway gate of the "Sea King Palace" and walked towards the main hall in the distance, getting closer, getting closer!

The tall and magnificent buildings are full of unfading dragon blood. The entire Sea King Palace is like a hell, everywhere like execution sites, there are weird things that are not clear!

Lin Zhuer's face became paler the more she saw it, and when she saw it clearly, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Ah, many dragon corpses!"

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