My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2972: Starry Beast Forest

No one on the bridge can think of--

Even Su Jin himself.

The walker trembled slightly, and she was dressed in a thin yellow shirt, and her posture was even more beautiful. When she boarded the bridge, she turned her head sideways, as if her eyes were slightly complicated and ruthless in her talking eyes.

It is the tutor of the yellow shirt, the goddess of Baijinghu.

Before Su Jin asked her to follow her, she was sternly rejected. There was no room. She really didn't expect that she would come up before going to the ninth pass and didn't understand the meaning.

"Beauty, what are you going to do with me? You still want to fight with me?" Su Jin was in a surprisingly good mood, and the tone of his words and the look in his eyes were a bit bad--

"My home was ruined by you, you just leave?" The yellow shirt instructor dodges Su Jin's wanton eyes, his voice is not loud or small, but very light.

Su Jin Dale said with a soft cough, "After that, I will pay you a home. As for when to pay, you can follow me first, depending on my mood."

Okui listened, Xingyan was about to breathe fire, according to her careless and hot temper, even her father could not control him, now this guy is in front of her, openly wanting to give other women a home, knowing that she just paid Yes, he had to take care of himself, but he didn't take anyone else!

Angry to anger, but the Ye Emperor at this time, not the Ye Emperor at that time, had to swallow in his stomach when he was angry. She didn’t take Su Jin at all—

The yellow shirt tutor did not speak, and silently walked to the side of the leader Xiao Tongtian, making people unable to guess the true thoughts in his heart.

The immortal bridge runs through the clouds, and it is dimly morning. It is already dawn. Among the fifty million monks, I don't know how many men can't sleep at night and stay up until this moment.

Dignified Tianzun, gave his daughter away, no! It should be said that he was abducted by Ye Di.

Forget it, after all, although Gumbo has a very beautiful appearance, her character is more famous than her, and it is difficult for ordinary people to control, but this goddess of Baijing Lake is different——

Although she is a ruthless person, but with her unparalleled appearance and tepid temperament, she absolutely does not know how many people Meisha has, and this night the emperor has also abducted her!

Since then, Baijing Lake has no goddess!

After seeing this scene in the spectators, he was jealous and said: "Why, I am also a leader of a young man, and I am not inferior to the emperor in appearance. Why can't I turn away the goddess Tianzun?"

"Do you have a secret?" someone asked strangely.


"Do you have a gift for the world?"


"Does your family have any sages?"


"What will happen to you when you meet Tianzun?"

"Quite and trembling thump and hurry down on your knees, that's Tianzun, one finger can press me into gray--"

"That's why you can't. Now Tianzun sees Yedi. If you are weaker, you have to kneel with him and give a respectful voice to Lord Yedi~~~"


Among the vast clouds, the morning glow was transpiring, and half of the red sun had been exposed.

Okui looked at Su Jin from time to time, and she was happy no matter how she looked at it. She admired her father more and more. The previous situation of openly confronting Longhe Tianzun, changed it to her, she knew it was impossible to come forward. After all, a little carelessness will bring disaster to the family.

"Seven levels have passed." Su Jin said lightly with one hand behind him.

On the Tongtian Bridge, the powerful pressure is released, and there is no way to invade. Today’s Tongtian Immortal Bridge is different. When on the bridge, you can see the roads of the previous passes, although the bridge body was attacked during the period. , But it doesn't matter.

This is the time when Longhe was abolished, only three sticks of incense——

The atmosphere is very subtle, perhaps because of the goddess of Baijing Lake.

The leader of Xiaotongtian winked at Su Jin and gave way. Yao'er and a few daughters are not in the realm of the goddess of Baijing Lake, and now they dare not even speak.

"The world only knows the goddess of Baijing Lake, but don't know what your real name is. You will become a family in the future, so you can't always call the goddess, right?" Su Jin moved a step left, the fragrance of the goddess suddenly became richer. He lifted his left hand and placed it on the shoulder of the goddess of Baijing Lake, and then stroked the waterfall blue silk along the way. The special soft back feeling in the palm of the palm immediately made people comfortable.

"Who's with your family?" The goddess of Baijinghu turned and walked to the bridge, but she didn't know why in her heart, it was messy, maybe she couldn't explain it, explain why she wanted to follow it——

Su Jin smiled softly.

Don't mind.

When the thorny flowers are picked, they will inevitably pierce their hands and even pierce blood. He has a lot of experience and is nothing but patience.

Time passed by, and a lush green in the distance leaped forward. The Hundred Realms will open up to the present. Except for Su Jin, no contestant has come here yet. Here are the eighth and ninth levels. Of the connection.

"I can't even extend the Fairy Bridge into it?" Su Jin was quite surprised when he saw the ripples in the void in front of the bridge.

"The ninth stage is the starry sky beast forest. It is impossible to enter by chance. It takes a lot of courage to walk in from here. I heard that the monks who have won the championship have never really entered the ninth stage." Feng Zifei's face was rare and solemn.

"How did that become number one?" Su Jin asked.

"Each session of the Hundred Realms Conference, there are only a handful of people who can get here, and this section of the road to the starry beast forest is extremely dangerous. If anyone is the closest to the beast forest and does not die, he will naturally win the first prize when the time limit expires." Zi Fei responded.

"This is a rare restriction by the ancient gods. Your Tongtian Immortal Bridge cannot be crossed. Let's go down." Little Tongtian also became nervous.

Su Jin hadn't given any comments yet, but saw the goddess of Baijing Lake step out of the bridge and fell down——

In this regard, Su Jin had no choice but to follow.

With the emerald green grass and the gurgling clear water creek, Su Jin and several people fell down, and they all had no time to enjoy the beautiful scenery. There was a white misty forest in front of them, and the edge of the forest could not even shine into the sun.

"This forest is called the Starry Sky Beast Forest?" Su Jin questioned.

"I've said it, this is forbidden by the ancient gods. What you see with your eyes may not be true. You will find out later when you walk in. And do you see the ruins of the stone statues?" Little Tongtian pointed to some whitening outside the forest. Upon closer inspection, some of the stone statues are scattered among them, but some of these statues have been damaged in the long river of years.

"Well, what's the point?" Su Jin became curious.

"If you see them, it proves that you have extremely high talents and that the soul is already extraordinary, but if you find strange things when looking at them, such as a stone statue with eyes open and looking at you, then you should quit this time. Baijiehui, otherwise bad things will happen," said the leader of Xiaotongtian.

The goddess of Baijing Lake blushed and glanced at the leader Xiao Tongtian, as if she was disturbed by the word'primordial spirit'. You must know that in the tomb **** pool, Su Jin and her--

"Is there anything strange?" Feng Zifei also said nervously, "The stone statue did not open his eyes to look at me."



Yao'er and a few daughters also answered one after another, even the goddess Bai Jinghu answered, the last few women all looked at Su Jin——

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