My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2903: Kill without mercy!

The scene of the dragon corpse formation is full of weirdness. Who killed so many dragons and laid the corpses here?

Lin Zhuer lightly covered her eyes, seeing the **** scene between her fingers, her heart was flustered, especially the most recent snow-colored dragon corpse, the sight of death, deeply imprinted in her heart, lingering for a long time!

"Don't come near there." Su Jin glanced at Lin Zhuer, "Go into the Sea King Palace and take a look at—"


Lin Zhuer was terribly panicked, and it was weird and terrible here, if it weren't for Ye Di's presence, she would have turned around and ran away at the first glance. That kind of fear gave her the illusion of death.

Su Jin calmly stepped onto the steps----

One step, two steps, Lin Zhuer followed Su Jin's right hand position and walked side by side with him. He almost admired Su Jin in his heart, and he could be so calm in such a big battle!

Stepping on nearly a hundred steps, Su Jin was under the plaque of the Sea King Palace, looking at the dragon corpse formation on the square, looking to the west of the formation, frowning slightly.

"Dragon head altar." Su Jin secretly ordered. Obviously, the giant dragon head was chopped off and made into an altar. However, the species of that dragon is different from the dragon corpses in the dragon corpse array. The dragon head altar is They are two dragon horns that look like antelope horns.

In the dragon corpse formation, there is a Y-shaped dragon horn, and the head is very surprised. From this, it can be concluded that the dragon head altar was brought over, and there are still some of the gods, and the original power Obviously it must be stronger.

"It's scary, the dragon corpses in the big formation seem to be looking at us, or let's not enter the Sea King Palace--" Lin Zhuer felt a little panicked.

"It's late—" Su Jin said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Lin Zhuer's heart tightened.

A trace of red smoke slowly floated from the dragon corpse formation, the entire area began to be filled with red smoke, and the vision was even worse! Lin Zhu'er even felt like she was in a thick fog. Except for Su Jin, it was difficult to see anything else!


My feet trembled, shaking all around! That kind of feeling is as if something is going to be born!

The dragon shadow shook, and the three pupils of the Mohe Zhen Prison Eye, the Great Wisdom Buddha Eye, and the Fire Eye Golden Eye were superimposed on Su Jin's eyebrows. Only then did I see the situation in the dragon corpse formation!


In the dragon corpse formation, a faint dragon man covered with black scales is starting the formation! It is said that it is a dragon, but it is actually a person with dragon horns. This person looks like a middle-aged person, but the dragon horns on the top of his head are like antelope horns!

Could he kill all the dragons in the Sea Palace?

That ‘dragon’s head altar’ is obviously the existence of his own clan, why was it cut off and made it into an altar!

"Bang bang, bang bang."

Su Jin was able to break through the dragon corpse formation, there was a faint heartbeat in his ear, and he always felt something wrong——


When Su Jin looked at the ground of the dragon corpse formation, his eyes flashed sharply, and he secretly took a breath. He seemed to understand and understood the intention of the dragon corpse formation.

"Big Brother Ye Di..." Lin Zhuer touched her forehead, dizzy.

Su Jin glanced at her, stretched out his hand to catch Lin Zhu'er, who had fainted, directly caught Lin Zhu'er in his arms. The red smoke could stun Lin Zhu'er! He didn't feel much on his own, after all, with the addition of Candle Dragon Dao, the reputation of the King of Poisonous Poison was not overshadowed, and the mere dreadfulness was nothing compared to the Poisonous Candle Dragon.

The girl’s body is a great experience! Su Jin squeezed her waist lightly, a wisp of power penetrated into her body, and directly dispelled the poison. After just a few breaths, Lin Zhuer woke up faintly—

"It's okay." Su Jin asked lightly.

"These red smoke is very poisonous." Lin Zhu'er's pretty face changed, but she soon felt that she was in Su Jin's arms, her posture was subtle, her legs were pressed against the man's legs, very embarrassed——

"The poison has been resolved, these poisonous mists will not have any effect on you anymore, stand still, this dragon corpse formation is a bit troublesome." Su Jin glanced at the black dragon man with a wicked smile, and glanced at Lin indifferently. Zhuer glanced.

"Did Brother Ye Di found anything?" Lin Zhuer felt very crusty and a little unstable.

"Use dragon blood to raise the dragon's fetus, use the dragon head altar to sacrifice to the heavens, and pray that God will let the dragon fetus come to the world safely. You swim out a strand of soul, listen carefully, and you can hear the heartbeat. I have found the dragon corpse formation. Below, a female dragon is still alive, carrying a dragon seed." Su Jin said.

Lin Zhuer's face suddenly paled--

Sure enough, using the method suggested by Su Jin, Lin Zhuer really heard the heartbeat, and she quickly said: "There is a terrifying power in the dragon corpse formation!"

Although I didn't see it, Lin Zhuer could clearly feel the power of the black dragon man with his soul!

"It's okay, we enter the Sea King Palace." Su Jingang wanted to help Lin Zhuer turn around.


In the thick red smoke, the dragon man covered with black scales suddenly screamed.

"You better don't mess with me--" Su Jin tilted his head, his tone unusually calm.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~ The mother of dragon has raised her fetus for thousands of years, and no one dares to step into this place for half a step. You are a mortal cultivator, and you can cultivate several avenues, and the whole body is full of great blessings. You are very strange. Ah..." The black dragon man laughed weirdly: "Your heavenly soul is still a golden dragon. It can be transformed into a heavenly dragon body. It's not bad for the little princess's nourishment."

Little princess?

The dragon mother, who takes ten thousand years, is pregnant with a dragon princess? Moreover, this dragon man is simply not ashamed that he wants him to be the nourishment of the dragon princess dignifiedly?

Not long ago, when Su Jin fought to the death, the pill he took made him become the emperor of the true dragon, but he did not expect to be seen through by the black dragon man——

"It's the first time this king has dared to threaten me like this..." The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised slightly, knowing that he could no longer be kind this time, and the other party insisted on provoke him, so he could only choose to fight!

"Big Brother Yedi, be careful." Lin Zhuer could barely stop, leaving Su Jin's warm embrace, watching nervously.

The black dragon man looked cold and arrogant, and walked from the red smoke, "My black dragon has been cast aside forever, and it is no better than you noble dragons, but this situation will soon change. Use your blood soul to nourish the dragon princess, she Soon after she is born, she will become the only black and golden dragon princess in the dragon clan!"

Su Jin listened lazily to his fart——

He just raised his right arm and placed it horizontally in front of him. There was a faintly rich mysterious Taoist rhyme, and the vicissitudes of ancient times seemed to appear on him.

Lin Zhuer was overjoyed, and admired Su Jin even more in her heart. She knew what the reason was! Su Jin's lingering Taoist rhyme now is the avenue that inherited the Universal Sword God before!

Time and Space Sword God Avenue!

Su Jin's eyes were cold and stern, and he slowly said to the black dragonman: "Those who block me... kill me!"

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