My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2912: Linlang Shendi


Su Jin suddenly shouted!

The tip of the sound master's sword is only one strand of hair away from the Mohe Town prison eye in the center of Su Jin's eyebrows, which is dangerous and dangerous! Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, almost piercing his head...

Reaching out, Su Jin pinched the blade with his fingers and moved away the sword pointed at him. His face was soft, and the voice master's eyes were very angry, but the whole person could not move, as if he had fallen into a situation at the mercy of others——

Su Jin’s palm is warm, covering her face that can be broken by a bomb. She lives up to her name as she lives up to the heavens. Even if she stands in front of her, she feels unreal when she is angry or angry. This feeling is like an illusion. The illusion is the ultimate beauty.

"Forget, how dare I forget--" Su Jin opened his eyes, "If I really forgot, I have no choice. I have been in reincarnation many times, and I have forgotten who I am, do you know?"

The voice master did not speak.

Is unable to speak.

The concentration technique is unlocked, the sound master's strength is above Su Jin, and the concentration technique does not last long—

"If you blame me, I'll give you another chance to kill me. This king will never resist half a point, and completely cut it off to relieve your hatred..." Su Jin directly raised his head, and his deputy Ren Qing planned to deal with it.

"You can forget anyone, but you shouldn't forget me! That year, I was in torment, with a bone-cutting flute, you angrily destroyed the nineteen realms, angered eight hundred gods, and killed fifty days--" Swinging a sword, but that sword can no longer be cut off.

After that, the sword in the hands of the sound master loosened, covered his mouth, turned and left...

The guqin above is the favorite thing of the music master. Now she is wronged, abandoning the qin and the sword...

"I'll keep it for you." Su Jin was silent for two seconds before taking the dagger back, taking the piano and hiding it in the Daozang Purple Mansion. The world of music gradually collapsed and disappeared slowly.

The Red Lord took a deep breath and hesitated: "She might appear again—"

"In a few days, I will return the piano to her." Su Jin nodded and looked at the red-dressed Lord Master and said: "I just don't know where she is going. All the empty passages of the God's Cave are opened, and she seems to have left. "

"She knows that you will go to the Baijiehui, and when she calms down, she will definitely go to the Baijiehui. If you have nothing to do, let's set off now --" said the Red Lord.

Su Jin looked at the direction in which the voice master was leaving, "Well, that's okay, but can I bring some people? Let's go to the Baijiehui together. Only you and me are still too lonely."

"According to you." The Red Lord nodded in response.

Su Jin immediately transmitted the sound and asked Shengcai Peacock and others to come together quickly, and he suddenly remembered something, and he reached out and took out the'Crescent Stone', "Sister Lord, this woman is a member of your God's Cave. Lord Fa, you must have a way to resurrect her, I don’t know--"

"It's her--" The red-robed lord suddenly sighed: "You give me the crescent stone. After the Hundred Realms Meeting, I will personally find a **** and let her turn back alive."

"Thanks." In this way, Su Jin handed Shi Meiren to the red-clothed lord, and it was also regarded as a solution to a regret in his heart.

Not long after, the four Shengcai Peacocks came and all said: See Lord Lord.

"Lin Zhu'er, Senior Dragon Mother, come here too—" Su Jin shouted.

"My daughter has just been born, and I have lived in this cave for many years. I can rest assured that I will give my daughter to the Lord Yedi. I will not go to the Hundred Realms Meeting." Long Mu said angrily.


Su Jin respected Dragon Mother's choice, but he didn't know whether he could take care of the Black Dragon Princess, but it shouldn't be difficult, as long as there is something delicious.

Long Yuhao quietly gave a thumbs up at Su Jin, while the red lord took a step forward gently, the measuring ruler was held in her hand, and the wisps of stars outlined a teleportation array. Su Jin and the others suddenly formed a circle of blue formations——

Above the sea of ​​oblivion, the mysterious array patterns are dazzling. Several people turned into Changhong. When they were submerged in the formation pattern, the void was immediately shattered and turned into floating fireflies, gradually disappearing.

Soon after, the Holiness God Cave fell silent again, waiting for the next opening——


Linlang Shendi.

The prosperity of the world seems to be all gathered here, the colorful divine light is condensed everywhere, this piece of land floating in the sky is vast and boundless, and even some broken and broken places, there are starry sky giants swimming in it.

"Bei Shan Yin came to the meeting, the three-story building with the word "God"——"

"The Lord of the Holy Light, with three hundred shining followers, arranged in the second floor of the word "God"~~~" Envoys continued to arrange their residences.

"The Jade Light Buddha, Tenzhang Mani, 800 Monks and Nuns, arranged in the'Dengtian Pavilion', on the first floor——"

"Farwang God Cave, untie the red clothes, the nine-story building with the word "God"--"

"The Great Master of Hundred Generations, the next floor of'Dengtian Pavilion'..."

Hearing the indifferent voice of the envoy, Su Jin was really speechless now.

The Red Lord was also embarrassed, and silently opened her hands. She knew Su Jin's speechless expression, this is...

The Holy Color Peacock is equally ashamed, but also understands very well that the Hundred Realms Society is a prosperous age after all, and the heavens are so big. Although the red lord dominates the entire Hole of the God of the Lord, the Hole of the Lord of the Lord is too small and just a corner. In terms of influence and strength, it is incomparable to those who reported above.

Su Jin's face is hot now--

The face is dull.

The class system here is obvious. They are all visitors. Why do others live in such a good place? And the treatments are very different, he didn't feel so despised nowhere--

"Wait!" Su Jin suddenly drank.

Xie Hongyi and Shengcai Peacock couldn't stop them, Gu Tangyan and Yu Fei were all anxious. This place is definitely not a trivial place, and it can't accommodate people.

"Forget it -" Lin Zhuer said quietly.

"Don't make trouble~~~" Xie Hongyi is also a voice transmission, and his face has changed a little.

The superior powers around are either the masters of several worlds or the distinguished masters. At this moment, seeing Su Jin’s unrelenting expression, many servants of the mighty servants secretly laughed, and even some powers. Just a noble glance at Su Jin, full of disdain——

"Do you have an opinion?" Among the dozens of envoys, one of the ‘Great Envoys’ with a double-sword logo hung on his chest looked at Su Jin coldly.

"Of course there are opinions, dare to ask God's Word Your Excellency Ninth Floor, is it good or bad?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"Of course it's the worst--" The great receiver nodded bluntly: "If you don't want to live, get out..."

Get out of these three words, quite harsh.

Su Jin didn't even think about it, his hands slowly closed.

There are a full nine circles of Buddha wheels, directly behind the head, around the Buddha wheels, the yin and yang fish of vain quality are spinning slowly, and there is a basin of fire age condensing the imaginary phase, lighting the Vulcan Avenue!

The "Shizhang Mani" and "Jade Light Buddha" who climbed dozens of steps suddenly changed their colors and turned to stare at Su Jin--

"This king is the reincarnation of the'Buddha King of the Wheel of Life and Death'! With the inheritance of Fuxi, he has been promoted to the throne of Taoism, and the inheritance of Sui people is in my body! I ask you, this king... is worthy of you as a god, Where is it?" Su Jin asked with a cold face, looking at the dull face of the'Great Receiving Envoy'.


The Great Receiving Envoy and dozens of other Receiving Envoys crawled to the ground directly in dullness!

Kneel down!

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