My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2947: Survival vs. Dead Man Sutra

At this moment, the sound of the dust falling down seems to be audible——

The whole world is so quiet and shameless!

The dignified Huanyu Tianzun, the super heavenly realm mighty, was beaten by the Ye Emperor. He drew blood from his face with a whip. Not to mention that the little Tongtian cult leaders didn’t believe their eyes, even if they were outside, more than 500 The monks of the **** city, the lord of the gods, Longhe Tianzun, and more than 30 masters, all were dull and speechless for a long time watching the scene in the scene.

The current Phantom Feather Heavenly Sovereign, with a tense expression, glanced around, he almost wanted to find a hole to go in, maybe this approach would make him feel better!

It's shameful--

This battle is not over, regardless of success or failure, but with this whip, he will feel even more uncomfortable than losing, and even more useless! !

"I, want, you die!!" When the monstrous hatred was uttered in Huan Yu Tianzun's mouth, it shocked Zhou Tian Void. He stared at Su Jin fiercely. He had never wanted to kill an opponent so much. The face is distorted a lot.

"Don't speak big words, without the Sky Swallowing Golden Pot, you are a younger brother who has been beaten. How can you withstand the power of the Lord of my planes?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"I really don't believe it! My dignified Heavenly Sovereign, using Taoism can't control your enchanting evildoer--"

Huanyu Tianzun clenched his fists, the blood on his face was gradually dissipated by his use of divine power, and then his hideous and distorted face was filled with a gloomy look, "Do you think I only rely on the divine treasure? The divine treasure allows me to achieve the strength of the Tianzun? You are wrong, so wrong! Next, I will let you taste the power of my'killing technique'!"


Just three words made many people startled when they heard the words.

"It's broken." The leader of Xiaotongtian frowned. "Last time in the Hundred Realms Meeting, Heavenly Venerable Magic Feather hadn't reached the realm of Heavenly Venerable. I said how his strength grew so fast. I didn't expect him to practice secretly.' The'killing technique' is an evil method that the world cannot tolerate."

"Kill all the creatures of the heavens and all worlds, and achieve the body of the supreme magic way. This killing technique is performed by the heavenly sovereign and has the power to subvert the stars!" Qiu Da Kui was surprised.

"Can the power of the plane suppress the killing technique?" Yao'er said a little confused.

"Difficult! If it can be suppressed, when the night emperor used the magic whip just now, the Senluo plane should suppress the Huanyu Tianzun. After all, the golden pot of swallowing sky has been destroyed. Obviously there is no way to trap the Magic Feather Heavenly Sovereign by inheriting." Little Tongtian also said.


The wind is getting stronger--

There was a gray light flashing around, and Su Jin opened his divine pupils, but it was difficult to find the location of Huan Yu Tianzun, everything seemed to be blocked by those gray lights.

"Killing? It's a bit interesting--" Su Jin put away the ‘Tree of Enlightenment’ and the ‘God Whip’ and stood quietly in the void.

Even the Celestial Plane gradually closed. Su Jin felt that the newly formed master of the plane could hardly fight the Heavenly Feather Venerable. After all, this person's current aura seemed to have disappeared, and it was difficult to catch him even on the opened plane. Where, unfolding is useless.

About five breaths or so.

Standing in the same place, Su Jin smelled a trace of **** aura. As the **** aura became more and more intense, the surrounding gray light gradually showed more vivid colors!

"Emperor Ye! You should be most fortunate. After all, my killing technique has only been refined to the level of the blood of all souls. If I kill another 30,000 creatures, I will be invincible among the heavens! And you, I can shock you on the spot Ashes, now you scream, you will suffer all kinds of pain and torture to death by my life!" Huanyu Tianzun's voice came from all directions.

"Can't wait, you come to torture me to death--" Su Jin spit, even lighted a cigarette in the corner of his mouth.

"Complete you!" Seeing that Su Jin refused to lower his head, Huanyu Tianzun's voice became trembling as if he was rushing straight into his forehead.

Soon, in the vast void, a group of blood shadows condensed and formed in the gray light. Those blood shadows were of different appearances, mostly in human form. Even when many blood shadows opened their eyes, the air seemed to freeze!


A blood vine comparable to a mountain, pierced through the void, turned out to be out of the sky, and brazenly entangled. The front end of the blood vine was a big mouth with sharp teeth. After the mouth was opened, a weird storm looked like I want to **** Su Jintun in, if I get sucked in, I'm afraid I will fall into the abyss of blindness!

Su Jin's eyes flashed, his fist lifted, and he directly used the "Era Tianquan", and the blood vine was shattered with one punch.

Bang bang bang!

Blood mist bursts.

Except for the blood vines, the blood shadows are endless. Each blood shadow is an unimaginable creature. Su Jin even saw a human face blooming not far away, rooted in the void, and released that can make people dizzy. The dazzling poisonous mist came out.

Su Jin slowly condensed his brows. If he blasted like this with one punch, how long would he have to kill? And these blood shadows can re-coagulate, as if endlessly——

"It's useless, no matter how strong it is, there will always be exhaustion. My killing technique will block Zhou Tian's divine power, even if it is your plane, it will not be able to accumulate energy for you. Cut off the connection, how do you beat me?" Huanyu Tianzun's voice became more and more proud.

The fact is exactly the same.

The gray light around, even the air can freeze, if it weren't for Su Jin's strength and rich heritage, I am afraid he would have fallen into disrepair.

"Is this the killing technique?" Su Jin said as if to himself.

"My killing technique once besieged and killed a Tianzun-level'Heaven Dragon Horse', that super existence has not been consumed by my life! No matter how you resist, it is useless. Today, you will be killed by my **** treasures and secrets. Strip it away, there will never be a night emperor in this world!" Huan Yu Tianzun said.

"Actually, I just want to ask." Su Jin laughed at this moment.

Huanyu Tianzun was very puzzled, smiling when he died?

"Leave your last words." Huan Yu Tianzun said coldly.

"You "killing technique" can be compared to the "Dead Man"?" Su Jin asked.


Huanyu Tianzun's heart tightened, and suddenly he shouted: "My killing technique is unparalleled in the world, what a dead man is! You have left your last words, I will send you on the road now!"

"Don't worry, I can tell who will send whom on the road. You haven't seen the Dead Man's Sutra. Now this king will let you have a long experience and look at my'Dead's Sutra' that once brought havoc to the heavens. Can it be compared to your **** magic."

Su Jin relaxed, with a confident smile on his face. He even turned his head to look at the little Tongtian leader and other women in the distance, pointing to his teeth, as if to say, look, how white my teeth—

The atmosphere fell into tension again, and as Su Jin opened the prison eye of Maha Town, the gray-black characters ‘dead’ quickly rushed out and rolled into a storm of ‘dead’ in the void!

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