My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2911: With few friends, who can listen to Xuan Duan?

"As soon as the Hundred Realms Meeting opens, the sister of the sound master will know it naturally when it comes—" The Red Lord responded indifferently, and then she called Su Jin: "I give up! The measuring ruler is yours."

The sky full of stars began to disappear in pieces. Su Jin didn't seem surprised by this choice of the Red Lord. If he compares life to death, he can't win the Red Lord.

But I bet I can't touch her--

Really exaggerate.

Su Jin walked slowly and pondered for a while, "Since the measuring ruler belongs to me, then I have the right to control it. You will continue to control this ruler. When I want to take it in the future, you must Return it to me—"

The Red Lord smiled playfully, "Is this... lend it to me?"

"Of course—" Su Jin nodded.

"My sister insisted not to tell the sound master, then the sound master went to find an answer on her own!" The sound master suddenly made a decision. Before the red lord could react, the whole person had turned into a white rainbow and rushed towards Su Jin. It only took a breath of time!

The sound master is not aimless, but in fact, his heart is secretly annoyed——

Practice like her, Dao Xin is as firm as ever, but the firm Dao Heart just loosened, either cut Su Jin or get the answer! Otherwise, it will affect her cultivation realm in the future, although this is the cause of the Red Lord, the initiator is Su Shao!

"Be careful--" The red-clothed Lord's pretty face changed abruptly. As soon as the whole person thought, there seemed to be a white-blue ice pattern around her. This was the fastest reaction she could not prevent.

Su Jin stood on the spot, slightly sideways a half of her face, her long black hair was floating, and more than a dozen strands were chopped off. The sound master is Suxue, and the Guqin in her arms makes her temperament surpass the whole Any woman in the cave of the King of God!

"Concubine Jiang is out to listen to the fog and rain, the white waves turn the sky and the floating clouds. If you want to worry, pay Yaoqin." Su Jin stayed for a few seconds, nodding his head full of thoughts, and looking at the sound master: "I don't know you well, you have broken Who listens to—"

The Red Lord was secretly shocked.

The export is a chapter, the wonderful sentence is continuous!

Su Jin slowly chuckled, looking at the slightly dull voice master and said: "Beauty, do you and I have hatred?"

"No--" The voice master shook his head.

"Neither hate nor resentment, what do you do to me?"

"You moved my Dao heart, cut off you to strengthen my spiritual path!" The sound master held the piano with his right hand, and the five fingers of his left hand flicked on the strings again. The sound wave turned into a **** and continued to attack Su. gold--

This scene surprised many people.

The strength of the sound master is absolutely super! When some people saw her, they felt that this woman had a talent that far surpassed Tian Lei Peng and other mighty talents, and she didn’t know how profound she was in playing the piano——

The sound of the piano is sometimes mellow and light, and sometimes it is pouring like a storm. The entire battlefield seems to be crumbling, wanting time and space to be reversed!

However, that man is standing still!

Lin Zhuer looked nervous, but the mother dragon on the side exclaimed: "This is Lord Yinzhu. She is proficient in music and is a rare talented woman in the world. Her strength is in the cave of the King of the Fa, second only to Lord Lord. Recluse in the'Wang Qing Mountain'."

"How powerful is it?" Lin Zhuer asked nervously.

"Once the sound master plays the divine piano, the battlefield will not be like what we have seen, her rhythm avenue, there are thousands of illusions, which can move the soul and destroy the soul. It can even make people obsessed with it. People lose silently--" Mother Dragon's face was solemn.

"Trouble..." Lin Zhuer said three words in a panic.

It's really troublesome!

In terms of strength, everyone knows that the Red Lord has the strongest combat power, but the Dragon Mother's evaluation of the sound master is extremely high. Whether Su Jin can match it is still unknown.

"The hero is sad for the beauty pass, Yedi must have been obsessed with it. The battlefield has been distorted by the sound master's rhythm road, and ordinary people have fallen into it. As long as there is a trance of breathing, I am afraid that they will be cut off in an instant—" Some spectators also Said.

"Yedi bet with the red lord to win, but the lord let him, do you really think who he is and think that anyone can provoke him?"

"On that distorted battlefield, you can faintly see the figure, and my beast pupils can't see through it. This sound master is so terrible!"


Su Jin closed his eyes and listened to the tune with his heart. He felt like listening to the most beautiful tune in the world.

That is a kind of bliss in the world! If you want people to sink, everyone will be obliged to fall and be willing to fall--

The surrounding distortions did not affect Su Jin in the slightest. He knew that this was a wonderful world. The rhythm world of the sound master, millions of rhythm symbols, turned into a picture of the rhythm of the piano, even though he closed his eyes. , But the primordial spirit faintly saw that in the picture, the sound master was plucking the strings...

The fragrance that can make people's bones crisp, coming down the wind, the corner of Su Jin's mouth is smiling, and the eyes of Mohe Zhen prison in the eyebrows are opened! The pleats exude a black glow!

The sound master Baishan Yiyi, the guqin flipped in front of her, prancing in the air, with the guqin as the heart of the Tao, the piano sound has not been broken!


In the sleeves of the voice master's white shirt, a Chiyu Xuese divine sword appeared. She stepped forward, watching Su Jin quietly listening to the song and closing her eyes. There was a little hesitation in her heart, but this hesitation did not last. , Muttered to himself: "You shouldn't do it, you shouldn't touch my Dao heart! Cut you off, I will abandon the mountain and leave, never reappear in front of others forever -"

"You can't get your hands off." Su Jin was still obsessed with the rhythm, but Dao Shen only opened the eyes of Mahe Town Prison and said.

"Can you still speak?" The sound master was shocked and surprised.

"The girl's avenue of rhythm is indeed mysterious, but I can't stop me at all. I listen to the music and reason with you. Why can't I talk?"

"Hmph, could it be that you have two heart failures." The sound master didn't believe it.

"Although I don't have two hearts, I have a true heart, and even I can use one heart for nine purposes. As long as I want to, my'Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaotian' will break the real scroll, and it will instantly break your world of rhythm— —" Su Jin said.

"Sister Lord said you are an extraordinary person—"

"Wrong, you and I are mortals."

"What she meant, you...seems like an old friend came, don't tell me the answer..." The sound master trembles slightly while holding the sword. The sword's edge is now only half a meter away from Su Jin, pointing to his Mohezhen prison eye ...

"She actually told you the answer, you also know the answer, you know who I am--" Su Jin said lightly.

The voice master's Bo Hong's Ying mouth moved twice, staring at Su Jin for five seconds, and then she asked, "Then you remember me?"

"Forgot." Su Jin said, as indifferently as before——

"Then you die for me!"

The voice master became excited, and his wrist turned, the snow-colored dagger exploded with brilliance, and in an instant he reached the prison eye of Su Jin Maha Town!

In fact, just now, Su Jin regretted the two words ‘forgot’, but he did not expect this woman to be so decisive to kill him!

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