My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2973: Wangxiang Corridor

"Why are you so nervous?"

Su Jin chuckled dumbly. The women overreacted. He glanced at the group of broken stone statues, and then continued to say two words with profound meaning: "Nothing."


The girls of Gumbo and Little Tongtian were obviously relieved. Fortunately, they didn't. If they did, they might be in great trouble.

"In the last Hundred Worlds Conference, although I was not born yet, I heard that the person who won the first prize was quite legendary. There were nine people who came here at the time. He was the last in strength, but the other eight people were all watching. Glancing at the group of stone statues, silently withdrew, as if seeing some bad sights." Feng Zifei said with a sullen mouth.

Su Jin frowned slightly--

In fact, he saw an unusual scene. He was only afraid that the women were worried and said no. Whether the stone statues were broken or intact, they all looked at him now. This feeling was very strange, but he was not worried, after all. It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse cannot be avoided! He does not believe in destiny, only in himself!

"Go in, there are dangers everywhere, not something that some stone statues can predict." The goddess of Baijinghu glanced at Su Jin and said.

"My sister is the goddess of Baijing Lake, the tutor of the city of the dead tomb, don't you know the situation in this ninth level?" Qiu Da Kui couldn't help asking.

"I know something--" The goddess Bai Jinghu hesitated.

"What should we be most careful about?" Guru Xiao Tongtian also asked.

"Starry Sky Beast Forest, naturally you have to be careful of the powerful monsters. Of course, the aborigines among them should not be underestimated. In short, be careful not to be curious about any existence you see." said the goddess of Baijing Lake.

Or aboriginals?

Su Jin yawned, the power in his body circulated slightly for a big week, and his spirits suddenly became vigorous. Without saying anything, he stepped forward before the ancient **** forbidden, and stepped in.

As soon as he stepped in, Su Jin felt the difference--

Su Jin clearly noticed that in the Dao Zang Zi Mansion where he had palms, the ascending platform was trembling visibly, and the ‘wheel of years’ on it was a masterpiece.

Was it because this ancient **** forbidden caused the reaction of the wheel of time, or was it related to the starry beast forest? Su Jin was puzzled, but didn't care too much.

On the contrary, Su Jin looked around, paying special attention to this ancient **** forbidden——

When I walked in, the environment and breath are like a world away. The green grassland outside is connected to the forest creek, but just taking this step, the scene is very different. The brightness of the environment is not high and it is gray. The light here is mostly shining from the stars. .

Su Jin has never seen the trees and vegetation here. There are ancient trees that are thicker than a mountain and are not as high as the top. There are plants that are not too small, but they can absorb stars and produce five or six different petal colors.

The key Su Jin went back, but couldn't go back——

"Lightning strikes the dragon tree, colorful rootless **** grass!" After Yao'er walked in, his eyes were shining brightly, and even if he restrained his impulse, he said to himself: "It's a pity that the **** grass is not in my current realm. ..."

"The stars here are connected to the stars. They are the famous twin stars in the beast forest. There are countless peculiar ancient trees in the middle, and there are even fierce lands in the depths comparable to the graves of sentient beings. , Don't charge." The goddess Bai Jinghu said solemnly.

"What should I do now? The time for the end of the Hundred Realms Meeting has not arrived yet, and no one else has arrived yet, shall we wait?" Yao'er said disappointedly.

"Can't wait, staying in place is the most dangerous thing." The goddess Baijinghu's face changed slightly, and she pointed to a distant scene and said: "Go there, there is a place where people have been before, and the stars are connected between the stars. , Also called'Wangxiang Corridor', there should be no problem going there."

"You, what do you think--" Qiu Da Kui tweaked and asked Su Jin.

Su Jin did not reply.

The temperament of the okra came up directly, and just as he was about to speak, he was held back by the leader of Xiaotongtian.

Seeing Su Jin looking at a starry sky, the leader of Xiaotongtian watched for more than ten seconds, obviously he didn't pay attention to the okra after he found something.

"Five million miles away from here in the deep space, locked a blue dragon, in that direction." Su Jin pointed to the starry sky in the northeast region and said while looking at the women.


The goddess Baijinghu looked strangely, "Don't worry, there is a dragon locked in the starry sky. It's no surprise here, you just need to stay on the'Wangxiang Corridor' until the Baijiehui ends."

Su Jin was unbelievable. If he was alone, he might just rush away. The Azure Dragon is extremely large, bound by more than nine thousand chains, floating in the deep space, and the faint pressure proves that it is still alive——


Above the ancient woods, the divine power and water vapor mixed together, and the heaven and the earth suddenly dimmed, reaching the point where they could not see their fingers.


The unusually violent thunder and lightning, because of the divine power mixing, showed colorful colors, when it was split on some ancient trees, it was as gorgeous as bunches of gorgeous fireworks.

But at this moment, who dares to appreciate such a beautiful scenery?

Yao'er's face was pale, and there were so many lightning bolts here. It seemed that they were all caused by thunder and violent violent lightning, otherwise she would not have spotted a ‘lightning dragon tree’ at first sight.

"Bleeding, the ancient trees that were being smashed are bleeding--" Yao'er was very frightened. She was good at distinguishing many herbal gods, but those tall and not-top ancient trees were chopped down, and there was a sky of blood. Spring, the blood is very bright, clearly visible when thunder flashes.

Su Jin naturally saw it too. He didn't speak any more. I don't know why, the goddess of Baijing Lake asked him to go to the "Wangxiang Corridor", but there seemed to be a voice in his heart preventing him from going.

He wanted to go to the place where the blue dragon was locked, and Su Jin hadn't figured out why the'Wheel of Years' appeared strange.

After pondering over and over again, Su Jin wanted to open a void passage and go straight to the Wangxiang corridor, but for some reason, he tried three times without success. It was not until the fourth time that he used 50% of his power to open it up.

Su Jin planned.

First he sent a few women to the Wangxiang corridor. After he made arrangements, he went to the Land of Locked Dragon by himself. He always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell where the problem was.

"You are not allowed to look at the corridor of the township--" Su Jin's group of people looked sideways at the sudden voice.

I saw a giant tortoise carrying the big stele tower quietly, and at a close distance, I could feel how shocked the giant tortoise was, and the lady in red was sitting on the quaint blue bell as usual.

"Wonder, do you want to kill Ye Di?" the goddess Bai Jinghu asked.

"Once there were only two people walking along the way of Wangxiang Corridor. After the Hundred Worlds Meeting ended, they both died during the midnight'Zi Shi' period. The cause of death is unknown." The woman in red said lightly.

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