My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2969: From their home

Funiu Tianzun and Dongshan Shengzun, their faces were gloomy, and they all looked at Su Jin with bad eyes.

Calling Longhe Tianzun a dog, a person with this courage has been dead for several epochs, it is really courageous!

"Longhe! My Yanhuang ancestral land, sacred and unparalleled, can you insult if you want to insult? Today I am immortal with you! Can you dare to fight?!" The Heavenly Maiden of Hanyan stared at Longhe Tianzun angrily.

"Dry Yan, you have to remember... Those old things are dead long ago, and now they are not in the age of sages. You and Ye Di should know the gap with me, and it is not difficult for me to find your ancestral land—" Longhe Tianzun said calmly.

"Yeah, now it's not the age of sages and sages, Longhe Tianzun will destroy a wasteland, still need you to wait for threats?" Funiu Tianzun thought for a while and laughed.

What saints.

Not worth mentioning!

Even if something is wrong, who dares to question?

"Friend Haoran, when you come to the city of the dead tomb, you should have come to watch the battle, right? Don't care about yourself, insisting on choosing the side, it will not do you any good." Dongshan Holy Venerable looked at Haoran Tianzun and said.

Haoran Tianzun hesitated in his heart-

The Holy Venerable Dongshan is giving himself a step, the other side's meaning is very obvious, the threat is very obvious, but he has stood up, even if the night emperor dies in this battle, Longhe will spare the Haoran world or two.

Could it be...

Haoran Tianzun looked at Su Jin a few more times, did he see it wrong?

"The heavens are not the sky of your Longhe Tianzun alone. Your gods and earth can't control my Haoran world, and it's even harder to threaten." Haoran Tianzun thought about it, but his tone was very tough.

"Ming is stubborn, so deliberately looking for death, no wonder I didn't speak for you!" Dongshan Holy Venerable also furiously said.

"The senior in your world... has a breakthrough?" Longhe Tianzun moved in his heart, and looked at Haoran Tianzun coldly. If this is not the case, how brave this Haoran Tianzun dares to stand out like this.

Haoran Tianzun smiled lightly without explaining, but this smile is a bit intriguing——

Okui looked frowning, that senior did not break through. I am afraid that only her father would know about her awe-inspiring line. At least there is no news of a breakthrough at the moment. If that senior breaks through, Longhe will be invincible. The myth is destined to be broken, but now... everything is still unknown.

Just when there is no sound, the sky changes suddenly!

Over the gloomy city of the dead tomb, the starlight disappeared, and one drop, two drops, and finally a pouring rain of colored light poured down. There is an illusion that people are in a fairyland——

"Auspicious rain from the sky? Is this... Is this a manifestation of my God's Land of Fortune?" The elder with a line of spirits said excitedly.

"Auspicious Omen! A proper Omen of Auspiciousness!"

"No! I always feel something is wrong—"


For the first time, Su Jin raised his hand, looked at the colorful rain passing by his fingertips, suddenly turned around, and looked at the few people in the distance.

Little Tongtian was a bit strange, but she soon discovered something was wrong, Yao'er's face was flushed, the red color was like a ripe apple, and the green wooden cauldron behind her disappeared!


Above the colored light and rain, a huge auspicious cloud obscures the sky and the sun, illuminating the entire world. In that auspicious cloud, a greenwood divine cauldron is looming, and just a cauldron is hundreds of millions of square meters in size!

You don’t need to look closely to see the Wenluo on the tripod. Not only are there totems of ten thousand beasts, but also hundreds of millions of herbal essences, and the gods spouting from the mouth of the tripod are even more extraordinary. It's easy to see that a head of fairy bird was created, this is just a condensed existence from the colored fairy sky, and it can be turned alive.

In the distance, the giant tortoise was carrying the big stele downstairs, and the woman in red with a rare solemn expression, she directly bowed down to the gods.

Su Jinhong stared at Yaoer and shook his head slowly.

This Qingmu Cauldron was after the Hundred Realms Meeting, and was going to return to the China Great World with Yao'er. How could the Yan Emperor's divine intent dissipate in this filthy land?

"Brother, I...I can't help it." Yaoer smiled bitterly.

Su Jin sighed heavily, fluttered before thinking about it, and bowed down, but his body trembled constantly, and his heart was sad.

"Where is the senior coming?" Longhe Tianzun was shocked and asked loudly.


Who is coming?

Within a radius of tens of billions of miles, I have never heard of such a magical power. Seeing that the screaming fairy birds on the gods cauldron have the power to create things——

Bang bang bang--

Haoran Tianzun, Tianming Old Man, and Drought Tiannv all bowed down.

Around Linlang Divine Land, thousands of cities all feel auspicious. Whether it is a practitioner, or the ants and beasts in the quiet old forest, the billions of spiritual trees and grasses, all are expressing their respect in their own ways.

"Dry Yan, who do you know this senior is?" Haoran Tianzun was puzzled, and transcribed inquiring.

"Sages in our world." The Hanyantian female spoke through the voice.


Haoran Tianzun seems to be about to explode. The ancient saints and sages have all passed away. The Drought Heavenly Maiden and Yanhuang are no exception. How could it? How come!

At this time, the ten Supreme Elders in Linlang Divine Land were also crawling on the ground, and there was an elder who was proficient in calculation, with a bare face, and said dazedly: "It's not auspicious omen, it's not auspicious omen of my Divine Land— —"

"Elder Stone, why do you say this? It's a great thing for this senior to come to God's Land!" Another elder superseded.

"This senior, the cultivation base seems unfathomable. If you count Elder Stone, he actually has the ability to create things. Is it the legendary ‘creation realm’ powerhouse?" asked another elder.

"No, it's not the creation realm." The elder Stone was still shocked, and said stupidly: "Just a tripod can create creation. This is an endless sage and can do it."

For the sages, realm is basically a matter of laughter and generosity. All sages are not restricted by realm. This is endless. If you force the realm of sages, it is endless! !

"Sage, it's a good thing for a sage to come to our world!" Elder Supreme said, he didn't understand what Elder Stone meant.

"It's not my sage, my sage has long since disappeared--" Elder Stone said.

"That's also a good thing. At this time, the Hundred Realms will open, and the coming of the sages will definitely make the gods shine!"

"Yes, it belongs to their family..." Elder Stone's eyes began to bleed. After he figured out what was wrong, he worked hard to calculate the result, and he even looked at the city far away in the tomb of Su Jin, just like Su Jin. Take a look at the medicine.

Dragon River Tianzun is now beating a drum, asking the sage, but he has not received a response from the sage——


On the Shennong Ding, an arm condensed by colored fairy rain appeared impressively. No one saw how the opponent made the move. In a flash, Long He roared!

The colorful palm pressed **** Longhe Tianzun's head!

From the void, fall to the ground! Longhe Tianzun’s face was in direct contact with the ground, and was held tightly--

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