My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2906: Body view of the sky

More than shocking——

When Su Jin walked over, he noticed that the old stone man was in the form of observing the sky, and sensed that it was wrong. The whole picture seemed to be the same as that of the stone man, so it was easy to think that the old stone man had a spirit!

It turns out that when Su Jin Yuanshen came out of his body and wandered around Taixu, his feelings were not as profound as this time. The eternal law is endless, as if contained in this vast picture!

Su Jin's primordial spirit swam freely in it, and even let out a long roar, a magnificent yin and yang fish was condensed, and he comprehended many dharma enlightenment crazily.

Comprehend this picture in one day?

What a day!

Half a day is enough!

Lin Zhuer was sitting leaning against the wall, her little snow-white hand resting her cheek, and seeing Su Jin with her eyes closed, standing under the wall picture, she didn't dare to look at the picture again, she might be confused!

"How long will it take--" Lin Zhuer yawned, and looked away from Su Jin. When she thought of where this place was, she immediately cheered up!

This is the Lair of the Dragon Mother!

There should be a dragon egg that contains the black dragon princess! If discovered by the dragon mother, Lin Zhuer really doesn't know what to do, and Su Jin is now fully comprehending that he has no time to take care of the dangers here——

Ye Di is so handsome~~~

Lin Zhuer found that she seemed to look at it, or she couldn't help looking at Ye Di's face. Whether she looked from the left or the right, she felt extraordinary aura from any angle!




Su Jin Yuanshen’s body suddenly began to tremble again and again. His current feelings are quite real. Wandering in the "Guantian Tu", as if he could see the operation of the law of trillions, if not for his ability to count and use, plus he was born smart Extraordinary, I am afraid that I will burst into death in an instant when I change to anyone!

"This view of the sky, as I have learned more and more, it seems that I really feel a kind of Dao truth, and my nine Dao Dao seem to have grown to varying degrees." Su Jin couldn't help it. excitement.

The wheel of years is still changing the time passing around it, and the speed of time passing seems to be much slower. Su Jin's left eye has a "fire eye and golden eye", his right eye is Mohe's prison eye, and his vertical eye is the pupil of the great wisdom Buddha!


Su Jin blasted through the cycles of time, and the tree of enlightenment suddenly spread its branches and leaves, expressing the traces of enlightenment, unfolding behind him!

Lin Zhuer gently covered her small mouth, watching all this incredible!

Of course she recognized it, it was the tree of enlightenment! The only eternal!


Circles of Buddha's light enveloped Su Jin's body, among which wisps of Buddhist scriptures swiftly swam, Lin Zhu'er was caught by the Buddha's light, and he felt like a master! That is the majesty of Buddhism in "Ten Thousand Buddhas Going to the Sky"

On top of Su Jin's head, nine divine lotuses of different colors, crystal clear, floated up slowly, each wrapped in a nine palace gossip picture, Lin Zhuer was even more excited! This is Taoist means! And she even felt the existence of a natural artistic conception of Taoism——

Boom boom boom——

Around Su Jin Dao's body, ripples appeared, as if hitting the barrier with a stone! His body, the Dao Zang Zi Mansion is constantly being developed!

Wild South Dao Tibetan Scriptures!

It's really terrible.

Lin Zhuer has never seen such a terrifying existence. Fukuze is profound, and she still can't figure out that Ye Di is called a heaven-defying person, why is there such a powerful opportunity?

Also, fellow practitioners of the Nine Paths, the Ghost King Road is willing to go hand in hand with the other Dao Dao, which is called the One-Man Dao. If this were placed before, no one would even dare to think about it! Because it is impossible!

In a blink of an eye, two sticks of incense passed by——

During this period, Lin Zhuer did not let go of this opportunity. Then, with the power of ten thousand Buddhas to break the illusion and the real scroll, coupled with the approach to the tree of enlightenment, she could break the method of getting started with the "Xuannvjian"! It can be said that the tree of enlightenment is 70% successful!

If not, it will take Lin Zhuer at least several decades to get started with "Xuan Nv Sword"!

Half a day.

The wall picture suddenly began to crack, and pieces fell to the ground. Su Jin's soul returned, his whole body trembled, and the tree of enlightenment disappeared.

Su Jin stepped back two steps, looking at the rocks on the ground——

Chi Chi Chi.

Su Jin's body was bathed in radiance, he was so hot, standing still, squeezing his fists!

The upper body shirt turned into powder in an instant!

Lin Zhuer opened his eyes wide, and vaguely saw Su Jin's back, a vast and boundless catalogue flashed and floated! But just a breath disappeared, and she even suspected that she had made a mistake!

wrong! You are absolutely right!

The shock in Lin Zhu'er's heart surpassed her cognition. She knew that Master Ye Di had already known the Tiantian map, and this Tiantian map was hidden behind his back!

"Guantian Tu" on my back!

With black hair and no wind, Su Jin turned around and looked at Lin Zhuer——

What kind of eyes are that...

Lin Zhuer was about to faint in shock!

Su Jin's eyes are actually okay, a little faintly red, but in the vertical eyes between his brows, it seems that there is a stone man being sacrificed in it. The stone man is old, not the previous one or who?

"Your Profound Girl Sword, you're getting started--" Su Jin glanced at Lin Zhuer, closed his eyes vertically, and said in a flat tone.

"Uh, um!" Lin Zhuer nodded in surprise, and pointed at Su Jin's eyebrows, "That old stone man..."

"It's not a human being, it's just a part of the Guantian map." Su Jin sighed with emotion.

"No! How do you know that my Profound Girl Sword is getting started?" Lin Zhu'er's eyes widened, this requires extremely high attainments! Although Lord Yedi is strong, he can see through it at a glance, how is it possible!

Su Jin didn't say--

When he just watched Lin Zhu'er, the working meridian in Lin Zhu'er's body, and even the special Taoism was revealed. He could see it all, and after viewing the Tiantian map, he felt that there was a deeper level in everything he saw. That kind of feeling is definitely not something that can be solved by practice and time.

What else does Lin Zhuer want to say...

Su Jin raised his hand and motioned her not to speak. His ears moved. He glanced toward the depths of the underground palace, and a faint voice came from his ears.

"Mother, there is a bad guy doing sabotage!" A sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl with two finger-sized horns on her head. The horns are like a lamb, holding a black eggshell and biting. The creaking sound is a bit sour.

"Who? Who would dare to come to the land of the palace to be wild!" A foul wind whizzed from the depths of the underground palace.

Su Jin is dumb, that dragon fetus has already been born, after tens of thousands of years of incubation, it is actually the size of a human girl——

Lin Zhuer watched a black and red fishy wind pounced, and suddenly said nervously: "We were discovered by the dragon mother!"

Su Jin's face was as calm as always, watching that black and red fishy wind gradually abate and turned into a beautiful woman. When he felt the other's cultivation, he felt a little pressure in his heart.

"The golden dragon is alive!" The mother dragon was covered in bright red dresses, and her eyes were hot after seeing Su Jin, "If my Liuer swallows you, 80% of them can be transformed into an invincible black golden dragon!"

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