My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2983: Who will give him an award!

Miss Guyan was full of nervousness. She knew the terrible bloodline magic, especially the golden ape king’s sacred ape bloodline. This kind of bloodline magic technique must be cultivated with fresh blood. She really wants to know that Su Jinkai How to do it, will you be helpless——

Feeling helpless?

Naturally not!

On the contrary, Su Jin's face still has an inexplicable smile!

No one knows. Su Jin didn’t panic at all. When he got the Ape Strike technique, he knew that the bloodline of Violent Ape had been extinct, but he still knew this eternal technique. He didn’t believe it. Can't realize it!

Su Jin put down the lone geese, and immediately saw her clinging to her arm tightly. After giving a soothing look, she let go--

Gu Yan is in a very complicated mood now. Although she knows that Ye Di brought her here with good intentions, she is sure that as long as the Golden Ape King sees that Su Jin has no blood relationship with it, and cannot learn the blood magic of his family’s life, things will be very serious. !

Serious enough to implicate himself, implicate the entire Haotian clan! Gu Yan watched Su Jin walk out, and in the void in front of him was the magical technique of the Golden Ancient Ape King waving and evolving.

Su Jin was secretly shocked, such a powerful sacred aura, what kind of power is in this golden ancient ape king? He just approached, and he caused himself to boil nine times, very surging--

"Zhentian gold pile, according to your situation, it takes at least three thousand years to be really small. I don't ask for that high. You can imprint this technique in the spirit sea, and you can unfold a small layer of golden light." The voice came.

so horrible.

Little Chengdu needs three thousand years!

Gu Yan's complexion was pale, and she thought to herself that this fellow had really harmed herself. It doesn't matter if she died, just hope that the Golden Ancient Ape Clan will not be embarrassed by the 36 Clan, otherwise she will be a sinner!

Su Jin stopped his figure in the void--

Close your eyes and hold one hand behind your back.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became subtle, and soon five minutes passed...

A quarter of an hour passed.

Half an hour passed!

what's the situation?

Gu Yan's expression was full of doubts and weirdness. She didn't know what Su Jin was going to do. She stood in the void, motionless--

Gradually, Gu Yan's eyes widened, and his heart had already mentioned his voice, not only her, but under the stars in the distance, the thirty-six patriarchs, the ghost flower spider mother, the Youan Yaozun, and even the lady in red and the leader of Xiaotongtian. They all stared, a little surprised.

The aura around Su Jin changed. Facing the world-shattering magical technique of "Golden Pile of Heaven", he didn't open his eyes, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to become sad, and tears appeared in the corner of his eyes——

Damn! Who gives this guy an award! This acting is really superb! Gu Yan looked really dumbfounded, and never expected that Su Jin would come to this set!

"Uncle Wang, I can't learn this magical technique in front of me." Su Jin said with a slightly "choked" voice.

Ok? ?

Gu Yan just hurriedly got chills behind him. Su Jin didn't even call on himself, admitting that he couldn't learn the world-shattering blood magic art of "Zhentian Golden Pile". Isn't this a court death?

"Why?" The golden ancient ape king's eyes were not sharp, did not put on any airs, and even a touch of softness was revealed in his eyes——

"I don’t know, there is no fluctuation in my ape-strike technique. I fought with Youan Yaozun beforehand. Uncle Wang looked at me. I even wanted to fly over to meet Uncle Wang. It’s just that the magical technique in front of me did not cause my bloodline god. Any fluctuations in the technique." Su Jin said.

"Yes, this magical technique is not a golden pile of heavenly protection." Golden Ancient Ape King said.

It turned out to be... not!

It's dangerous!

It's really hard for Gu Yan to believe that Su Jin is so careful, but how did he see that this magical technique is not "Golden Pile of Heaven"? Also, this golden ancient ape king is really wary, not like in the legend, the golden ancient apes are all a tendon——


A splendid golden glow rose up around Su Jin, and he immediately opened his eyes. These golden glow contained extremely terrifying and surging divine power, among them were golden strands of sparkle, and a faint trace of daoism wandering in it.

This is the real "Zhentian Golden Pile"! Almost without even thinking about it, Su Jin raised his right hand, his fingertips quickly forced a drop of Buddha blood out, and directly ejected the blood drop——


The Scarlet Violent Ape suddenly opened up, and a terrifying breath burst out!

Huh huh! Su Jin sat down cross-legged and saw a divine tree phantom instantly condensed behind him. The crown of the tree rushed into the sky, and the silver-green branches directly shook the sky with countless cracks. The branches did not know where they were far away.

Su Jin’s eyes were firm, and the drop of Buddha’s blood he popped out couldn’t fit into the golden splendor, but he was extremely clever. He just shattered the Buddha’s blood into fog in an instant, and his inner calmness made him secretly activate a super god. Surgery!

"Duozhi, the beginning of the sky, the beginning of the earth!" Su Jin screamed frantically deep in his heart!

That's right!

It is the "Sutra of Heaven"!

This is exactly what Su Jin relied on before! If he hadn't possessed this technique, he would definitely not be so calm, and in order to prevent it from happening, he would pour his divine power into the tree of enlightenment with all his strength, and he would use the tree of enlightenment to bless the Sutra of Heaven to urge that drop of Buddha's blood to envelop the golden pile of heaven. 'Divine art, cross the sea without hiding the sky, plunder directly!

I have to say that this method is very risky. If you are careless, you will have to endure the anger of the Golden Ape King, but he can't think of how to solve the dilemma if you don't use this method!


Su Jin's cross-knee body suddenly floated out a few sacred gold strands. This process only took three breathing times, which was too fast. In the blink of an eye, a monstrous heavy breath filled!

Many people saw Su Jin’s body quickly turning into an orange-like color, and a layer of almost transparent holy light spewed out from the pores, and his skin turned out to be a golden holy ape-like color--

The tree of enlightenment behind it was also quickly filled to yellow at this moment. Su Jin felt that there was a super power in his body, and he was about to rush out. His eyes sprayed out several feet of yellow light, and he jumped up in one step. "In the shadows, it is like an ancient fierce ape jumping out of the Three Realms, directly climbing to the top of the canopy of enlightenment!

The eyes of the golden ancient ape king were like lakes, and tears almost overflowed from his eyes.

The tyrannical aura exploded from the top of the tree of enlightenment, and the Ape Strike Technique was finally perfect.

Back then, the ancient violent ape was finally extinct due to the lack of the bloodline magic "Ape Strike". The shortcomings of this ape strike are actually very big. The violent ape will be very weak if it is fully used. Heavenly gold stakes will accomplish the perfect technique! After using it, defend it with a golden pile of Zhentian, dragging through the period of weakness, and truly invincible——

Guyan Arrow God is now stunned...

This is too fake, impossible! This guy actually learned the blood magic of the golden ancient ape king with the human body, and achieved the perfect "Ape Strike Technique", and his state has been small!

You know this is only a dozen breathing times!

After a dozen breaths, I learned the super magical magic that the Golden Ape King said for three thousand years!

Fake, it must be fake! In the ethereal blue eyes of the lonely goose, there is a more confused color——

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