My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2965: A disaster

The yellow shirt tutor realized the seriousness of the matter!

If the soul was sucked over, even if it were to board the guillotine, it would be extremely dangerous, and Su Jin's main target was her, she might have difficulty breaking free!


The white soul of the yellow shirt tutor was finally drawn to the edge of the guillotine, and the mysterious pulling force suddenly increased tenfold!

But the strange thing is still behind, the primordial spirit of the yellow shirt teacher is on the'guillotine', as if being imprisoned, and staying in the same place, this feeling is very scary!


A weird wind blew, and the primordial spirit of the yellow shirt tutor visibly trembled. When visible to the naked eye, a ring of thick ink on the guillotine slowly condensed.

What does he want to do?

The yellow shirt tutor was extremely flustered, and then she thought of a terrible thing! If she knew the state of her Dao body now, she would have to spray a mouthful of blood first--

On the tomb **** pool outside, the Dao body of the teacher in yellow shirt was all pink, and the blush on his face was dripping. This was naturally the instinctive feeling that the soul gave her Dao body.

"You dare to hurt me ruthlessly!" The yellow shirt tutor felt deep despair at this time.

Su Jin’s condensed primordial spirit aura is approaching her white primordial spirit aura. This speed seems to be slow, but in fact it is an instant matter. The two auras collided in an instant.


But everyone who paid attention to this scene saw an incredible scene! When the two primordial auras collided, an extremely dazzling lightning storm was produced, and the light at the time of the collision produced a terrifying lightning!

The grand thunder power grid that connects the sky to the earth!

In the distance, hundreds of thousands of monks who participated in the Hundred Realms Society shook their souls, and the souls of the daughters of Xiaotongtian hierarch all fell silent. They knew what Su Jin wanted to do! After all, when they first entered here with the primordial spirit before, they already felt the kind of feeling like bliss into the immortal——

No wonder Su Jin is sure to break the "relentless way" of the goddess of Baijing Lake!

Real thief--

The yellow shirt tutor sticks to her heart and runs her ruthless avenue with all her strength. This can be seen from her primordial spirit aura. At the moment of contact, her white primordial spirit aura doubled, but Su Jin is too Domineering, hardly wanting to give her a chance to react!

One black and one white, two primordial auras are connected together!

Then as if catering to the law of yin and yang, the two auras rotated, followed by the terrible lightning that swept away!

Boom, click, click~~~

Several lightning bolts instantly hit more than a hundred cultivators' souls, and the power of that thunder and lightning did not even give time to scream. Many cultivators' souls were turned into air, completely obliterated in this world!


The tutor in the yellow shirt made a sound that she would not even dare to think about in her entire life. In her white halo, there were faint lightnings everywhere, and the whole soul was in a state of numbness.

Ruthless... Is it really the ultimate road in the world? For the first time, the teacher Huangshan had this idea in his heart. It is the most painful and patience to cut off love and love. Ruthlessness is a kind of patience and the most lonely way of practicing. The joy of the world cannot exist in the ruthless monk!

The feelings just now continue. The teacher in yellow shirt, who is the goddess of Baijing Lake, has never felt such a relaxed and unburdened feeling. Although she is being dominated, she wants to continue this feeling until the sky is old!

No way!

The yellow shirt tutor told himself this in his heart!

If the ruthless Dao is broken, this is tantamount to breaking her hope! She has practiced hard till now, but she is a powerful person in the upper ranks of Tianzun, and her ruthless faith is deeply ingrained, and this feeling can no longer continue!

But that person...very domineering--

Just let him be domineering for a while~~~

The white soul was trembling in the storm and thunder, sometimes quiet, as if the sky could not stop the happy feeling.

The female leaders of Xiaotongtian watched quietly, watching the two auras of black and white overlap together, black on the outside and white on the inside, the electric light is still blazing, and the intensity is more than ten times more than just now!

"Are you... envy?" Gumbo asked pretendingly after being silent.

"Everything in the world is nothing strange. This is a good fortune, a catastrophe by the emperor." Little Tongtian said lightly.

"Jie?" Yao'er asked very puzzled.

"Yes, do you know who this white soul is? It is the extremely holy Goddess of Baijing Lake, the person in charge of the tomb sacred pool. She wants to escape in fact only for a moment, but for us, for the emperor, we need Find a way to get out of here——" Xiaotongtian said.

"You mean..." The Aura of the Aura trembling violently, obviously thinking of a terrifying possibility.

"Yes, our bodies are all by the Baijing Lake, and the night emperor's is also there. As long as the goddess of the Baijing Lake asks the soul to leave here and return to Baijing Lake, the night emperor is in danger, and he is afraid of this danger. I haven't expected it yet." said the leader of Xiaotongtian.

"And she was ruthlessly broken, so naturally she wouldn't let it go."

"It's normal. After this battle, her Dao Xin will inevitably have unrecoverable flaws. If you want to repair the flaws, Emperor Zhan Ye is certain--"


Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

On the guillotine, the black halo is getting stronger, but the white primordial halo is fading. This fading is not a manifestation of weakness, but a feeling of transparent porcelain. Xiaotongtian and others even feel The primordial spirit of the yellow shirt tutor has also changed a bit-

"You're dead..." Around the primordial spirit of the yellow shirt tutor, a series of white runes floated, and the moment the voice fell, her primordial spirit turned into a phantom light and disappeared directly into the tomb **** pool!

Su Jin smiled bitterly--

How could he not think of things that even the leader of Xiaotongtian can think of! This yellow shirt tutor can naturally too!

You shouldn’t be greedy for that feeling just now... The best way is to directly increase her strength, drag her into the catastrophe reincarnation, and directly destroy it. Now...

Su Jin is really passive now, and the consequences are even catastrophic!

"What to do? Let's let the soul go out quickly, otherwise she will cut your body and use it to make up for the flaws in her Dao Heart, and everything will be late by then!" Little Tongtian urged the leader in a hurry.

"Let her--" Su Jin felt that the possibility of his physical survivorship was very small, it might be close to zero.

The daughters of Xiaotongtian:...

At this moment, outside the Tomb God Pool!

The primordial spirit of the tutor of the yellow shirt returned to the divine body, although the red glow on her face had not faded, but she had become extremely firm. She got up from the tomb sacred pond and appeared directly beside the platinum lake in one step.

An ice-white short sword with Wenluo appeared in his hand——

The yellow shirt tutor almost saw Su Jin's location at a glance. With the kind of familiarity with each other's soul, she would definitely not find the wrong person.

The ice-white dagger was held back by her, step by step walked in front of Su Jin, and squatted down...

Then, the tip of the sword inserted into Su Jin's heart without hesitation!

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