My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2985: Dahan and Erhan

At that moment, even if it was as strong as Mount Baimei, the blood-stripe white tiger and other animal forests were transcendence, after seeing it, they couldn’t help but breathe a cold air from behind. When Su Jin’s years of golden pupil glory fell, Ghost Flower Spider Mother and Youan Demon Venerable The place where the two are, as if turned into a golden place——

Trees, air, streams, stubborn stones, all turned into yellow-orange-orange existences, and even the two demon lords are like this, it's just a moment, there is no room for reaction!

"This divine pupil is so domineering!" The blood-stripe white tiger said dullly.

"It's not only that, it's definitely not the only power." Baimei Shanzun took a cold breath, and the huge mountain mouth seemed to swallow a hurricane, showing how horrified he was.

Power...Naturally more than that!

Within a few breaths, Su Jin directly grasped the secret of this pupil, the sacred golden eyes were raised, and he blinked gently, and the two solidified monsters immediately released a touch of vicissitudes——

Vitality is rapidly losing!

"Ye Di forgive me!" The Ghost Flower Spider Mother suddenly raised her head with difficulty, and the yellow light on her body was quickly retreating. When she returned to her original appearance, she had already had half of her white hair, and she threw herself on her knees without thinking.

Su Jin secretly cried out that it was a pity. It seems that this pupil technique is linked to his own cultivation level. His realm is too low. If he is in the same realm as the two demon lords and solidifies each other with the holy light, it is possible forever to remain intact, covering the range. It could be bigger.

The ghost flower spider mother had fear on her face, shaking like chaff, the corner of her eye looked at the surrounding scenery——

The ancient wood solidified by the divine light was silently turned into ashes. This was deprived of vitality and disappeared silently.


The two groups of vitality fluctuations appeared from high above, and the bodies of the Ghost Flower Spider Mother and Youan Yaozun trembled, and the vitality that had been robbed was directly returned to them, returning to normal.

"Xie Yedi's grace for not killing!" Youan Yaozun shouted, and there was no more thought of fleeing in his heart.

Su Jin coldly glanced at the Ghost Flower Spider Mother, and his eyebrows closed slowly, and a small circle of the wheel of years imprint appeared on the eyebrows. He looked at the'Flying Platform' and found that the imprint of the wheel of years was not imprinted. After disappearing, he finally couldn't figure it out, put away the ascending platform, and dissipated the power of magic.

The tree of enlightenment disappeared--

Su Jin guessed in his heart that the pupil technique of awakening the golden holy ape clan was not a coincidence. It was the inevitable result of many aspects. First, he used the tree of enlightenment to stimulate the "Sutra of the Heavens" to achieve the achievement of the golden pile of gold. Later, the power of Duotianjing did not disappear, and the pupil technique was awakened by the opportunity created by the tree of enlightenment and the heaven and earth.

and also! Years Golden Eyes can be so powerful, mostly related to their own self, that solidified energy, that seizes the vitality of heaven, is also related to the wheel of time.

It can be said that if Su Jin refines this pupil in the future, he will have more incredible manifestations. He can even make a person grow old, and he can even rejuvenate one person in the future!

For the time being, Su Jin can only plunder the other party's vitality and lifespan, but he can't do anything else. This is what he feels most regrettable.

"Good job, good job!" The Golden Ape King saw Su Jin approaching, excited hard to understand.

"Fortunately, I didn't disappoint Uncle Wang." Su Jin smiled faintly.

"It was Uncle Wang's fault just now. You shouldn't be tempted just because you are a human body. This king declares here that you are the Daozi of my clan from now on! In my clan, you are second only to me!" The golden ancient ape king said like Ray, laughed loudly.

"The human body only came through cultivation by chance and coincidence. Many monsters have ways to cultivate city people. I have better luck--" Su Jin said with a flushed face and a heartbeat.

"That's the case." The golden ancient ape king was convinced, and then said: "The great catastrophe of the beast forest has arrived. You should retreat first. Don't worry about it. Later, there will be my clan strong to protect you, and you will be with me in the future. Clan and Dao female double cultivation, the descendants of our clan can definitely prove the strongest way of the ape!"

Su Jin's eyes widened slightly, and finally his expression showed an unusually tired look, and said, "Uncle Wang, I'm tired~~~"

"Go and rest soon, there is me here." The Golden Ape King panicked as soon as he heard it, for fear that Su Jin would not have a good rest.

Su Jin leaped on top of its head, stretched out his hand to hold Miss Guyan, turned into a long rainbow, and left, falling on the Haotian clan ground——

Very depressed.


Miss Guyan is now full of sympathy. It seems that Su Jin was frightened by the last words of the Golden Ancient Ape King. She couldn't help laughing in her heart, it was better than Ye Di when there was such a dumb fire.

Bang, bang!

Only two golden lights fell outside the Haotian clan. These were actually two golden ancient apes, and their auras were very strong. Su Jin marveled at this race, as if they were born for battle, too strong, that kind of oppression. The force is very deep.

"Farewell to Daozi! We are ordered by the clan king to protect Daozi!" Two golden apes shouted together.

Su Jin nodded, pointed at them and said, "From now on, you will be called Dahan, and your name will be Erhan."

"Yes!" Dahan nodded heavily.

"This king is very tired, and when he awakened his talent magic technique, he suffered a little injury, and his power also needs some animal forest magic medicine to supplement--" Su Jin slowly laughed.

"What do you want to do?" Gu Yan felt something was wrong and asked in a low voice.

There are many magical medicines in the beast forest, but most of them are occupied by the demon. Even their 36 tribes did not control a few plants, and Miss Guyan felt that Su Jin was all pretending to be, where was the injury? And with these two golden ancient apes guarding them, no magical medicine is needed at all!

"Go, go to the Celestial Clan and get the magic medicine." Su Jin took Gu Yan's little hand, stepped to the top of Dahan's head and sat down.

These two guys are really big, they feel like two moving mountains. They are full of yellow light, and they are not slow. It can be said that this is the most amazing race, and its status in the beast forest is also remarkable.

Gu Yan was nervous, she naturally didn't care about the Guitian tribe, but the Guitian tribe was also a human race. The aborigines were originally the lowest level existence in the beast forest. If they went to find trouble, she still had some regrets in her heart——

Su Jin went to return to the heavens, and Gu Yan naturally knew the reason, not because of Ye Luoran.

High in the sky, the Golden Ancient Ape King and several other great powers are constantly communicating, looking at the far-reaching position of the starry sky. There are a few unusually strong fluctuations. Obviously, it is not only the beast forest gathering the strong, but the other party can't bear it, I'm afraid There will be unimaginable existences coming...

Go to the heavens.

Ye Luoran had already returned home. If it hadn't been for the 36 tribes to start an alliance here, he would have no confidence to go home. Now the heads of the 36 tribes gathered outside, and they saw two golden ancient apes shaking the earth from a distance. Come slowly.

Su Jin's face was calm, and she kept touching Gu Yan's little hand...

With the arrival of Dahan and Erhan, the aura in the Guitian clan seemed to be completely suppressed.

Upon seeing this scene, Ye Luoran was already ashamed!

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