My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2929: Nine Treasures Glazed Vatican Life and Death Buddha King Tianxin

The arms of this day belong to only one person!

Haoran Tianzun!

"The emperor of the night is so courageous!" I didn't know who it was, and said quietly in trembling.

"Walking toward Tianzun's arm in this way, it is death that greets him! He actually wanted to cut off the future goddess of creation, the daughter of Haoran Tianzun, Haoran Tianzun couldn't let his daughter die in Yedi's hands!" There are still people nervous. Said in.

"It's just the worm that shakes the tree. In this Hundred Realms Meeting, Haoran Tianzun is definitely the first among the strong. Even the Lord of God and Earth is not his opponent. This Ye Di is crazy--"

"He's not crazy! He is burning the avenue, even if God is standing in front of him now, he will have to fight for it. Anyway, knowing that he can't survive, I want to use this to become famous~~~"


This is the real big shot!

Many people looked at the crystal red **** arm with great admiration, like a mountain that fell directly from the sky. The power in it, even if you feel a bit of it, make people feel that there is a kind of powerful oppression——

"Life and death are right, fair contest! Although this king knows that a dog like you will not abide by this so-called fairness, since you have already taken action, this king will not let you live well today!"

When Su Jin walked towards the arms of Heavenly Sovereign, he put away the lost drum, Haoran Heavenly Sovereign shot, this drum was already useless to the okra, and then he shouted again: "Get out of here!"

Gumbo woke up from a lost state. At this moment, seeing Su Jin being so arrogant, she immediately glared at her. She knew that she was embarrassed by her father. At this time, it was indeed against the demeanor of her father to intervene.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

In the blink of an eye, the vast Tianzun arm, centered on the subject, transformed three thousand arms in the void. This is the condensation of the power of the Heavenly Lord, and it is also not to be underestimated!

"Is this the strength of Tianzun?!" Su Jin's burning nine-color brilliance can't penetrate any of the imaginary Tianzun arms. Those regular powers are too terrifying. Now he seems to feel that the sky is pressed. Come down!

So strong!

The sky suddenly sank, and a huge face condensed, staring at Su Jin closely...

"The little girl competes with you, the winner is already divided, you have won--" When that huge face stared at Su Jin, he suddenly said in a powerful voice.

"Father! I... I didn't lose!" Gumbo exclaimed with an ugly expression.

"Dakui, every monk will experience various frustrations in his life. If you don't even have the courage to admit defeat, when will you be on top of the strong? Hurry up and apologize to this little friend——" Haoran Tianzun voice The same did not drop by half.

The okra immediately stopped talking...

This is the pride of her goddess!

Besides, she didn't even have any injuries, so she failed! Her father asked her to admit that she couldn't say it!

"I don't apologize to a person who is about to die!" The okra was silent for a dozen breaths, and finally turned his head, unconvinced.

"Huh? Then go to the endlessly silent black desert and face the wall for thousands of years. When will you figure it out, when will you come out again——" Haoran Tianzun said lightly.

"No!" Gumbo immediately paled.

"Apologize! Give up!" Haoran Tianzun's condensed huge face gave the okra a fierce look.

"I lost, I'm sorry!" Okui closed his eyes.

Having said that, Haoran Tianzun directly caught her in Dao Tu and disappeared. But this morning, it was still dark as night. Many people saw Su Jin's back and he walked towards the lost Jiu Xiao in the distance. Wang Qin's place——

On the guillotine, the red-jacketed Pipa bone was pierced by two thorny chains and hung on it, looking sadly at Su Jin's back.

Shengcai Peacock took a deep breath--

Xing Yaoxian fell lightly and landed beside Shengcai Peacock and others.

"Ye Di, can he still live?" Sheng Cai Peacock looked at Xing Yaoxian and asked.

"Can be reincarnated." Xing Yaoxian said three words.

Long Yuhao, Gu Tangyan and the others turned pale, as if they could not accept the result.

"He can't be reincarnated. In this life, he can't climb to the top of the heavens, and he will disappear forever." Sheng Cai Peacock shook his head, with a somewhat regretful tone in his tone.

In ancient times, there are so many amazing talents who are pretentious, but every one of them has a tragic end. Perhaps this is the result of God's dominance, and no one can surpass it.

"Staring at the guillotine, if the guillotine disappears, he will fall, burning nine ways, I can't think of how he can live--" Xing Yaoxian said slowly.

The cold wind blows.

Huangchen fell down in the void storm that couldn't be assembled...

Su Jin held the piano and sat on a **** of soil. This was the violin of the music master. Now that the string of life is broken, he will die soon. The remaining power of the burning nine realms is escaping crazily.

But in such a situation, he was unwilling!

"I still have some spare energy. If I can renew the strings for you, I will die--" Su Jin's fingers touched the jade-like surface of the piano, then lightly patted the surface of the piano, and the whole piano was suspended on him. Before you.

Su Jin's hands covered the nine-color divine power, his soul was submerged in the Nine Heavens King Qin, and the miraculous Dao pattern began to fly out of his three-color pupils. This was his perception through Guantian Tu!

Half a quarter of an hour.

One quarter of an hour.

On the right end of the beautiful piano face, a piece of nine-colored strings is neatly condensed! These strings seem to be growing!

"Wow -" Su Jin turned his head and vomited a mouthful of blood!

The nine-color strings suddenly turned into colorful light and dissipated!

why not!

Su Jin's eyes were sharp, and he tried again, he didn't have much time--

No way!

After a while, still failed!

"A **** view of the sky! I repaired your entry, what else can you do besides providing a vast Taoist enlightenment? You can't even save an individual!" Su Jin's eyes were dim, and he shouted.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

A slightly harsh sound came from behind Su Jin. If he could see clearly, he could definitely feel that the view of the sky was folds and brilliance!

The surrounding earth seemed to be alive, Su Jin could vaguely see a stone man with a huge aura, looking up at the starry sky!

The ground around Su Jin sits on the ground, and the mark is like a fish. He only looked at the stone man three times, and each time he felt different, but vaguely, he put his hand in front of his eyes, as if seeing his hands exuding nine. Se Guanghua——


Su Jin's complexion changed slightly, his clothes suddenly shattered into powder, and the surface of his entire skin was turning into a nine-color crystal state——

"Petrochemical? No, this is not a normal petrochemical!" Earth-shaking changes are taking place in Su Jin's spirit sea, but he seems to be powerless! Immediately, his mind became dizzy. Before he passed out, he looked inside for a moment...

That bodhi Buddha heart is faintly blooming with the color of nine-color colored glaze——

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