My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2946: Beat you well

Breaking the gods, cutting the heavens and the body?

Upon hearing Su Jin’s words, the leader of Xiaotongtian couldn’t help feeling upset. At this time, he even dared to speak big words——

"You guys step back a little bit, this is the end of the matter... I, I plan to try." Little Tongtian glanced at the third daughter of Qiu, but then she seemed to be discouraged and said: "But how can I be the Celestial Venerable Feather The opponent! How could it be so difficult for him to bow his head in front of Tianzun..."

Ok? Master Xiao Tongtian saw the expressions of the three girls of the okra, gradually turning into a dull state~~~

The surrounding wind seemed to have become a little bigger, and the leader Xiaotongtian raised his head impressively, and the scene he saw instantly calmed the world!

In the quiet world, it seems that there is only one pond, one tree, and one person.

The pure jade pond manifests the void!

That Fang Yaochi is vast and unparalleled, and when it appeared, it instantly filled half of the void, and the most noticeable thing was not the Yaochi, but the place where Su Jin stood, the tree! Enlightenment tree!

"The tree of enlightenment! God, this is the real tree of enlightenment--" After the silence in the more than five hundred God City, it was full of wonder.

"It is rumored that this sacred tree possesses the ultimate power. Even a person who cultivates this tree can ascend in the day and become the ultimate fairy king!"

"There are two sacred trees in the real sense of the world. One is the Buddha Bodhi tree, but the Bodhi tree has long been lost. The other is the tree of enlightenment. I heard that this tree is immortal and immortal. It's hard to find, who is this Yedi? Where did you find this sacred tree?"

"Just using this sacred tree, I am afraid that it is not enough to resist Huanyu Tianzun, right? You know that Tianzun has not even used Taoism, and has already forced Ye Di to such a level—"


Huanyu Tianzun, who was holding the winning ticket, saw the tree of enlightenment, and there was a huge wave in his calm heart!

"Good, good! The tree of enlightenment is also in your hands. It seems that today I can not only collect the Guantian map, get a glimpse of the secrets of heaven, but also take away a tree of enlightenment that is unique in the world, study the great way, and break through myself!" Yu Tianzun is almost crazy now, his face is full of greed——

Su Jin's face was calm.

Huanyu Tianzun didn’t pay attention to what he said. On the contrary, after hearing it, he slowly sat under the tree of enlightenment. A scorching fairy ring rose up all over his body. His hands were spread flat. He took out the beating whip and instantly wiped the beating god. The mark of the previous owner in the whip.

At this time, the tree of enlightenment is growing wildly!

It has luxuriant branches and leaves, and in a blink of an eye the canopy has reached the top of the'Swallowing Sky Golden Pot'.


Every piece of silver-green leaves, in one life, two life, four life, three life, six, began to madly breed new leaf branches——

"It's useless, none of the people captured by the golden pot of swallowing can escape, even if Tianzun can't do it, you should accept your fate, be cut off by me obediently, leave the **** treasure, and become the peak of my life!" Huanyu Tianzun laughed loudly.

"Oh? Didn't you find out that the power of swallowing the golden pot is being disintegrated by me. This divine treasure is destined to be destroyed by me today, and how can you live with your newly formed heavenly body without this divine treasure? "Su Jin said.

Huanyu Tianzun's face suddenly changed--

Xiao Tongtian’s sakura mouth gradually opened~~

"How come! Impossible!" Huanyu Tianzun stepped back in the void in shock.

Outside, many masters have discovered the problem!

The golden pot of swallowing the sky is amazing, but the world does not exist perfectly. The red **** characters in this pot are the best breakthrough!

Those red divine characters are the origin of the Taoist Swallowing Golden Pot, which can evolve infinitely to suppress Weili. Su Jin’s previous methods were all silently resolved, and this divine treasure could not be squeezed. It is precisely the function of those divine Taoist marks, and the tree of enlightenment is right. It can perfectly restrain this divine treasure!

Upon closer inspection, those red **** characters are being captured by the frantically growing branches of Enlightenment. In a blink of an eye, endless silver-green enlightenment leaves are constantly drawing marks from the sky swallowing golden pot and imprinting them on the leaves— —

"You! Do you dare to destroy my **** treasure!" Huan Yu Tianzun howled in pain.

Before, Su Jin cut off the Daoist Crimson Eye and the Ancient Daoist Desolate Sky, Huanyu Tianzun was only heartbroken. After all, he was missing two right-hand men, but now, if this golden pot of swallowing sky is destroyed, he will have no support!

You should know that Tianzun Huanyu can sit on an equal footing with many elders with this treasure alone, if he is destroyed, he will go crazy!

"The deeper you practice this treasure, the greater the impact it will have on your strength after it is destroyed. When I break this sky-swallowing golden pot, I will beat you well—" Su Jin closed his eyes and began to practice and beat wholeheartedly. The whip.

"No! Take it for me! Huh?" Huanyu Tianzun was confused, his eyes widened, but he could not take the Sky-Swallowing Gold Pot back. The Enlightenment Tree seemed extremely greedy, and it sucked the Sky-Swallowing Gold Pot!

Linlang Shendi.

The sages of Dongshan and Longhe Tianzun looked at each other from the front, and they couldn't help but feel jealous!

The Hanyan Tiannv gently stood up from her seat, glanced at Longhe Tianzun, and slowly said, "Longhe Tianzun, this night emperor from my China World, I am afraid that it will disappoint you."

"Disappointment? Ye Di has the talent for the world, if this time the Hundred Realms will win the first prize in one fell swoop, it is also my God's fortune, how can I be disappointed." Longhe Tianzun smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, my old friend even has a tree of enlightenment--" The old man Tianming hugged the Demon Refining Pot at his waist, and said with envy, "Wait for him to break through the nine levels, I want to enlighten Dao Ye. Boil a full pot of enlightenment tea, and it will be beautiful when you think about it! Beautiful!"

"The golden pot of swallowing sky is going to be broken." Funiu Tianzun said suddenly.

Everyone immediately fixed their eyes--

Sure enough, the sky-swallowing golden pot covering the'Hundred Thousand Yinshan', the red **** word Dao marks were sucked away by the tree of enlightenment. At this moment, a trace of cracks was spreading.


When the golden pot of swallowing sky collapsed, Huanyu Tianzun squirted a spit of blood.

Su Jin guessed well.

Heaven-swallowing golden pot is a treasure that Tianzun Huanyu regards as his life. Tianzun Huanyu even contained a wisp of Tianzun's soul in it. When the pot was broken, he was already seriously injured.

"I want you to die, I want you to die!" Huanyu Tianzun stood in the void with a disheveled head, his sullen color on his face, and his scalp numb when he was looking at the medicine.

Su Jin stood up, and lightly waved the "God Whip" with his right hand——

The **** whip has been initially refined by Su Jin, and the sky is full of terrible whip shadows at this moment!




The void was devastated, and new cracks were constantly being drawn out, Huanyu Tianzun was worthy of the great power of Tianzun, so many whip shadows rushed to him, and he couldn't even be drawn.


The last whip directly caused Huanyu Tianzun to stun the master. He stiffened in the void, raised his hand trembling, and wiped a hand on his right cheek. The five fingers were full of blood, his blood!

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