My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2952: Mysterious inner coffin

Let your deadly powerhouse be in the coffin, but you are also dead! Su Jin really doesn't believe in that evil!

Open the coffin

The coffin must be opened!

Su Jin raised one hand and turned his palm into a fist. The profound meaning of the vast era seemed to be condensed into a sea of ​​Dao lines. The people around with fist-seeing were dazzled. As an ordinary person, it was impossible to control and master such a powerful fist. Surgery.

"Era's power! This punch was performed by the emperor Ye, it's nothing trivial." The face of Aukra changed slightly. She felt that Su Jin was stronger than before the Hundred Realms Meeting. Perhaps after the battle with Huanyu Tianzun and others, His perception has been qualitatively improved.

"But this punch may not be able to blast the divine coffin." Little Tongtian shook his head and said.

Yao'er’s pretty face turned pale, and she didn’t say anything in fright. She thought she was carrying Shennongding, a descendant of Emperor Yan, and possessing an unworldly talent. But now, looking at Brother Yedi, the inferiority in her heart is thrown away, sincerely Of admiration.


High in the sky, Jiyuan Tianquan condensed into a giant arm, and hit the southeast edge of the giant divine coffin fiercely!

"Impossible!" Su Jin trembled in his heart. After practicing, he had never encountered such a strange thing.

Jiyuan Tianquan couldn't even shake this giant divine coffin. The body of the coffin didn't even tremble. Su Jin himself knew very well that there were no restrictions around him. His punch must have hit the coffin firmly!

The children and daughters of Medicine covered their mouths lightly, and they also looked puzzled--

No, that giant coffin shouldn't be motionless!

"Is there really such a terrifying powerhouse in the world? If there is, there must be sages buried in the coffin! This can only be explained, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for the gap to be so large." Some spectators whispered.

"I really want to see who is buried in the coffin. Such a big battle must be the existence that once caused a sensation in the heavens."

"Yedi is afraid it will be difficult to open the coffin. His attack is not as good as a fart for the divine coffin. He even wanted to open the coffin and had to bury the gods——"


Su Jin's face was uncertain, and finally he looked at the star eyes under the coffin, and his expression immediately appeared in a daze.

It's not that one's own divine power can't shake the coffin, but the entire coffin is absorbed by the huge star eyes. In this case, let alone a blow with the Jiyuan Tianquan, even those Tianzuns may not be able to move this. The giant coffin is half an inch.

Su Jin was puzzled, unable to know the method of opening this divine coffin, and finally had no choice but to give up.

However, just as Su Jin was about to leave, an even stranger scene directly caused his face to change suddenly--

what happened! Unable to move! Su Jin had all his supernatural power running in his body, but in the end he couldn't even shake his shoulders!


Su Jin's heart shook violently, and the Secret Wheel behind him had spontaneously manifested itself.

"My secret!" Su Jinjai was about to split, staring at the divine coffin, screaming in his heart.

A smear of blood and blue light is condensing from Su Jin, and in a blink of an eye it condenses into a ball of brilliance and floats out. This is his Douzi Tian Mi!

Immediately afterwards, the gray-blue brilliance was stripped, Su Jin was anxious, but he had nothing to do!

The same is true for the Sky Secret, the bright blue light is extremely pure, and it attracts the eyes of many people in an instant. These three Secrets make countless spectators' eyes hot, and greed also breeds in their hearts——

How can Su Jin not be anxious!

His Nine Dao Body, embarked on a road that no one else has walked, and his realm is not comparable to others. His strong is the Dao Divine Art. These three kinds of secrets have allowed him to get rid of death countless times. Now he is stripped of his birth. I wonder why I feel so.

Linlang Shendi.

More than 30 super powers, also watching nervously——

The old man Tian Ming held the demon refining pot, his small watery eyes widened, and the face of the dreadful goddess was also extremely solemn, and no one knew what had happened.


The sour voice sounded.

The divine coffin attached to the star eye actually made a sound, and the giant coffin lid above it was moving, as if being pushed by a pair of invisible hands.

As the coffin lid moves, the soft brilliance resembles a firefighter, emanating from the removed position, and from a distance, it looks like a magical brilliance.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Zhetian Mi, Wu Zi Mi and Dou Zi Mi were sucked into the coffin almost simultaneously.

Su Jin could not move, but his whole person seemed to be lifted up by inexplicable power, and he was forced to **** into the coffin of the gods. Before entering the coffin, he saw the thickness of the outer wall of the gods coffin. It was almost as thick as a mountain range. .

Lightly fell into the bottom of the coffin, and the time spent just falling was about 20 breaths. Su Jin was a little surprised, because when his foot touched the ground, his whole person returned to normal, and he could feel his three Kind of Tian Mi is flying north.

Su Jin is not in a hurry.

The scene inside the coffin surprised him very much.

On the dark coffin wall, blue light spots are connected together, and these light spots are like prosperous stars, covering the surrounding coffin walls.

"This is a certain star road--" Su Jin thought to himself. He scanned the star road map with Maha Town Prison Eyes and noted every star position, and then he stepped on the bottom of the coffin step by step and headed north vigilantly. go.

Su Jin did not see any burial objects. The space inside the giant coffin was very large, very quiet, and very empty.

Suddenly, a smell of strange fragrance penetrated into his nose.

"This kind of scent shouldn't appear." Su Jin was alert to the extreme. He felt that this should belong to the smell of corpses, and there shouldn't be that kind of comfortable smell. You don't know how many years have been buried here. God's coffin, no matter how good the ability to protect the corpse, shouldn't give off a fragrance.

It is not so much that Su Jin is heading north, it is better to say that he is moving towards the center, and his Three Skill Heaven Secret is in his perception, and it seems that he is not moving fast at this time.


Su Jin seemed to have stepped on a silky object. He looked at it with his divine eyes. It was only one person high. At this moment, the eyes of Mohe Town could barely see that it was a satin-like corpse cloth——

"Go!" The ‘East Emperor’s Bell’ in Su Jin’s hand was released, and the bell immediately radiated bursts of brilliance, illuminating most of the scene in the coffin!

This piece of red corpse cloth, Su Jin looked at the scalp numb!

The area covered by the corpse cloth is at least one hundred thousand meters in size. If you look carefully, there are a series of patterns with distinct colors on it.

"This is the coffin!" Su Jin's face was solemn, "It turns out that the outside is the coffin, and the inside is the real inner coffin! This corpse cloth is used as a carpet, and after a long time, why can it be so bright?"

Su Jin looks intently towards the center~~~

In the center, a mouthful of the inner coffin in the color of'ivory white' is instantly in sight. The divine coffin is extremely beautiful, crystal clear, and the only thing that makes people feel terrible is around the coffin, involving nine vertical and nine horizontal bright red silks. !

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