All younger brothers!

Immediately, Su Jin had an unspeakable temperament exuding, and even the beauties of the world such as Xiaotongtian, okra, etc. could not understand Su Jin's death-dealing behavior——

"Brother, none of these three is an existence that you and I can contend with, why are you doing this!" Yao'er blushed slightly, and his heart was extremely nervous.

In fact, Su Jin’s performance in Linlangshendi in the past two days, Yao'er also paid attention to the whole process when he did not appear. As the most likely existence of China Great World to aspire to the sage, Su Jin’s every move makes people feel exciting, especially Now to the enemy Tianzun, Yao'er is very frightened.

There was silence, Su Jin's eyes flickered.

After about five breaths of silence, Su Jin said in a loud voice: "Yao'er, it's hard to be a big thing! I want to start from becoming an infant, and there are countless sufferings along the way! I don't want to, I don't want to become the Lord of the Plane. Let people bully!"

The ancient Taoist Huangtian shouted coldly: "The opposite boy! You are just a newcomer to the master of the plane, the power of the plane, with your divine body, can't stand it! Do you want to fool people with this? Is it too ridiculous? !"

"Stop talking nonsense! If you want to fight, then fight! Today, this king needs one more king and two servants!" Su Jin said angrily.


I used to criticize the ancient Taoist Huangtian and the real person Chitong as two old dogs with hairlessness. I did not expect that this time even the Tianzun Huanyu will be counted. This kind of courage, more than 30 spectators who watched the battle said that they had a headache. ——

"Insult my God Lord, today I will beat you Ling Chi to death!" Huangtian ancient Taoist grabbed Su Jin with one hand!

But immediately, the ancient Taoists were shocked!

This note is naturally missed!

Originally, the ancient Taoist Huangtian thought that he was only fighting against a little **** king, thinking that Su Jin was only good for a mouthful, but the temporary reaction speed just now was definitely not what the **** king could possess——

"Look at you! Look at me hitting the whip!" The ancient Taoist Huangtian didn't even think about it. He pinched a handprint with his hands, and circles of divine brilliance emerged from his body. God whip'!

This'God Whip' is shaped like a wooden whip. The whip is three feet, six inches and five centimeters long. It has 21 knots and each knot has four divine seals, a total of 84 divine seals. If you get hit by this whip , The divine body must be disintegrated, and the divine soul will be taken out of prison. If the divine soul is flogged, it will be tortured unimaginably.

"Danger!" Xiao Tongtian's leader Dan's eyes widened, and he instinctively shouted.


Circles of sacred golden light escaped.

The dim scene was suddenly illuminated by the Buddha's blossoms, and the entire space of the earth was rising with a golden scripture, Su Jin's brows, the wisdom of the Buddha pupil, the brilliant Buddha's light, the entire golden body flowed out, more complete than before .

"If you wait to provoke me, then I'm embarrassed, you have to die!" Su Jin's voice spread throughout Zhou Tian, ​​his complete golden body is more than twice as high as the highest peak of Linlang Divine Land, Tianque Mountain. It was a big one. Just when it manifested, Huanyu Tianzun and others moved to a distance, and were startled by Su Jin's momentum.

The ancient Taoist in the wild frowned, grabbed the manifested'God Whip', and shouted: "No matter how you play mystery, it won't help you. Beat the God whip down the Godless King. No **** king has ever escaped my whip. Speaking of you, even those who are higher than you, Nebula, and Star Nirvana, are not as powerful as the power I used to beat the whip!"

The leader of Xiaotongtian was frightened.

Naturally, she can beat the ancient Taoist in the wild, but if the real red pupil is together, she can't help it, and Su Jin's performance seems to be huge, but whether it can catch the blow of the **** whip, it is still two to say.

"Don't worry about it--" Concubine Feng Zi said softly to Yao'er.

"Why?" The leader of Xiaotongtian looked at Concubine Feng Zi. Among the few people, she was the most nervous.

"Emperor Ye is a brilliant genius. He walked out of his own way, and he was also a fellow practitioner of the nine paths. Not to mention that although the magic whip is powerful, the emperor also owns the Eastern Emperor Bell. That divine treasure is better than the magic whip. It's useless yet." Feng Zifei said.

Little Tongtian leader:...

She doesn't know these things.

But the fellow practitioners of the Nine Paths, acting against the heavens, is something God forbids. How can they become a **** king?

Qiu Da Kui's expression was full of helplessness, and he looked at Master Xiao Tongtian and said, "He still has an enviable and jealous Guantian map, but no one knows how much he has realized."

Just as the leader of Xiaotongtian was stunned, the ancient Taoist Huangtian waved his hand ‘strike the whip’ severely, and the large scripts all over the sky seemed to be imprisoned, and the circulation was slow——


With the quiet blue lightning, as the whip shadow filled the surroundings, Su Jin Buddha stared, and the Buddhist scriptures manifested around the golden body of his encyclopedia king Buddha, and his Buddha palm was lifted and shot directly at the ancient Taoist man!


It’s too late to say, then it’s fast. When the six Buddhist beads were hit with the whip, they appeared out of thin air. These six Buddhist beads were wrapped around the Buddhist scriptures. The six-character Daming Mantra was even given the'Nine Treasure Glazed Glazed Buddha's Life and Death Buddha. Wang Tianxin's blessing!

The six revolving Buddha beads revolved around Su Jin's Buddha arm. When they were drawn with the whip, they seemed to sink into the sea, without even the loud sound of a fart.

This! ! !

The ancient Taoist Huangtian opened his biggest eyes in history--

The real red pupil and Tianzun Huanyu are equally unbelievable!

"Inverse chaos yin and yang, only my red pupil!" Real Chi pupil screamed badly in his heart, and directly shouted out, his figure took a step backwards, hidden in the void, and his strength was even more amazing!

Taking heaven and earth as the head, two triangular-shaped blood-colored pupils opened high above the sky. When the two blood-colored pupils of Shiwan Yinshan opened, thousands of gods and demons were panicked, and the whole Yinshan seemed to have returned to the ancient times. general!

The ancient Taoist Huangtian deserves to have a profound cultivation base. When Su Jin slapped the palm of the Buddha, he had already retreated, and he was still in a daze!

what happened!

If you hit the whip all the way, why can't you get out of it?

"The Lord of the Wheel of Life and Death..." The leader of Little Tongtian was secretly surprised.

"The Prayer Wheel! This was the strongest defense technique used by the Lord of Life and Death, but it shouldn't be so strong under the whip of the gods. If the night emperor himself cannot be injured, it should be able to break it. Six Buddha beads are right--" Gumbo said with a dumbfounded look.

"Let's take a look..." The tension in the heart of the leader Xiao Tongtian couldn't be calmed. She walked out a few steps, and the footprints on the void were very white. This is the method of a few steps, and the Qiu Dakui nodded straight.

Soon, the leader of Xiaotongtian sat cross-legged, pinched out a wisp of fairy blossoms with his fingers, and stared at Su Jin's golden body of Buddha——

That is~~~

Master Xiao Tongtian looked excited, and said in disbelief: "Supreme Liuli, Bodhi Tianxin!!!"

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