My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2948: Humble big secret

If one word is used to describe the scene of the "Dead Man Sutra" flying out, it can only be described by the word'shock'. The densely packed groups of'death' are like a group of gray-black bats, and the viewer feels heart palpitations. .

"Who is better in the collision of the two strange scriptures?" Gumbo was stunned first, but when he looked at the leader of Xiaotongtian, she found that her expression was as serious as her own.

"It's hard to say." The leader of Xiaotongtian shook his head and said: "The Dead Man's Sutra and the killing technique are masterpieces of the world. In terms of fierce names, the "Dead Men's Sutra" dominates. ."

"Senior brother won--" Yaoer took Feng Zifei's little hand, and a green flash flashed in the depths of her pupils.

"Oh?" The leader of Xiaotongtian and Qiu Dakui all looked at Yaoer, seemingly not understanding why Yaoer made such a decision, and the Judgment Yedi's dead man would win.

Yao'er's face flushed red, and he was a little embarrassed: "The magic feather Tianzun's killing technique has not been successful."

"But Yedi's Dead Man Sutra does not seem to have done much cultivation, otherwise it will not be just so fierce. According to legend, when the Dead Man Sutra was at its most brilliant, it covered eighty-nine worlds overnight, with countless dry bones, and no one dared to set foot in several epochs Even if it's dead," said the okra.

"In short, in short, the killing technique can't kill the senior, and the senior has the protection of the monstrous magic." Yao'er puffed up his cheeks.


Is there a monstrous magic?


Gumbo's face was dull, as if he had overturned a jar of vinegar, the taste was complicated and difficult to understand.

"Emperor Ye is really a talent for the world!" The leader of Xiaotongtian was taken aback, as if he had figured it out, "Perhaps the dead can really control violence with violence and restrain this killing technique."

"What's the solution?" Gumma asked in response.

"Now in the void of the battlefield, there are at least 70,000 blood spirits condensed by the killing technique. As long as the phantom Yu Tianzun still exists, these blood spirits killed by the killing technique will not be destroyed. Fame can be traced back to the bloodline. As long as these 70,000 blood spirits are contaminated with the Dead Man's Sutra, they may be cut off forever." As the leader Xiao Tongtian said, his heart began to become nervous.


Huan Yu Tianzun's slightly red eyes, staring at the words ‘dead’, he was also nervous, after all, at this moment, it’s nonsense to say that you are not nervous!


He hates it so much!

Su Jin slayed his heavenly slave and destroyed his divine treasure, and now he has sacrificed a masterpiece to break his killing technique. If it is a simple other magic technique, Huanyu Tianzun will not care at all, but this is an eternal evil. The famous "Dead Man Sutra"!

Bang bang bang bang--

Every word of ‘death’ slammed into the condensed blood spirit, and those blood spirits of various appearances were instantly knocked into a blood mist!

"How is it possible!" Huanyu Tianzun was shocked and roared for a while!

Regarding cultivation base and realm, Huanyu Tianzun thought he had completely crushed Su Jin, but such a guy who was born in the Hundred Realms Society was the most difficult and powerful enemy he encountered since he became Tianzun! none of them!

Seventy thousand blood spirits have made the killing technique small. This is why Tianzun Huanyu said before that if there are another 30,000 blood spirits, he will be invincible among the heavens, and Su Jin can be shaken to death. After all, there are 100,000 blood spirits. The killing technique is the perfect magic technique! It is hateful, now the blood spirit is being chased and slaughtered by the dead, and the magic feather Tianzun feels that his killing technique is weakening——


Longhe Tianzun waited. Nearly all of the more than 30 mighty powers who watched the battle stood up, watching the scene in disbelief.

In that scene, a head of blood spirit was smashed and cut off, and the killing technique showed a depravity right from the beginning, which was difficult to accept.

"The killing technique is so weak?" Funiu Tianzun took a deep breath and said in horror.

"It's not that the killing technique is weak. In fact, the killing technique that sacrifices 70,000 kinds of creatures, you and I have to weigh one or two." The Lord Dongshan glanced at Funiu Tianzun and said: "This killing technique has been perfectly restrained. , Was erased from the source by the Dead Man Sutra, every blood spirit is extremely precious, no wonder this Heavenly Feather Venerable is furious."

"Where did the night emperor get the masterful fierce sutra? If it weren't for this dead man sutra, Huanyu Tianzun would use killing techniques to deal with the night emperor. It would not be too easy to cut him off." Funiu Tianzun was a little puzzled.

"Wrong! You are so wrong--" The old man Tianming held the demon pot in his arms and said with a strange smile: "There is no dead man's sutra, and the killing technique can't kill the emperor. There is a big unremarkable secret in him, believe it. Longhe Tianzun and Drizzle Tiannv felt it."

Ok? ?

The Funiu Tianzun, Dongshan Shengzun and others all looked at the Dragon River Tianzun and the Drizzle Goddess. What is the humble big secret?

"Haijiehui, I want to ensure that the descendants of Yan and Huang come out safely. If anyone does anything to the Ye Emperor, I will be dry, even if I try my best to cultivate and lose my life, I will also reverse time and space. Please use the means prepared by my father and king for me." Suddenly glanced at Longhe Tianzun, raised his voice and said.

Longhe Tianzun's brows gradually condensed, "The Drought Tiannv has said heavier, how can he Ye Di He De, can use the "big life technique" to open the opportunity of the door to immortality?"

Big life technique!

The sages of Dongshan and Funiu Tianzun, etc. could hear it, no less shocking than the shock of the five thunders.

It is rumored that the ultimate end of the Three Thousand Avenue is that there will be a'gate of eternal life' that will manifest. When the cultivator of heaven and earth, when everyone's avenue reaches the ultimate shackles, it is also the beginning of death, and in the gate of eternal life, A transcendent achievement that can be immortal and immortal.

The most important thing is that the great life technique may degenerate into a'longevity technique' before its own path decays, providing an inexhaustible life force, and even using the longevity soul to penetrate the gate of eternal life and steal the secret of immortality. .

"Ahhh! You ruin my efforts, the fundamental magic of my way, I will thwart you!" Huanyu Tianzun screamed and drew many people back to reality.

The killing technique has been practiced since the birth of Huanyu Tianzun. The selected creatures are all extremely powerful. These creatures are not easy to kill, and the condensed blood spirit has a very high failure rate. Now 70 thousand blood spirits , Instantly destroyed as many as 40,000, Huanyu Tianzunqi's face was distorted, and the remnant blood spirit was put away, and at the same time, the monstrous anger burst out!


Huanyu Tianzun took a fierce step in the void, escaped a dead man's scripture, and killed him alone!

"Good coming!" Su Jin suddenly sipped, not retreating but advancing.

Huh, when Su Jin is walking in the void, his hands are closed, and the eight-armed Buddha is on display. The eight-arms are connected to the Buddha, and the other six hands hold the'Break God's Hammer' and'Fighting the God. The divine treasures such as whip','Mingwang's ruler', and'donghuang bell' are extremely jealous. Among them, there is a soaring platform with a circle of'wheel of years' on it!

"Kill!" Huanyu Tianzun completely red eyes.

"Kill!" Su Jin rushed over.

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