My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2989: Into the pool

Jump into the Tianhan Lake——

Is that a joke?

Youan Yaozun was obviously taken aback by Su Jin's words, and he stretched a bitter face. He was quite helpless, let alone defying, he didn't even dare to ask.

"Why... don't you want it?" Su Jin asked with a curious expression looking at Youan Yaozun's aggrieved appearance.

"Master Ye, the ordinary monster beasts in Tianhantan will get frostbite if they approach it. Although Youan and I are the cultivation base of the demon, I have never heard of anyone daring to go down to the Tianhantan——" the ghost flower spider mother said angrily.

"Are you questioning this king?" Su Jin said lightly.


Mother Ghost Flower and Youan Yaozun's faces were blue and red, yes, they naturally questioned Su Jin's words, who would dare to go down to Tianhantan? If Youan Demon Venerable and it jump in, there is a 80% chance that they will go and not return, and they may freeze to death if they don’t get to the bottom of the pool——

Miss Guyan hesitated for a while, and asked: "What the Ye Emperor meant, there are ghosts in Tianhan Lake?"

"No, I said that there are ghosts in Nanshan, and the cultivation base is no less than that of my uncle Wang——" Su Jin felt it in detail and frowned in response.


Everyone here knows what Su Jin meant. The layman here is probably a powerful ghost cultivator, whose strength can rival the Golden Ape King?

Su Jin felt the surrounding atmosphere rise instantly, smiled and said: "But he felt my existence, hid, and let Youan Demon Venerable go to the lower cold pool, naturally because there was a frozen **** corpse below. I can even feel her strong spirit."

"A **** corpse with a godhead?" Ghost Flower Spider Mother was stupid on the spot.

Once Nanshan was listed as a forbidden land, there was something strange in the first place. Just with a mysterious layman, it can change the beauty of beasts, humans, and talks in a radius of thousands of miles. Who would have thought that there would be frozen corpses buried in the cold lake, Godhead was also born!

"Ye Di spare your life!" Youan Yaozun plopped and knelt down. It was really scared to death. Su Jin asked it to fish for an unknown godhead. Regardless of whether the opponent is dead or not, it is estimated that the guardian layman is I won’t let him go, he is too strong after all——

"Forget it, useless waste." Su Jin disliked such incompetent things. As a demon venerable, he couldn't help at the slightest time. I guess he had to do it himself.

Miss Guyan was no less nervous than others. She closely followed Su Jin's footsteps and flew over the mist in the valley, but no one noticed that the red-clothed lady holding the old tortoise flashed through her eyes for a moment...

The center of the six sacred mountains became colder and colder as Su Jin and others approached.

The level of horror here is even beyond the imagination of the Ghost Flower Spider Mother, her eyebrows and eyelashes are beginning to frost, a kind of cold that she has never felt is all over her body, even if she starts to use divine power to resist it is very difficult—

The same goes for the lone geese.

Dahan and Erhan are worthy of being born fighters. They can withstand the terrifying extreme cold with their physical strength alone. At this time, Gu Yan noticed Su Jin’s situation and felt very strange. Su Jin, who had the lowest realm, had no discomfort. And the closer she gets to Su Jin, the coldness gets weaker.


With a blushing face, Gu Yan flew directly behind Su Jin and hugged him from behind. She said in an unprecedentedly shy tone: "You carry me~~~"

"It's so comfortable~~~" The lone geese feels the cold is gone, and his heart is almost astonished. Yedi is not afraid of the cold. What is the situation?

Su Jin naturally didn't mind carrying her, shuttled in a lingering mist, and soon reached the center.

Tianhantan is just a hundred meters away!

"Ye Di is really a god-man, it is so cold here, Ye Di has not been affected in the slightest." The ghost flower spider mother slapped her flattery.

"Even if it is a hundred times colder here, he doesn't feel anything--" the red-dressed woman's eyes were strange.

"What?" Youan Yaozun's face was stiff, he urged his supernatural powers, and his whole body was covered with a layer of brilliance, but even so, he was still shivering from the cold. It is not a joke here, even if it is Tianzun. May fall on Tianhan Lake.

"He has the inheritance of Suihuang." The woman in red turned her face away. Although she was a little cold, there were subtle bell signs floating around her, which could barely cover her whole body, and it was not so bad.

"My second avenue is only, what's the surprise." Su Jin saw the place, raised a ring of fire from under his feet, encircled an area, then put down the lone geese, and said: "Don't leave me covered by the God of Fire Road. Range, I will go down to Hantan and carry her up."

The Ghost Flower Spider Mother and Youan Demon Venerable looked at each other, feeling that there was no chill in the Vulcan's aura. The look they met was very meaningful--

After Ye Di defeated Youan Yaozun, Ghost Flower Spider Mother once asked Su Jin how many avenues he had cultivated. Before that, he had shown the Candle Dragon Avenue, which is the second avenue of Fire God!

It's so enchanting——

Youan Yaozun wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Ye Di just let him go down to the cold lake, but fortunately, he didn't say anything. According to the current situation, he won't freeze into an ice lump for a moment!

The Nanshan Forbidden Area was notoriously bad, and Tianhantan was also a legend, few people had seen it, but it was clear that the Ghost Flower Spider Mother had underestimated the risk before coming.

Su Jin walked to the Tianhan Lake, which was a deep blue water pool with a radius of about fifty meters, surrounded by blue ice crystals, only some unfrozen divine springs in the middle.

Bai Yulou, a strong man of the heavenly clan, came here, and he must have found a frozen corpse in the lake. Although some people said that the Bai Yulou was crazy and wanted to search for the blue sky fire, in Su Jin’s view, he should want to go to the cold lake— —

It's a pity that Su Jin's current Mohe Town Prison Eye and Fire Eye Golden Eye could not be opened. Just now, he could only feel the strong godlike aura and the unique mysterious breath of the female cultivator.

Su Jin wanted to know exactly what kind of existence could make that human race powerhouse crazy.

Without thinking about it, Su Jin jumped up and plunged directly into the Tianhan Lake~~~

"Emperor...should be fine, right?" Gu Yan asked slowly.

"You die here, he won't die--" The red-dressed woman said coldly.

"Although Ye Di is not afraid of the cold, he said that the layman here has no less than the cultivation base of the Golden Ape King, but I sounded contradictory. If that person is really so strong, we will not be an opponent if we add it together. "The Ghost Flower Spider Mother asked in doubt.

"There is no contradiction at all, because he is the ghost king, and besides, the layman you are talking about is not a human." The woman in red glanced at the Ghost Flower Spider Mother.


Ghost King!

Ghost king body, natural ghost king way——

Youan Yaozun's face was pale, God knows what big people he and Ghost Flower Spider Mother have offended, this is already the third road.

"It seems that the emperor Ye has at least the five avenues, and the six avenues are impossible. God does not allow the six avenues to exist, but this is already very scary. The emperor is a brilliant genius." The ghost flower spider mother praised.

In Tianhantan——

Su Jin's heartbeat is speeding up, the surrounding blue bark, the underwater is all illuminated by brilliant blue light, he does not know why, his heart is incredibly excited...

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