My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2951: Coffin

Hearing the confusing voice from the ice giant face, Su Jin's face was indifferent--

The heart is calm.

It is ridiculous to say that Su Jin has a monstrous strength, and there is also a "Nine Treasure Glazed Lilac Dafan Life and Death Buddha King Tianxin" in his body. The Buddha's heart is tough and reaches the point of indestructible Dzogchen. The other party even used such inferior tricks to induce delusion. He is in a fantasy.

Immediately, Su Jin smiled slightly and glanced at the leader of Xiaotongtian, feeling a little surprised in her heart. This woman seemed to be very different. Now she was looking at herself nervously, as if she was afraid that she would be in the way.

"Sorry, I don't want to know who I am, but you, so darety, dare to confuse this king's mind!" Su Jin slowly raised his arm, his fist shook slightly, and the ice-colored giant face was instantly shattered. Up.

The ice-colored giant face is like a piece of glass, and it is scattered around after being shattered, and the final frozen face is thousands of!

"Emperor -" the leader of Xiaotongtian suddenly exclaimed.

The exclamation sound seemed to be very far away. Su Jin frowned slightly, and when he looked at the thousands of floating coffins around, he did not see the girls of the okra, and the shocking scene was extremely real in his eyes.

The scene at this moment is not as messy as before, with a mouthful of divine coffins, whether they are incomplete or intact, they are all really arranged together. It is natural to be nothing, but the number is really terrifying.

Su Jin crudely estimated that the endless sea of ​​coffins is at least 30 million in number. His Mahe Town Prison can see through the reality, so it is even more amazing. Every mouthful of the coffin is real— —

"I haven't moved a step, the leader of Xiaotongtian should be not far away, but what level of magic is this, it can hide my divine eyes, and let me fall here." Su Jin's face showed doubts.

Then, Su Jin's puzzled expression gradually turned into shock--

At the top of the 30 million coffin sea, there seems to be the ultimate height. At this time, there are thousands of black star eyes faintly swirling around, and the black star eyes are sucking a mouthful of the super terrifying giant coffin!

Su Jin has seen this burial method!

At the beginning, Su Jin fell into the abyss of void and wandered to find his way. He saw the giant coffin being sucked by star eyes, but at the beginning he was not too strong to be able to approach it, and this divine coffin was better than he had seen before. That mouth was ten thousand times larger, and the void above the coffin sea was covered by this giant coffin, which was terrifying to the extreme.

Su Jin was suspicious, is there really such a strong man in the world?

If the body of an invincible strong man is buried in this giant coffin, how could it fall?

"Buzzing--" Thirty million coffins trembled together, a drop of blood fell from the coffin, flowing down, turning into bursts of red blood mist.

The three daughters of Feng Zifei, okra, and Yao'er should be sober.

"What's the matter, what happened to me just now..." Okui retreated. She remembered it clearly, but her mentality seemed to have been greatly affected. Looking back on it, she was suddenly sweaty and her clothes were wet. Imprinted.

"Look at those divine coffins again--" the leader Xiaotongtian took a deep breath.

"It's all shaking, it's as if there are dead and evil things about to be born." Feng Zifei couldn't help but say.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Yao'er saw Su Jin walking in the void, and every step he took, countless divine coffins trembled in excitement, like living creatures.


Su Jin was in the void and blasted into the sky.

There were ripples, as if there was a chain reaction, the sea of ​​30 million divine coffins in the distance began to manifest in the eyes of the leader Xiaotongtian and others. At this moment, everyone who saw it took a breath and stared at it all.

"Emperor Ye is worthy of being a peerless genius. The divine coffin buried in the eyes of the stars may contain the biggest secret of the second level here." said the leader of Xiaotongtian.

"The biggest secret?" Qiu Da Kui was a little panicked, "The recorded Hundred Realms Society has never been able to cause such a sensation. This tens of millions of coffins are also born for the first time—"

"Just now we were all caught in the illusion. After the brother was dispatched, it caused tens of millions of coffins to sink and float, so we were able to get out." Yao'er said with some fear.


At this time, the scene of the second level attracted the attention of almost all the audience. No one thought that the second level had such a big secret hidden. The 30 million coffins seemed to be less than the star. The huge divine coffin held by the eyes.

"The corpse buried in the coffin is definitely a super invincible, powerful corpse. The 30 million divine coffins seem to be bowing their heads to it--" the disciple with Linlang Divine Land commented.

"I participated in a Hundred Worlds Conference that year. In the second pass, there was a very strong mysterious power that could confuse the mind and was extremely dangerous. But this has not happened in all previous Hundred World Conferences."

"Yes, I also participated once. I personally saw a fellow Taoist who was captured by a corpse in a coffin and took his body directly to repay the sun."

"The giant coffin in the star's eyes, I guess even Longhe Tianzun doesn't know the origin..."


Next, Su Jin's actions surpassed most people's expectations.

Su Jin walked up into the void, as if walking on a ladder invisible to the naked eye, stepping up step by step, his face was sneered, and he was approaching Star Eye! !


Countless people watched, all fell silent, watching this scene!

Thousands of miles, five hundred miles, one hundred miles!

When Su Jin took the first step before, he felt a great deal of pressure. He can endure a thousand miles, and he can bear it with divine power when he reaches five hundred miles, but when he enters a hundred miles, he needs to mobilize his whole body strength. Only by maintaining the peak can you ensure your own safety!

If this is not the case, even divine bodies like him and the golden body of the Daquan King and Buddha could be torn apart by that powerful pressure!

The giant coffin was huge, as if a **** was buried, and the shock to the world was unimaginable. Su Jin even doubted whether the sage was buried in this god.

"My strength is still not strong enough--" Su Jin was in a solemn mood. He looked up. Although he was only a hundred miles away from touching the divine coffin, now he seemed beyond reach, and he felt like he couldn't reach it.

Su Jin gritted his teeth, the Buddha King's heart was beating faster, the divine power of his whole body exuded dazzling Xiahui, nine colors were radiant, he stepped forward again, and he approached the range of twenty miles in one breath!


Su Jin didn’t know what that sound was. It was like the sound of a storm flowing in the eyes of a star, and it was like a sharp monster screaming. In short, his eardrums were tingling, his feet seemed to be tied to two mountain peaks, it was difficult to move away. step!

Cotai Strip!

Su Jin's feet shook violently, and immediately a piece of Buddha's light was laid. He took advantage of that moment of eruption to hold the'East Emperor Bell' and rushed directly to the southeast part of the giant coffin——

"I want to open the coffin." Su Jin roared.

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