My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2913: War is boiling

"Small **** it!"

The big lead caused the body to tremble violently, and the lips were trembling: "The little one has eyes but does not know the Taoism, and I hope the son will forgive me!!"

Su Jin snorted heavily, "You haven't answered this young master's words yet!"

"The young man should be a first-tier building in Tianque, high-quality!" said the big lead ambassador without thinking.

"Go--" Su Jin placed his hand, and the light of the Buddha gradually converged. Under the gaze of worship, the whole person stepped onto the first sacred jade ladder. The faces of the people in Xie Hongyi were red, and they all felt the huge gap. !

The face!

Super good face!

Xie Hongyi sighed deeply, and he was really curious about Su Jin's life. After all, it was like the existence of a big lead. Although the dog's eyes were a little lower, it was the person who maintained this luxuriant land. , Has the right of Mo Gao, let alone her untie the red clothes, even the former Jade Light Buddha, Shizhang Mani can be expelled directly and deprived of the qualification to participate in the'Hundred Realms Association', but now...Su Jin The displayed identity obviously scared the other party, and he was directly arranged in the highest standard treatment'Tianque Yipin Lou'!

To put it plainly, as long as you don’t want to eat at that time, there will be super beauties who will serve you, holding the **** jade spoon in hand, and enjoy the highest treatment in the world!

"The boss only revealed such a secret, and he was directly scared. If all of them were exposed, hehe--" Long Yuhao stepped forward in pity and muttered softly.

"Low-key." Su Jin turned his face and said slowly.

"Yeah, keep a low profile when you go out." Long Yuhao forcibly held back his smile and nodded heavily.

Gradually, under the guidance of several envoys, Su Jin and others passed by the eight hundred monks and nuns led by the Jade Light Buddha and Shizhang Mani——

"Amitabha~~~" Yuguangtian Buddha and other gods and Buddhas put their hands together, and directly said the Buddha's name.

Su Jin also returned the gift together, without saying anything else, and finally boarded outside a large hall, and began to walk to the right toward the'Tianque Yipin Building'.

Look at the blooming flowers, look at the places where the gods and gods come, between the visitors, in the corner of the Shenlou, it is rumored that there is a super big person in the only "Tianque Yipin" building. What Haoran Tianzun prepared by the concubine Thousand Gods, Haoran Tianzun now has to be arranged separately—

In one place, a hundred disciples of beautiful women in fairy clothes, shaking their white sleeves, are preparing a show for the opening of the "Hundred Worlds Meeting" in the future. The lead dancer is immortal, and the white sleeves are thrown into the dance room, as if they are complete. In addition to the most beautiful scenery in the world, her figure is beautiful, and her body is so perfect that there can be no more picky places!

"Little Junior Sister, take a break and rest for a while--" Those who are over fifty with fragrant sweats, many people looked at the girl with the two strands of ink hair hanging in front of them, breathing slightly.

"Then... take a rest." The lead dancer wiped off the sweat from her forehead and turned around.

"I heard that there are descendants of the Fuxi and Sui clan today and they were arranged in the Tianque First Grade Building. Have you heard about it?" Senior Sister Yan Yue stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Is this?" Concubine Feng Zi was surprised, "Where is Haoran Tianzun arranged?"

"I heard that there will be another arrangement, but I don't know the details--" Grand Sister Yan Yue shook her head.

Concubine Feng Zi nodded...

She found that all the senior sisters were staring at her——

What kind of beautiful girl is this?

Two chubby **** of hair tied behind his head, dark hair, Saixue’s skin, and smart eyes, every place has grown to perfection, as if no words in the world can describe such a beauty, every move, Even if just a moment of stunner, it can make many senior sisters look sideways and attract people's hearts and souls——

"Little Junior Sister and Lingjian Mountain, and Lingjian Fairy practise Taoism, Lingjian Xianzun is worried about the marriage of the little Junior Sister, don't the little Junior Sister know?" Senior Sister Yan Yue joked.

"What are you talking about, Senior Sister——" Concubine Feng Zi's jade lips were slightly uncomfortable.

"The Baijiehui will attract countless young talents, but the spirit sword fairy should consider the younger sister. It is estimated that the younger sister will be arranged and properly posted soon~~"


Tianque Yipin Building.

Su Jin is a food alone, the most beautiful detached house in the whole luxuriant land. It was preempted by him. Gu Tangyan and others looked surprised, and still recalled the deterrent method of Lord Yedi just now in their hearts——

At this moment, Su Jin is sitting on the hall of the **** jade hall, with one foot on the edge of the spacious jade chair, holding a pot of sacred wine in his right hand, and drinking it.

"You were so bold just now--" Xie Hongyi said while staring at Su Jin while others were watching.

"Being a human being does not fight, what is the difference with a salted fish? Look down on me and blind his dog's eyes!" Su Jin coldly glanced at Xie Hong.

"Look at the Yuguang Tianfo, Shizhang Mani and others who are not in dispute, although their treatment is better than ours before--" Xie Hongyi smiled.

"They don't fight? Who says there is no fight?"

"Have you competed?"

"People fight for a breath, Buddha fights for a stick of incense, what is called no fight? Prosperous Jindi, why don't they live in the 9th floor of the gods?" Su Jin asked.

Everyone was speechless.

Su Jin's words, Xie Hongyi couldn't match up--

In the evening, the colorful clouds of the gods were as gorgeous as the aurora, and Su Jin walked outside the gods to appreciate the gorgeous scenery, without making any waves in his heart.

What kind of event is the Baijiehui?

Five hundred meters away from the God Tower, the peach blossom forest that has been rendered by the colorful clouds seems to be a little more sleepy. Outside the peach blossom tree, Su Jin looked at it blankly, as if there was a person hiding——

Secretly watch handsome!

Su Jin smiled dumbly. When he saw the man, he immediately turned around and ran away like a frightened deer. The pure big eyes made a deep impression.


When the night is not yet open.

In the God Street outside Linlang God, there is a snow-clothed woman wearing a cloak. She looks up at the tall building of the hall. Outside the silk cloth of the blue plum cloak, she can faintly see the complicated pair of beautiful eyes. ——


Still unworthy of it coming——

It is the sound master.

In the neighbourhood of the gods, the same rumors are that there are stories about the "Fuxi Chuanren" and Suiren Chuanren circulated in Nanzhi. The sound master can still hear those gods and people still talking about this matter. Jiehui's and'Tianxiangong' Xing Yaoxian arrived, they were the top beautiful immortals in the Hundred Realms, and they were completely clear.


When the night fell, a colorful rain fell outside God's Land, the rain could wet the clothes, but to the west, a young man in brocade clothes appeared faintly, wearing a dragon crown, and his fighting spirit was boiling!

Concubine Feng Zi and other disciples of the gods and fairies all looked at that person, and even the whole people from the gods, felt the huge oppression——

"The descendants of Fuxi and Suiren? Can you dare to come out for a fight?" When the young man wearing a dragon crown raised his head, his eyes were fixed on the first-tier building of Tianque...

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