My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2982: Golden Ape King

Who can believe that--

Who would believe it!

The fame of the Golden Ancient Ape King is too great. In the starry beast forest, this king who became famous in ancient times has long established himself in the beast forest and has become a legendary existence.

The ancient years are eternally gone, and many surviving powerhouses are submerged in the depths of memory, but the king of the golden apes is still there.

The loneliness of the Haotian patriarch, and the patriarchs of the Guitian patriarchs Ye Chonghai, the Bashen tribe, and the Haiyao tribe were all in shock. The scene just now was no less than the shock of the outbreak of the beast tide. Youth close!

That young man was even so noble that he was put on his head by the Golden Ape King!

"Guyan niece and the young man went to see the Golden Ape King!" Pashen Patriarch is a strong man with a height of more than two meters. At this moment, he recovered and took a look at Gushan and Ye Chonghai.

Thirty-six tribes, who knows that Gushan has a daughter who has passed the gods? The patriarch of Guitian intentionally contributed to this marriage and made Gu Yan his daughter-in-law, but now Gu Yan is held by the noble young man and taken away by the Golden Ape King——

Gushan's face was blue and red, and he had been guessing the identity of Ye Di, but he never thought that the other party was so mysterious!

"Just now we were still arguing about who should be the leader of the alliance. Now I don't see anyone fighting, let's let Patriarch Haotian be the leader of the alliance!" Patriarch Hai Yao said.

"Yes, I just received the news. I heard that the Haotian clan was attacked not long ago. The lonely patriarch fought bravely against Youan Yaozun and defeated it. It is really a role model for the other 35 clans. The Lord of the Alliance!"

"I agree!"

"Agree, the Gushan patriarch is indeed the best choice for the leader!"

"Gu Mou just said that he should never be the leader." Gu Shan shook his head flatly.

Gushan is not a fool. Everyone wants to be the leader. He just thought about it, but now that he sees his daughter and Yedi being taken away by the Golden Ape King, he has given up the idea of ​​becoming the leader!

The position of the leader is a heavy responsibility. The other thirty-five patriarchs want to use him as a gunman. They are lonely and not stupid. They know that if they agree to be the leader, the other patriarchs will definitely let him ask the Golden Ape King and let the beast. The tide will not spread among his 36 clans! He doesn't have that ability!

"Don't refuse the patriarch of Gushan. When the beast tide first came, it spread to your Vast Sky Clan. You are even more shocked by the two monsters. Who is the right one for you?" The patriarch laughed.

"You are wrong, it is not Gu Mou, but Ye Di who shook the two demon veterans." Gu Shan shook his head and sighed.

"Who is Ye Di?"

"Unheard of."

"There is still this character in the beast forest?"

"Don't guess, it is the young man you saw, who was picked up by the Golden Ape King." Gushan said.


Everyone suddenly realized that the young man who can be valued by the Golden Ancient Ape King and placed on his head is surely strong, but this lonely girl was held by him and went to meet the Golden Ancient Ape King. The relationship between the two—

"Is he really capable of overpowering the two demon veterans?" The Guitian patriarch Ye Chonghai suddenly spoke, his expression gloomy and uncertain. If that was the case, his son would have no chance.

"Yes." Gushan saw that everyone was watching him, and said solemnly: "You'an Yaozun's fierce name, everyone must be like a thunderous, but after Ye Di took the shot, he didn't even use his own avenue, and he defeated the other party. Youan Yaozun didn't even have a chance to ask for mercy—"

"So strong?" A patriarch couldn't help but wonder.

"What kind of strength is that? Is it a strong creation?" Someone was startled.

Gushan shook his head and said: "I don't know, in short, his strength is unfathomable, and he possesses the eternal magic. Ye Di used that eternal magic to respect You An Demon. If it hadn't been the last to cry for mercy, I am afraid he would survive There is no chance."

The scene fell into a brief silence--

too frightening.

The mysterious young man who possessed an eternal skill, frustrated two eminent demon lords. With this kind of strength, he felt a chill on his back and a heavy heart.


On the head of the golden ancient ape king, in the brilliant golden light, Gu Yan felt a trace of coldness. The wind blowing around had never made her so cold. She knew the cleanliness of the golden ancient ape family, and she did not dare to be messy. Move, let Su Jin hold it.

"Ancestors, seeing the ancestors flourish in the beast forest, it really makes the kid so happy!" Su Jinfa said.

What ancestor?

Gu Yan was surprised in his heart. This guy is a human, not an ape, or a monkey. It's a pity that this voice can only be thought of in her heart, otherwise it will be unimaginable.

"I'm not mistaken, at least the intimacy in the bloodline cannot be faked--" The Golden Ancient Ape King was obviously very happy, and then his voice exploded again: "We all have a common ancestor. Directly, there was a mutation, did you know?"

"The mutant clan is the sacred golden great ape——" Su Jin shouted earnestly.

"That's right, you kid, don't call me ancestors in the future. Our ancestors are very old. They appeared when the heavens opened up. From now on, you will call me Uncle Wang." Jin poked lightly on the head, showing an extremely close attitude. From its perspective, Su Jin was just a child!

The king of the clan can be called Uncle Wang! When I saw the golden ancient apes, my personality was very straightforward. Once I found out, I couldn't change it at all.

"Uncle Wang." Su Jin smiled and "choked".

Damn, this guy is pretending to be like this! Seeing Su Jin's excellent acting skills, Gu Yan couldn't imagine it at all. If she wasn't sure that Su Jin was a real human race, she would have believed it all.

"Your bloodline magic technique has yet to be honed." The golden ancient ape king said in the tone of his teaching: "You may not know that ape strike technique is not a complete bloodline magic technique. This magical technique has been mutated since the golden ape tribe. There is also another part that exists in the blood of our golden sacred ape. If the two techniques are combined into one, there is power against the sky."

Su Jin was obviously surprised deep in his heart.

Sure enough, he is the king of the same clan. Maybe the Golden Ape King still has doubts. If he doesn't fully believe that he is the blood of the violent ape clan back then, it's troublesome.

"Please also Uncle Wang to teach me!" Su Jin's heart was cruel, there was no pretentious expression on his face, it was all excited and eager.

It is necessary to know that the bloodline magic of the Storm Ape clan is difficult to inherit without blood. If Su Jin cannot learn the inheritance magic of the Golden Ape King, then things will happen, unless you prove it yourself and dispel the last doubt of the Golden Ape King!

The golden ancient ape king thought for a while, pointed his finger to the void, and slowly said: "This technique is called the Zhentian Golden Piles, the violent ape family, even after death, it will not fall. If this technique is performed by me, I can hold up a star field without breaking it. With your cultivation base, I can stop the ten heavenly beings from bombarding the incense for half of the time."

Su Jin is dull--

His King Buddha golden body is already quite powerful, and he did not expect that there is such a powerful defensive magic in the world. But soon he felt that something was wrong. Divine art was in front of him, and he didn’t want to be fake. But if he couldn’t learn it, the Golden Ape King would kill him. It shouldn’t be too simple, and he’s very sure that the Golden Pile is needed. Only with the blood of Violent Ape can learn!

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