My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2964: Slay the dragon at your fingertips!

Worship him?

Arrogant, extremely arrogant!

Hearing Su Jin’s domineering words, if the Yellow Shirt Instructor was in a human form, she would have smoked a long time ago. She is a master of Tianzun's cultivation base, and she also cultivated the frightening'Ruthless Dao', herself. The strength is also among the strongest in Tianzun.

Maybe it is because she is incompetent and too comfortable. Her reputation as the goddess of Baijing Lake is now so insulted!

"Funny dreaming! You **** king level ghost king, how can I succumb to you!" After the voice of the yellow shirt tutor's white soul aura, a dazzling fairy flower broke out, which has expanded by nearly 30%. .

We must know that under Su Jin’s coercion, many cultivators’ auras were suppressed to an unimaginable level. This goddess of Baijing Lake can also explode in cultivation, which inevitably attracts people's attention——

"That's the horror you didn't know about my catastrophe reincarnation!" Su Jin said lightly.

"I'm not afraid!" The yellow shirt instructor chose a rather tough reply.

Then, Su Jin talked to her lazily.

After three short breaths, the swaying aura of the primordial spirit of the instructor in the yellow shirt suddenly trembled——

Click, click, click~~~

The sour voice appeared clearly.

In the next scene, everyone who saw it felt a touch of coolness from the heart, it was simply creepy!

There was strong wind around, and in the black storm, a faint circle of black light was escaping. Although it was in the dark, but under the white aura of the master of the yellow shirt, the black wind seemed to sweep everything and shred the surrounding space. Bi, those void fragments have been involved in the black storm!


The yellow shirt tutor was obviously a little shocked-

Qiang Qiang!

In the black storm, barbed black chains swirled and danced, and then a **** guillotine condensed in the center of the storm. The guillotine was extremely powerful, more than ten times larger than the previous one. ! Not the highest!

"Is this the so-called catastrophe reincarnation?" The white soul of the yellow shirt instructor made a voice, with a little disdain in his voice.

As a master of the Heavenly Venerable Realm, this level of power is simply not worth mentioning, even the weakest Heavenly Venerable has the ability to destroy a region.

"You think too much...My catastrophe reincarnation, how can it be such a mere degree--" Su Jin's words made the yellow jersey instructor uneasy.

To be precise, even the close beauties such as Gumbo and Little Tongtian, they felt a little flustered after hearing Su Jin's words.

Everyone knows the ‘guillotine’ condensed in the black storm area, but this is not yet a ‘catastrophe reincarnation’. To what extent is the real ‘disaster reincarnation’?

Thousands of black chains cut the void around the guillotine, and the storm didn't mean to weaken at all.

At the bottom of the guillotine, a black halo recondensed, as if it were the foundation of the guillotine. This black halo is different from the nine black rings that exploded before. The dark red seals faintly shine in the black ring. , Not dazzling, but very weird——

Immediately after that, the second circle of halo shining with dark red talisman appeared...

The fifth lap-


The ninth lap!


Under the guillotine, a halo of dark red talisman was shining, looping around, and in a blink of an eye, a parallel energy continent was opened up in the void. That is a wonderful place where people can stand on it!


Behind the guillotine, there is a magnificent building in Ruoyi. Although it looks dilapidated, if people look there, the soul will feel a sense of airiness.

"What...what's going on..." Gumma's shock was stronger than anyone else.

"Do you feel it too? Tell me, what do you feel--" Guru Xiaotongtian asked.

"I feel the home, the eternal home..." Qiu Da Kui said with horror, "After the guillotine, the catastrophe reincarnation, is this the home of the legendary gods?"

"Not necessarily, even if he has the body of the ghost king, he is a veritable ghost king, but he is only a person. No one has ever defeated the sky in history. You must know that the heavens are just the heavens of the gods, and the gods are just the servants of the gods. "Said the leader of Xiaotongtian.

"Stay away--" Yaoer felt uncomfortable.

"If you don't retreat far, our souls will be sucked in. Yedi's ‘catastrophe reincarnation’ is simply too powerful. I doubt he can control this kind of power now!" Feng Zifei also said.


The primordial spirits of the few female leaders of Xiaotongtian have withdrawn a full three million li! But the Yuanshen still has the feeling of flying away, this kind of personal experience is really scary!

You must know that this is the reason why Su Jin kept their hands on them. If you don't believe me, look at the tutor in the yellow shirt. Even if she is a Tianzun posture, she has extremely strong power here, and now the Aura of the Primordial God is starting to crazily compress!

"This is not the power you can use now at your level! This is not!" A little panic appeared in the yellow shirt tutor's tone-

Really panicked!

At the beginning, the yellow shirt teacher thought that he would enter the tomb **** pool and he would be able to quell any chaos, but now! Su Jin's tactics of ‘catastrophe reincarnation’ exceeded her expectations! The scene behind the guillotine gave her the illusion of yearning.

wrong! That is not an illusion, but a real impact!

"I saw my destiny, I saw hope, I have never been so satisfied at this moment..." Among the hundreds of auras thousands of miles away, the weakest monk's aura suddenly accelerated and rushed directly to the guillotine!

"Friends of Daoist!" The Yuanshen halo behind him exclaimed.

"You have been lost in your mind by the evil ghost king. If you enter his catastrophe, you will be doomed forever!" Someone anxiously called the halo of the primordial spirit that was leaving quickly.

"I'm very clear, and fellow daoists don’t want to persuade me any more. I know that my home is there. I have cultivated the Tao for 35,000 years, seeking the strongest Taoism, and longing for the peak of eternal life, but everything is not going well. I see a glimmer of hope!" The primordial spirit halo cast a word, and rushed directly behind the guillotine.


Faintly, the halo of the primordial spirit was distracted from the outermost light. One of the black and white dragon primordial spirits burst out, but before entering the scope of the catastrophe reincarnation, a black chain on the guillotine entangled the dragon-shaped yuan. God, only a moment of time was chopped.

Slay the dragon at your fingertips!


The aura of the primordial spirit of the tutor in the yellow shirt is like a bird imprisoned in a cage, under the pressure of Su Jin, it is impossible to break free! On the contrary, she seemed to be being pulled over by an invisible force!

"Why do I know that it is a place that is never recovered, I still have the feeling of yearning!" Seeing that the instructor in the yellow shirt couldn't break free, he had to ask in a flustered voice.

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