My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2970: Waste Dragon River!

What power is this? !

With just one blow, the suppressed Longhe Tianzun could not move!

You must know that Long Hetian is the lord of Linlang Divine Land, who controls the lifeline of tens of billions of miles of life, and the supernatural powers of cultivation are countless, and he has just opened up his own destiny, galaxy, but even so. Still pressed to the ground.

The sudden change is too shocking!

All the people they saw were guessing, but the ancient sages have all passed away, and the one who can do this is probably the strong ‘creation realm’ above the heavenly sovereign.

"In Creation Realm, when did the Lord of God Land offend a strong in Creation Realm?" After the shock, I don't know who said in amazement.

"It can't be the creation realm. You must know that Longhe Tianzun has already touched the breath of the creation realm a long time ago, and he can enter the creation realm with one foot. Which creation realm can hold Longhe Tianzun with one palm? Forcing him to be unable to move. ?"

"This is the breath of a sage——"

"The sage is gone, how can it be a sage?"

"There is a possibility! There is a ray of divine will hidden in this divine cauldron, otherwise it will be difficult to explain!"


Longhe Tianzun is now pressing his head on the ground. When he was treated like this, he was extremely annoyed, but at the same time he was angry, he was also very surprised and surprised in his heart. He did not remember when he provokes such an existence——

"Who is Senior?" Longhe Tianzun's last trace of anger turned into a far-fetched smile, and he didn't know how many times he was lowered.

With his face pressed against the ground, he was constantly rubbing his dignity, but he was powerless. Under that powerful pressure, even though he was a celestial venerable, he still seemed to feel that several star fields were pressing on him, heavy and even blinking. It's almost impossible.


The voice that Longhe Tianzun wanted the most to hear was now particularly harsh, his question was not answered, and the deep sea of ​​Qi Palace had been blown apart by inexplicable means.

"You! You! You abolished me!!" Longhe Tianzun kept roaring. He is the strongest genius in the gods for thousands of years. He is immortal. In three thousand years, he will be able to reach the power of creation. the realm It collapsed, the cultivation base was scrapped, and the Qi Sea God Palace was easily exploded, completely turned into waste!

The rain of colored light was splendid.

The palm of Shennong’s ding gradually disappeared. Longhe Tianzun slammed his fist on the ground, but he could only make a shallow punch hole. Even when he was not in his heyday, this punch could make a world tremble. Three tremors-


Longhe Tianzun's eyes full of resentment, raised his head and stared at the cyan cauldron roaring, abandoning his cultivation, it would be better to slap him to death!

"The sky is decayed long ago, and the era of Fengtian should be over long ago." In the light rain on the Shennong Ding, a stalwart figure faintly condensed. Wearing a linen robe, he seemed to be extremely tired, but the rules of his body, The artistic conception seems to be very different.

"Xianyi——" Longhe Tianzun stunned, "This is Shennongding, you, you are..."

Funiu Tianzun and Dongshan Shengzun, their faces are as ugly as they are now!

Although this azure cauldron was very different from the one carried by the Yaoer little girl before, this was the complete form of the Shennong cauldron. As soon as the two of the Dongshan Sages appeared, they felt something was wrong, and there really was a big trouble.

Disposal of Longhe, I'm managing!

Just now, in front of the sages, Longhe was going to destroy the ancestors of the sages and cut the blood of the sages. This abolition was considered light.

"Senior! This Longhe is rebellious! To insult my sage, it's **** damn!" The sage Dongshan changed his previous expression and reverently said: "I was bewitched by him, but now I have fully realized that I am ashamed to be with him. Please forgive me— —"

Funiu Tianzun secretly scolded Dongshan Shengzun in his heart. After all, he cleared the relationship so quickly, and he was unambiguous. He immediately knocked his head and shouted: "I would like to lay out all the malicious tricks of this beast, Longhe. Hope the sage will be gentle!"

The wall fell down and everyone pushed it, showing it vividly at this moment——

All spectators finally understand! The person who shot on the tripod was actually a sage!

"This sacred cauldron, I look familiar..." Someone yelled when he looked at the condensed scene far outside the five-hundred city of sacred land.

"This is a Shennong Ding, a sage and a treasure, and it has the power to create things!"

"The ancient sages... the emperor! This is the emperor!"

"The Ye Emperor and the Drought Goddess came from the Yanhuang land, and the Shennong clan was one of the ancestors of that land. It is said that among the three saints and sages, two emperors were clearly the ancestors of civilization there. One was the father of the Drought Goddess Huangdi, and the other was this. It's a bit."

"There is another one?"




Su Jin's mood is extremely complicated now. He is not incapable of fighting Longhe Tianzun in the city of the dead tomb. He even regrets a bit. He should call for the existence in the star coffin and forcibly obliterate Longhe Tianzun. , The divine will of the ancestor would not appear——

"Child, come here." The figure on the tripod smiled kindly at Su Jin, and reached out to signal Su Jin.

Su Jin froze and flew up.

"First ancestor, please tell me." Su Jinxin felt sad and nodded slowly.

It turned out that the ancestor of the saints and sages of my realm was so amiable, and Su Jin's heart pressure suddenly became much smaller. After all, it is impossible to say that it is not nervous.

Emperor Yan looked at Su Jin carefully, and nodded, "It's pretty good, I didn't expect that the younger generation in my world would have such a genius with such an affinity."

"Affinity Avenue?"

"Well, the avenues rebuke each other. Many people can only practice one avenue in their lives, but you are the fellow practitioners of the nine realms. They complement each other and are perfect. This alone makes it impossible for even the endless old guys like me back then. To."

"Also please the ancestors instruct the kid to practice -" Su Jin said seriously.

"You can practice as you want. It's only me, idealistic, in line with the laws of nature, and it can become a great weapon in the future." Emperor Yan gave Su Jin a deep look, "I hope you can get out of the Hundred Realms Society and take me back to my hometown to see it. Look."

"Definitely live up to the expectations of the ancestors!" Su Jin bowed deeply, the colorful rain in the sky stopped, the divine cauldron quickly began to shrink, the Yandi's divine intent returned to the cauldron, and finally the Qingmu cauldron fell and was embraced by Yao'er.

I don’t know how many people are having scalp tingling!

The little girl who often carries the tripod is equivalent to walking with a sage on her back. This is incredible!

Su Jin heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that the divine will of the ancestor would not dissipate. It was not worth mentioning to use this little power to destroy Longhe, and he immediately walked to the side of Xiaotongtian.

"Go." Su Jin said lightly.

"Where to go?" asked the leader Xiaotongtian.

"Go straight to the ninth level—"

"How is it possible?" Gumbo was taken aback.

"Originally, I didn't intend to fight for the first place in this Hundred Realms Association, but now I can't wait. It is most important to complete the ancestor's account," Su Jin said.

"The ninth level has a terrible death, you can leave now." Little Tongtian said in a puzzled way.

"Can't walk away." Su Jin glanced bitterly to the rear left, indicating the existence of the women in red.

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