My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2930: The string breaks, continue for her!

The dazzling bodhicitta became more and more glazed, Su Jin's mind went black, and he fell into a state of coma.

However, Su Jin's situation at this moment is extremely special. Although he passed out, he seemed to be dreaming, with an uncontrolled stream of consciousness, detached from his body!


Su Jin seemed to hear the sound of the tide rising and the tide disappearing, and a light wheel gradually propped up around the divine body, and the entire divine land time seemed to be slowing down.

Vaguely, a drop of ice fell in the dark sky. Originally, it was the summer season. When the sky full of fine ice beads fell down, the earth seemed to be changed. Extremely cold winter!

In just one stick of incense, the ground was frozen three feet in ice!


The old tree not far from the cliff slowly shivered away from the frost, and the lush green shoots were drawn out. The stream of consciousness that Su Jin spread out was so great that he seemed to see the reincarnation of the four seasons and the pulse of heaven and earth!

At this moment, a ray of consciousness flowed into the'Tiandi Palace'——

Qiu Da Kui's stubborn face was full of unconvinced expressions, and he didn't even look at his father and king. Haoran Tianzun stood on the hall with his hands in his arms, angrily.

"I didn't lose, I didn't lose!" said Gumbo.

"If I didn't save you, you would have been caught on the guillotine! You are the daughter of the goddess, and you were cut off by the guillotine. Where should I put my old face in the future? Ah?" Haoran Tianzun pointed to his face Tao.

"His Emperor Ye relies on the power of divine objects and magical techniques. What is there to show off? Just relying on strength, he doesn't know how much he has missed me! He is just lucky. If not, I will not lose!" Qiu Da Aoi wiped off a teardrop from the corner of his eye, but the excitement in his heart could not be calmed down temporarily.

"The Emperor Ye, I will solve it, you can rest assured that the Hundred Realms will go tomorrow--" Haoran Tianzun had a fierce look in his eyes.

Qiu Da Kui turned around and ran to the main hall. The scene before her stunned her.

The utter coldness is three feet thick!

The remote woods were still lush, with faint yellow leaves falling on the ice, and when the okra looked up in the void, his eyes shrank fiercely!

"Father, father..." Qiu Da Kui took a deep breath, and Haoran Tianzun appeared beside her.

The sky at this moment was originally in the morning, but the night has not disappeared. Not only does the sky filled the stars, but they are also very bright. In the attention of 50,000 cultivators, it seems that there are roots of imaginary blue in the sky. The stars are connected to form a front line-

"That little beast is not dead!" Haoran Tianzun's face gradually covered with a faint cyan.


The okra is dumbfounded.

Burning the avenue, soldiers reincarnate, this is common sense.

Su Jin can still persist until now, is still violating the law of heaven, and wants to survive!


Hundreds of dazzling stars are entwined by circles of weird sky secret blue, swirling around high in the sky, those terrifying orbits are causing divine ground shaking!

With the stars as an array, a trace of secret clouds faintly departed, and the "Jiuxiaowangqin" in front of Su Jin's divine body, trembling slightly, in the state visible to the naked eye, the nine colors of the clouds, turning into strings, straightly follow On the right side of the piano, rush to the left, directly filling the surface of the piano!

In the Shencheng restaurant thousands of miles away from here, the sound master, who was already fascinated, slowly opened his eyes, and after a little thought, the **** of life, "Jiuxiaowangqin" was directly photographed back.

The string breaks, continue for her!

Rebellion for her!

The sound master held the Nine Heavens King Qin and hurriedly opened the window, the bone-chilling cold wind blew her long hair, the stars in the sky were still dazzling and shining, and the wind and cloud supernatural power seemed to be absorbed by the rules of the stars!

Su Jin's uncontrolled stream of consciousness gradually turned into strands, rushing to the sky!

The dazzling stream of consciousness, among the hundreds of stars, gradually condensed into a phantom light figure!

Look up, like the stone man in the sky-viewing picture, look up at the sky!

The divine power of the sky, gathered among hundreds of stars, a terrifying and gorgeous vortex is forming!

In that whirlpool, the hands of light and shadow spread out, as if falling into it——

But in a blink of an eye!

The vortex became unstable, as if there was a riot!

A nine-color **** arm that looked like a vast mountain range slowly probed from the vortex of stars, and everyone's heart seemed to be severely grabbed at this moment!

"What the **** is going on with the emperor this night? Such a big battle! Why don't the elders of the gods take action? What does he want to do?" Someone's teeth were trembling, and their eyes were staring blankly. Nine-color **** arm.

"Could he be..."

"What will happen?"

"Couldn't... I want to fight against Haoran Tianzun! Knowing that I will die, I will fight hard before I die!"

"It's ridiculous, the gap between him and Haoran Tianzun is simply a big difference, I don't know how it is thousands of times lower than Tianzun!"

"No! He has the Guantiantu! If he had just understood the Guantiantu a little bit deeper, and triggered the secret, the gap might not be as big as you think!"

"Look! At the Heavenly Emperor Palace, Haoran Tianzun condensed his arms again, and he is about to take the blow from the Ye Emperor! This--"


Many people are excited with strong fear. Such a scene is rare in thousands of years! Especially Haoran Tianzun, the last time he really fought with others was tens of thousands of years ago!

Xing Yaoxian, Shengcai Peacock, and even the Lord of Shenglong are all retreating quickly, no one dares to underestimate the collision between the two gods' arms!

"Is it really impossible for Ye Di to make a big blow while he is still dead?" Sheng Cai Peacock said to Gu Tangyan and the others, with strong regret in his tone.

"It should be bad, burning the avenue, there is no solution at all. This is the power of his view of the sky. After his power is exhausted, he will fly ashes and annihilate——" Xing Yaoxian and others retreated a long distance and stood still. Then he said.

"Perhaps I shouldn't bring him secretly..." Sheng Cai Peacock regretted a little.

"That's the end of the matter. After this blow, I wonder if I can find the Yedi's slough. Then...just do it." Xing Yaoxian unexpectedly showed a trace of loss in the depths of his eyes.

At this moment, two world-shaking **** arms, one up and down, collided fiercely!


Fifty million monks, when the arc of divine power dissipated, everyone's ears kept humming! The dazzling brilliance in the middle of the collision between the nine-color **** arm and the arm of the deity that day is blind!

Click! Click!

Haoran Tianzun was outside the Tiandi Palace, his face changed wildly, and his condensed Tianzun arm was crazily collapsed like a heavenly fault. At this moment, his right arm and robe sleeve were turned to ashes, and the entire raised right arm was cracking!


Tianzun's right arm instantly turned into a cloud of blood!

The okra was shocked all over! Directly dumbfounded, stupid on the spot!

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