My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2905: Guantiantu

Lin Zhuer was so flustered when Su Jin said this.

If you go to find a dragon fetus, you will inevitably collide with the dragon mother, and there is a bigger problem that has not been solved!

"Are we going to break into the dragon corpse formation?" Lin Zhuer looked at Su Jin blankly and asked.

"Of course." Su Jin nodded and continued: "But it's not difficult."

"Is there a way?"

"Yes! There are millions of magic arrays in the world, none of them can escape from the Tao of the Nine Palaces. I am surrounded by Fuxi Daoxia and possess the body of Taoism. If I enter the dragon corpse formation, this formation will be useless for me. When fighting, I secretly tried." Su Jin said with a smile.

Lin Zhuer breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, but it's useless to you, it's definitely useful to me, what should I do, I don't want to just wait in front of the Sea King Palace--"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Zhuer immediately let out an "ah".

Su Jin held her waist that was as silky as a willow, the feeling on his fingertips was a wonderful feeling that was irresistible, and then he smiled and said, "Isn't that all right?"

"Oh-" Lin Zhuer lowered her head, the roots of her embarrassed ears were red, and the temperature of her whole body was rising, and an inexplicable taste developed in her heart.

In the past, only seniors and sisters had hugged them like this when bathing in water, but those were all girls, girls, and they didn't feel this way at all.

A circle of yin and yang fish slowly condensed around the two of them-

Slowly spinning.

Su Jin lightly bottomed his body, bending her right hand to hug her knees, Lin Zhuer was hugged between her hands, stepped on her feet, and the two rushed directly into the dragon corpse formation.

Hundreds of dragon corpses, with different postures, Su Jin and Lin Zhuer rushed into them, feeling like they were traveling through hundreds of mountains. If Su Jin had the power of the Taoist god, even if he was more powerful. Double three times, I'm afraid that I won't be able to walk in properly, but I blame the Black Dragon Venerable for being too careless and not relying on this power to deal with him.

Just like this, Su Jin became more and more curious about the dragon mother and the dragon fetus——

Lin Zhu'er's brain was blank, as if stuck, she was facing the sky, and this gesture of holding her just made her see Su Jin's face and chin, and this feeling... so strange--

"What are you doing looking at me like this? Am I very handsome?" Su Jin asked jokingly.


Lin Zhu'er's two lips were slightly raised, her head turned, her face was hot, and she soon said in surprise: "We seem to be going through a scene here. Is the dragon corpse formation running?"

"It's been running all the time, I haven't heard of it at all. As for this low-level blindness, don't look at it. My pupil technique has found the gate, and I will rush in now!" Su Jin gave a soft cry, and the two seemed to be a long rainbow. Like a meteor, rushed into a virtual array gate.

Darkness came unexpectedly.

Tick, tick.

Under the dragon corpse formation, there is a prominent underground palace, and looking at the direction of this underground palace passage, it should be able to lead to the Sea King Palace! Su Jin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If he had just walked into the Sea King Palace, if he encountered the dragon mother without knowing it, he really didn't know what the consequences would be—

Now that I know the existence of the dragon mother and the dragon fetus, I have a bottom.

The scene was quiet and terrible.

Lin Zhuer put her hands on Su Jin's chest and let him hold it away, her small face tried to stick to the surface of the solid clothes slightly, her heart beating very fast.

The passage was not extending in all directions. Soon Su Jin walked into a large hall. On the edge of the rock wall, an old stone man and a soul existed!

The old stone man did not know where he came from, and kept his head up looking at the wall picture. There was no movement for the arrival of Su and Jin. It was too old, as if only the fluctuation of the soul existed——

Su Jin was secretly startled, and looked at the wall picture that the old stone man was looking at. The wall picture seemed to be natural, with dense shadow marks running around.

"The head is dizzy~~~" Lin Zhuer was so frightened that she didn't dare to look at it again. The patterns in the wall picture resembled words and pictures, and it was jerky and difficult to understand. She faintly figured out a word, but she was looking back. At that moment, she had forgotten the handwriting again, and couldn't remember it, as if she had been brainwashed.

"Friend Daoist, can you understand?" The old stone man made a voice, turned his head hard, looked at Su Jin and said, his gray stone man eyes were with a strong surprise.

"I can understand, but I can't understand the essence of it. Senior, does this picture have a story?" Su Jin's heart jumped inexplicably and couldn't help asking.

"Five of the top 30 divine treasures in the ancient world are left in the God Cave of the King of the Fa. Since you can see that I am not a human race, why call me senior, and I still don't break it--" Old Stone said.

"What can I do if I break it? However, I did come for what the predecessor said about the "meter ruler". I don't know if the ruler is among the "five pieces" the senior said." Su Jin nodded.

"Weigh the sky ruler... you go grab it and wake up the lord. She can make you into ashes with **** directly. That is what she regards as a life item." The old stone man slowly said: " You have the Eastern Emperor Bell, so why bother to be greedy for that ruler—"

"What is greed? I just accumulate capital for the future. Of course, you may not understand capital. In terms of accumulation, it might be better."

"Do you know where the five divine treasures of the Fawang God Cave are ranked?"

"I don't know." Su Jin shook his head.

"Third." Old Stoneman sighed, "Since you met me, it's a chance. Don't disturb the female dragon and the dragon egg. I will send you a metamorphosis."

"Senior should be a divine treasure, right -" Su Jin said lightly: "Or, you are part of this mural."

Lin Zhuer was taken aback when she heard this.

The old stone man is obviously separated from the wall picture, and there is still a soul, and he can speak human words. How can he be a god? Not like! She doesn't feel like it at all!

"You dare to accept this trial and understand this picture within a day. If you succeed, you will benefit infinitely. Of course, failure must be punished--" Lao Shiren said.

"Of course accept!" Su Jin said proudly.

"You don't yet know the consequences of failure—"

"What are the consequences?"

"Failed, I will cut you off, seal the corpse, and bury the deep space forever..." the old stone man said in a weird tone.

Su Jin's spirit was shocked. He saw that scene in the Bajiao Xianjing. Could this old stone man be able to break good fortune and know his future destination and fate?

Still in the future and inquiries, the old stone man turned into a puff of gray mud and blended into the wall picture. Su Jin immediately put down Lin Zhuer, his soul could not be controlled, and he rushed directly into the wall picture. !

"This...Is this the No. 1 sacred treasure in the God Cave of the King of the Faith? It is even more prestigious than the "Land Ruler"?" Su Jin's surprise was unprecedented!

Su Jin feels that the soul is roaming in the vastness——

The old stone man answered his question: "I call the stone man Guantiantu, and the heavens call it the'guantiantu'."


Su Jin was completely shocked!

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