My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2984: Golden Hitomi

Miss Guyan is like this, and the Golden Ape King is even more unbearable!

The golden ancient ape king lost his attitude and directly shouted: "My clan is a super genius!"

Three thousand years of time is a small achievement, the difficulty of practicing "Golden Piles of Heaven" can be imagined, and no one even knows the difficulty of the Golden Ape King, but Su Jin completed the transformation of this magical magic in a dozen breaths. , Really shocked the Golden Ape King——

Miss Guyan is very confused now, and even began to doubt her life~~~

Tao, why do you build the avenue?

In order to become strong and to protect the family, the foundation of all this requires not only a long training, but also an extremely powerful talent, but this talent is not as easy as it is said, at least, Su Jin’s spiritual talent , Gu Yan Jian Shen has only seen it in his life!

At this time, many people have bitter hearts--

Youan Yaozun and Ghost Flower Spider Mother looked at each other, and they finally chose to compromise. Now if they don’t respect the Ye Emperor’s fate, even if they escape into the depths of the beast forest, they will never have a chance to survive, with the Golden Ape King as the backstage. , Choose it as an enemy, the beast forest will have no place for them!

"Congratulations to the Golden Ape King clan, for being such a super genius!" The voice of speaking was like a landslide and tsunami, this was actually the huge mountain god.

"The Ape King family has this genius, and the future can be expected. When the time comes across the starry sky, all the heavens may have a place." The triangular-headed giant snake in the purple smoke, hunting and hunting with scales, also sent a congratulatory voice.

"The Ape King can set up this son as the Taoist son of the Golden Sacred Ape Clan to prevent the sea monsters of the'evil piercing the sea' from hurting him--" the blood-stripe white tiger said while waiting.

"It's a pity that this child does not appear at the right time. The future of the great catastrophe in the beast forest is unknown. If he appeared ten thousand years ago, I can cultivate him into a transcendent existence beyond me!" The golden ancient ape king was mixed with joy and sorrow. With inexplicable pride and complexity.

The giant tree of enlightenment, full of glazed gold color, Su Jin sat on the canopy, watching the vast starry sky, when he was sitting, the giant blood ape shadow enveloped him, on the contrary, there was little irritability of his clan, and he calmed down.

Su Jin secretly said to himself: "Zhentian golden pile has been learned, but why my wheel of time is more eager to move? Such forceful suppression is not a solution, it is better to let it out and find out the problem——"

After all, an ascending platform appeared in front of him slowly rotating.

Above it, the mark of the Wheel of Years shines.

Su Jin's eyes were startled, and the wheel of years stretched out all over his body in an instant, and the strong breath of years spread, he only felt a pain in his eyebrows, and the pain made him unable to help covering his forehead with his hands.

"What's going on?" The golden ape king's expression changed.

Miss Guyan only felt that the surrounding breath was frozen, and she was confused, she could feel Su Jin's pain, although she did not make a sound, Su Jin must have a problem now!

"Don't be nervous about the Ape King, maybe it's a good thing--" The mountain **** gave Su Jin a deep look and said to the Golden Ape King.

"A good thing?" The Golden Ancient Ape King didn't know what he meant, and asked in a nervous tone that hadn't appeared in many years.

"Yes." The mountain **** said with a smile: "You can see this sacred tree when you wait?"

The super-existence of the blood-stripe white tigers immediately looked intently.

"It's a bit like an ancient tree in the legend." The triangle-headed demon snake showed a surprise, and then became more certain: "Enlightenment tree! This is the tree of enlightenment! Rumor has it that the great tree of enlightenment, Ye Ruyin, was not caught by the Holy Light just now. When rendering, I remembered that it was silver-green leaves, and this tree of enlightenment turned out to be about to become--"

"It's the tree of enlightenment." The white tiger nodded in agreement.

"Also." The mountain **** smiled mysteriously and continued: "If you don't recognize this tree clearly, then you should be very familiar with the ring on him, and you shouldn't ignore it—"

"The Wheel of Time!" The Golden Ancient Ape King looked intently, and said in surprise.

Miss Lone Goose, who is sitting on the head of the Golden Ape King, was shocked and her face was sluggish. She used to feel that Su Jin was mysterious, but now she can’t see through it. This guy will bring her back. How surprised?

"Ape King, this son is going to shock the sky, I know what's wrong with him——" Super Mountain God's wisdom is far superior to other powerful people, with a smile on his face.

"Venerable Baimei Mountain, don't sell it! Hurry up!" The Golden Monkey King urged in a hurry.

"You golden ancient ape clan, although you inherited the violent ape’s Zhentian gold stake, you have not inherited the real ape strike technique. You have forgotten that your ancestors once said that the golden holy ape should have its own amazing talent. Divine art, but it is lost forever." Baimei Shanzun said slowly.

"Nothing is lost. This bloodline magic is only hidden in the depths of the ancient and far-reaching bloodlines. From the ancestors to the present, a little golden ape was born. It was born with huge feet, born as the peak, and it can crush the stars with one foot. I'm not a hundred years old, I'm dying early." The Golden Ancient Ape King sighed.

"Just as your ancestors guessed, the golden holy apes belong to an independent bloodline, and their talents should be golden divine bodies, but the youngest son of your clan was born like a violent ape with red hair, and only after a thousand years will the hair be as golden."

"Come on, what's the matter with this kid?" The Golden Ape King became dissatisfied.

"It should be a coincidence. After learning your tribe's golden stakes, he awakened the talent and magic of the golden ancient ape clan, but he didn't know what part he awakened first. It seems that it should be the head--" Road slowly.

"No," the blood-stripe white tiger said suddenly.

"Oh?" Baimei Shanzun looked at the **** white tiger curiously.

"It's the pupil." said the white tiger with blood marks.

Su Jin’s pain gradually reduced at this time. He was curious and wanted to try to see the situation with vertical eyes, but he was surprised the next moment. His Maha Prison Eye, Wisdom Buddha Eye, and Fire Eye Golden Eye could not open the mystery, as if being Inexplicably suppressed--

Released the hand covering his forehead, Su Jin only felt refreshed.

On the center of his eyebrows, there was a dazzling golden vertical eye, the golden vertical eye, sacred glass, and the strong breath of time spread from the vertical eye.

Su Jin was extremely excited, and it seemed that there was a wave of waves in his heart. This was actually a monstrous pupil technique. The magic is still unknown. It is this eye that suppressed several other pupil techniques. Obviously, this pupil technique is too strong. !

for sure!

It must be related to the wheel of years, otherwise this sacred golden pupil will not reveal the vast vicissitudes of life, only the vicissitudes of years can have such an infecting aura——

Su Jin was very excited in his heart, he stood up awe-inspiring, he already possesses super power, his temperament is extremely outstanding, he wants to see how unique this pupil technique is!


Su Jin used his divine pupils to look into the depths of the ancient trees, Youan Yaozun and Ghost Flower Spider Mother! !

A touch of orange-yellow mystic brilliance fell directly on the two demon sovereigns——

In the next moment, the golden ancient ape king gradually grew his mouth, and his eyes filled with weirdness and disbelief!

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