My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2943: This king, Yedi, today, Zhan Tianzun.

Master Xiaotongtian was really taken aback, how did this do it——

The golden body of the king and Buddha in the Daquan is fine. After all, the blood, meridians, and bones of the Buddha are all Buddha's colors, but the heart is the only one that shows the color of glazed glaze. The leader of the small Tongtian dare not even think about it. That Bodhi Heavenly Heart is transformed into a'Golden Glass Body', which will be an unprecedented Buddha body!

"This kid has a problem!" Huang Tian Gu Taoist woke up from shock, and quickly transmitted his voice to the real person Chi Tong and Tianzun Huanyu.

"Shooting the whip only smashed six buddha beads, and didn't hurt him at all!" The concealed real red pupil, the red pupil flash demon, was somewhat difficult to accept this fact.

"No problem!"

Huangtian ancient Taoist face was gloomy, "You and I join hands, invincible, sweeping everything! No matter how evil he is, he will die here today!"

"Okay! Shoot! Kill—" Real Chitong roared violently, "Turn around the demon pupil, turn the catastrophe into the evil world, I will kill the Buddha's body with one pupil and one world!"


There was a sigh of death and heat in the sky, the earth seemed to start to turn red, and even clusters of flames began to emerge from the ground, and the void around Su Jin began to crack, and the skyroaring fire poured out from the void. Gathered behind his golden body that is one hundred thousand feet tall--

The huge ring of Buddha is drawing the sacred fire from the sky and the ground, and the ring behind the Buddha's head quickly shines!

The battle is getting fiercer!

Not only the Xiaotongtian Guru and others at the scene, the tens of thousands of gods and demons and barrier-breaking cultivators from the Hundred Thousand Yinshan Mountains, as well as the "Funiu Tianzun" and "Haoran Tianzun" outside, the seniors such as Dongshan Shengzun also became more and more interested!

"The secrets in this kid are terrifying--" The Lord Dongshan stroked his beard and glanced at the Heavenly Maiden.

"I'm also surprised that there is something on his body that can't be beaten by the whip. Did he just quietly use the Eastern Bell? No, the Eastern Bell is powerful, but he hasn't refined it into the divine body yet. Only the combination of human and treasure can offset the divine power of the whip at that moment." Haoran Tianzun also curiously said.

"Hey, I didn't expect this old friend of mine to really get to this point. There was no possibility..." The old man Tian Ming rubbed the demon refining pot on his waist and smiled mysteriously at the others.

"Bodhi Tianxin?" Longhe Tianzun, the lord of Linlang God and Earth, nodded secretly.


In the void, a giant Buddha's palm seemed to interpret the vicissitudes of the world, and it seemed to straddle the time and space of reincarnation. At this time, it was re-photographed at the place of the ancient Taoist in the deserted sky.


Void swayed, and the ancient Taoist Huangtian wanted to retreat to a safe distance in the first moment, but that palm was too fast. He was directly hit by his whole body, Yang Tian took a breath of blood, and was knocked out heavily.

At this moment, the sacred magic of the real person Chitong descended, and Shiwanyin Mountain seemed to have been looted. His eyes were suspended in the air like two stars, the scarlet brilliance was released, and the surrounding earth was obviously set down. Want to suppress Su Jin's Buddha body first.

"You have to die!" Su Jin Buddha took a step, his eyes glowing blue.

"Secret of the sky!" The ancient Taoist Huangtian cried secretly, he condensed all the power of his whole body, and condensed a series of enchantments around the Tao body.

"What's the matter! There is such a terrible Heavenly Secret Art on this kid!" Real Chi Tong is really jealous. If he has a Heavenly Secret, blessing his Divine Eye, although it is not a Heavenly Venerate, but the strength can be in the ordinary Heavenly Venerate. Above!

Waste, waste! Such a powerful Tian Secret, in the body of a little man king, is simply a violent heavenly object——

Boom boom boom~~~

The ‘hands that cover the sky’ blessed by the golden body of the King and Buddha of the Daquan have condensed huge blue handprints above the sky, making people feel that Dao Xin is suppressed at first glance. This is terrible...

"I'm not invincible with the whip, even if it is the secret of the sky, I am not afraid!!" Huangtian ancient Taoist was excited, holding the whip, and glaring at the blue giant hand on the sky.


The enchantment around the ancient Taoist in the wild, like paper, instantly turned into a goddess powder. Fortunately, he has the body protection of the **** whip, otherwise he will not stand up if he is not dead!


it hurts!

The ancient Taoist Huangtian hasn't tasted pain for nearly three thousand years. This hand that covered the sky shattered a few of his divine bones, and he was howling in pain.

"Get out! You can't even deal with a piece of waste, you are also two pieces of waste!" Huan Yu Tianzun frowned when he saw this scene.

"Master! It's easy for me and two to kill him! I will definitely live up to expectations!" The ancient Taoist Huangtian panicked, and the whole person rose straight into the sky, shouting: "Red pupil, it's time!"

"I...I can't move...How does he know where I am!" Chi Tong screamed in a panic.

"I can't move either!" Huang Tian Gu Taoist was dumbfounded.


When the two of them were in the sky, they only heard two sour sounds, they were all dumbfounded, and they felt that the body just below their neck was falling.

The little Tongtian leader and the women were suffocated, and the battle ended too soon! This is simply an impossible battle to win. As a result, the ancient Taoist and the real red pupil were inexplicably unable to move, and at that moment, Su Jin’s hand of "Mountain Character Pattern" was transformed into a magic weapon, and he cut directly. Drop the opponent's head!

"Shenzhushu——" The leader of Xiaotongtian was still staring when he spoke.

"In my divine pupil, your concealment technique is ridiculous." The gold on Su Jin's body faded and he returned to his normal state. He carried the head of the real person Chitong in his left hand, and the head on his right hand belonged to the ancient Taoist man!

"Ah! We are not reconciled!"

The two divine bodies without their heads occupied the ground. Even though they had no heads, they were repaired to the level of the two. As long as Su Jin let go, the heads could grow back and recover as before——


Two divine fires gushed out of Su Jin's hands. In an instant, the two divine skulls turned into ashes, and the surrounding area was also cleaned a lot...


The whip was taken by Su Jin, and he didn't even look at the headless corpse that fell again. He looked straight at Heavenly Venerable Huanyu, "My King Yedi, today, Heavenly Slayer."


So crazy!

Yao'er and the okra girls all took a breath. She was not as powerful as the little Tongtian leader, but found that the battle came quickly and ended quickly. The two strong men died, and they had already played a deterrent effect. , Who knew that Su Jin had to challenge Tianzun!

Su Jin’s black hair was flying, and a blue ink pattern on the corner of his eyes seemed to grow up——

"That was not his most terrifying strength just now. It turned out that I underestimated him too much." Little Tongtian sighed.

"He actually wants to use the power of the Lord of the Planes to fight the Huanyu Tianzun!" Qiu Da Kui was startled.

The atmosphere immediately became tense! !

The lord of the sunluo plane vs. the phantom feather heaven!

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