My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2941: You are all brothers!

Hearing the shouts, all including Su Jin and Xiaotongtian, all frowned——

Su Jin glanced at the leader of Xiaotongtian and found that there was more or less a little strange on her face. He seemed to understand something in her heart. It seemed that the person who came was not because of her.

About five miles away from the dimly carved cliffs of the demon scriptures, about five li in the void, 463 people stood there, and a glazed emperor hall appeared above them. The three powerhouses standing at the forefront, Lianyao'er and Gumbo. The heart trembles all watching!

"Be careful."

The leader of Xiaotongtian reminded Su Jin secretly, and then he said in a clear voice: "I didn't expect that Tianzun Huanyu would appear in my Shiwanyin Mountain today. I don't know how to ask?"

"Poetry--" One of the three powerful men, who looked like a young man of twenty-five and sixty-six, licked his face and smiled and called out the nickname of the little Tongtian leader.

Master Xiaotongtian's face changed suddenly...

"Ahem, Xiaotongtian leader, have you forgotten the promise made to my master at the last Baijiehui?" Another strong man was on the left side of Huanyu Tianzun, looking at Xiaotongtian with a cold face The leader, then looked at Su Jin again, his pupils flushed.

"What promise did I make?" the leader Xiaotongtian asked rhetorically.

"Last time my master, as the representative of the'Great Fantasy Sky', participated in the Hundred Realms Meeting and experienced the test of the Hundred Realms Meeting. He pursued you in this Hundred Thousand Yin Mountains. You said that he would come to you when he reached the realm of Tianzun. Thinking of it! He arrived at Tianzun, and he wanted to surprise you this time with the Hundred Realms Meeting, but who knew you were mingling with other men!"

Master Xiao Tongtian's face gradually became annoyed, and said: "Back then, Master Huanyu pursued me, naturally, but at that time, I was pursuing immortality and had no feelings at all. He struggled so hard, saying that he would come to me after he cultivated to Tianzun. I responded to him, then wait until you arrive at Tianzun. Why did I make a promise?"

"Don't be sophistry! If Yunying's aura on you wasn't so strong, even you would be killed today!"

"Boy below, you throw away Girl Mu's hand! Come up and lead to death!!" Another person said.


After listening to it, Su Jin finally understood, naturally quite speechless.

However, the young man turned out to be a heavenly sovereign, which was far beyond Su Jin's expectation. Like the guests of the luxuriant land outside, such as Haoran Tianzun, Funiu Tianzun, etc., are all powerful to the extreme--

"You let me go, this is the person on the left called the real Chitong, and the person on the right is the ancient Taoist of Huangtian. The strength of the two is no less than me, only weaker than the Tianzun Huanyu." The leader of Xiaotongtian was a little anxious.

Su Jin fell into a brief silence. This time the trouble seemed to be big. The power of the leader of the little Tongtian was not as good as the power of Tianzun. It seemed that it was really difficult to achieve Tianzun.

"You said to spread it away? Did you ask me about my wishes?" Su Jin asked slowly.

Gumbo, Yaoer, and Feng Zifei are all dumbfounded--

Yedi is famous in Linlangshendi, but talking to Tianzun like this is really a deadly act!

Gumbo knows how powerful Tianzun is. Although Su Jin has fought against her father before, everyone knows that the gap between the two is actually very big, too big to make up.

Now Su Jin is openly opposing Huanyu Tianzun, that Huanyu Tianzun will definitely not show mercy!

Scalp tingling! At least even Yaoer's face is pale--

"Little God King, dare to offend Tianzun? It's polite to tell you to lead death! Old ancestor, I flicked a finger, you have to fly to annihilate, understand?" Real Chi Tong shouted.

Su Jin's calm Taoist heart finally showed a trace of anger.

They all came out and mixed, how can they always meet the sand wall! Do you always use realm cultivation to suppress people?

Su Jin slowly let go of the little hand of Master Xiaotongtian, but his loose hand did not fall. Instead, he pointed to the void crowd and said: "Two old linting loyal dogs, stay by your house owner. Happy, dare to bark in front of this king?"

The three okra:...

Little Tongtian leader:...

Even outside, the Dragon River Tianzun, Dongshan Shengzun, Haoran Tianzun and many other great abilities, and the 500 million people who watched the manifestation scene, fell into silence.

After a short silence, monstrous discussions appeared!

"Emperor Ye is in the limelight in these two days, but it shouldn't be so strong that it offends a god!" The monks in the major **** cities were all talking about this scene.

"True red pupil, ancient Taoist in the wild, these two can be worthy of a Tianzun, and even the weaker Tianzun are not their opponents, Yedi will have an accident this time!"

"I heard that Haoran Tianzun once bombarded Ye Di? I heard that he suffered a little loss—"

"No! Haoran Tianzun actually values ​​the Ye Emperor very much, and has not used any divine magic. In fact, Tianzun’s strongest is his understanding of Tao. At that time, the Ye Emperor was just a coincidence. Haoran Tianzun really wanted to kill him. I don’t know how much. simple!"

"Wonderful! This Ye Di is really tough, it seems that no one is convinced, even openly against the sky, as if he is not afraid of the sky, this time he will finally pay the price!"


Not to mention the monks in the city outside Linlang God, even the Dragon River Tianzun and Haoran Tianzun are extremely dissatisfied with Su Jin. More than 30 powerful abilities are all whispering and talking secretly, not knowing what they are talking about——

At the scene of the engraving of the Demon Scriptures, the leader of Xiaotongtian was very surprised. I don't know why Su Jin had such a big tolerance, and he challenged Huanyu Tianzun and others.

"Don't compete with them, you take them to the end of the first hurdle, here is Huanyu Tianzun, I can deal with it." Little Tongtian said.

Su Jin shook his head.

He doesn't matter, but it's terrifying. People need face for life, and tree life for skin! If he leaves, it will be a big joke!

"I really want to see and see, how powerful the Heavenly Venerable is under my full strength!" Su Jin stepped into the void, facing the Huanyu Heavenly Venerable and the others.

Master Xiaotongtian was stunned--

Is there such a person who is not afraid of death?

However, the leader of Xiaotongtian quickly reacted, and the sound transmission said: "You can't pass the level between the red pupil and the ancient Taoist! Let alone ask for help? Come down, any of them can kill you!"

"Kill me? A joke!" Su Jin said coldly: "The Star Bridge of Life and Death can't kill me!"

The Huanyu Tianzun and others on the opposite side all looked confused, what's the situation? A little **** king, shouldn't he kowtow to beg for mercy after seeing them?

"So courageous!" Huangtian ancient Taoist stood up, "I don't take action. If you can get close to your ancestor and not be shaken to death by me, then you will be considered a winner!"

Ha ha!

Su Jin is so laughing!

Seeing this incomprehensible scene, the leader of Xiaotongtian sighed secretly, and said through the voice: "The ancient Taoist in the wild has a ‘slashing whip’, you must not be careless."

Beat the whip?

Su Jin's eyes narrowed, and then he pointed at Huanyu Tianzun, Scarlet Eye True Man and Huangtian Ancient Taoist one by one, and said in a deep voice: "Today this king wants you to be clear about one thing. In front of this king, you... Little brother!!!"

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