My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2990: Dance of Ice Butterflies

Unexplainable, the excitement of unknown Dao——

Su Jin's body trembled slightly, and nine consecutive fire basin phantoms hovered around him. His heart was shocked, as if he had discovered something extraordinary, and he thought to himself: "If it were not for the extreme cold, I would definitely not be able to force my Vulcan heritage, this What kind of existence is frozen inside."

Go on, go down!

Su Jin's bodhicitta was beating violently and powerfully, even he could hear the wonderful heartbeat.

Outside Tianhantan——

The Vulcan halo enveloped Gu Yan and the others. The moment Su Jin jumped into the cold pool, the place changed. The surrounding wind was strong and the fog was blown into the void.

A layer of blue brilliance spurted from the top of the six sacred mountains, connected together in the sky, looking up, the entire Nanshan Forbidden Land turned out to be a giant blue moon.

The blue glow of the moonlight cast down, and the radiance was extremely heavy, including the lady in red, at this moment all began to look like an enemy!

Su Jin went down to the cold pool. As the king of ghosts, he naturally could not deter the mysterious laymen in the Nanshan Mountains. Now these six sacred mountains are super natural formations. They are actually urged, and they can’t keep their expressions calm. .

"What happened?" Gu Yan said in a flustered tone, looking at the woman in red screaming.

Here, the woman in red seems to know more than anyone else. The wind blowing around, when it blows over the Tianhan Lake, brought up a blue mist, if it weren’t for Su Jin’s Vulcan aura. This place will instantly turn into a place of death and silence, and kill all the strong like the lone geese!

The giant blue moon came out of the six sacred mountains and a sacred mountain in the east. The moon was so big, and the mysterious lay people discussed earlier quietly appeared on the top of the mountain under the moon in a blurred blue moonlight.

It was a perfect figure, as if leaning on the moon, sitting on the top of the mountain in the east. She didn't even look at the people in the direction of Tianhantan, but looked up and looked at the sky quietly.

"Butterfly." The hollow voice seemed to hide a thousand bitterness, her slender jade fingers lifted up, the pink gauze sleeves fell on her wrists, and a transparent blue butterfly on her fingertips was condensed by her. The butterfly is extremely transparent, slowly flapping its wings.

The next moment, the soft finger sent forward, the ice butterfly danced and flew up...


Mother Ghost Flower and Youan Demon Venerable felt suffocated! That ice butterfly actually possesses a strong vitality. This is terrible. It is no wonder that for so many years, few super powers have arrived here. This female cultivator should not be a ghost cultivator. The realm of strength is really unfathomable!

Youan Yaozun's face is very ugly--

"Have you seen it clearly?" Ghost Flower Spider Mother asked Youan Yaozun through a voice transmission.

"The possibility of creation is very great." Youan Yaozun's voice was extremely depressed.

How can we not be depressed.

If this Nanshan layman is truly the legendary creation realm, he is in danger today! The two demon masters of the Ghost Flower Spider Mother, they were so complacent, they almost didn't die in Su Jin's hands. If they were folded here, it would be a blood loss. All the treasures of the two races are still stored on their bodies, and they are not afraid that they are fake. ——

"She's so beautiful." Miss Gu Yan couldn't help comparing her with her. As a result, she naturally didn't lose herself, and there was a lot of depressing temperament exuding.

"Sure enough, it's an existence comparable to the Golden Ancient Ape King——" The Ghost Flower Spider Mother sighed deeply. If it weren't for a catastrophe, then she would not be destined to escape. It's better to face it bravely than to be worried, and maybe jump into the cold. Ye Emperor in the lake can come up as soon as possible.

"The advantage of Human Race is big, so beautiful, I want to marry a wife after seeing it." Erhan scratched his head and smiled.


Youan Yaozun glanced at it, and the two brothers dared to say such things. After all, they belonged to the golden holy ape family, and there was a short-guard king who could walk sideways in the beast forest.

Looking at the trajectory of the blue ice butterfly, Tianhantan seemed to have a great attraction to the ice butterfly. The girl's eyes were condescending until she saw the existence of Gu Yan and others.

Unexpectedly, the other party just glanced, then hugged his knees with both hands, as if waiting for something quietly—

No one noticed that the woman in red was shrouded in Zhong Ying, and that moment seemed to isolate the world and the five elements!

"I can't see her." Miss Guyan sent a voice message to the ghost flower spider mother.

"This strong man in red is definitely afraid of being seen by the other party. She has a super treasure on her body." Ghost Flower Spider Mother quietly said: "However, if the **** the top of the mountain really has a realm of creation, no matter how she hides it, she Destined to be seen through."

"Ye Di didn't know whether he was successful or not--" Gu Yan was a little worried in his heart when faced with the strange scene.

Gradually, the dancing blue ice butterfly landed in the Tianhan Lake!


Su Jin dived deeper and deeper. It was very weird here, as if the depth was not bottomed. Moreover, the number of phantoms of the Fire Age basin around him had increased to eighteen, and the Vulcan inheritance burst out, one after another. The lines of gods walk on the surface of the skin.

Here, it is more terrifying than imagined.

Although it was extremely cold, Shenquan was not freezing, and Su Jin was a little puzzled. He had known that he was outside the Nanshan Forbidden Area and had to find a way to get out of the Mohe Prison Eye first. At least it feels very troublesome for now, I don't know where the end is.

"What is it?" Su Jin only saw a small blue light and shadow flying, and he lightly held it with his hand, it turned out to be a butterfly——

Damn it, flying down from above!

Su Jin's face sank, holding the butterfly's hand, four fingers were wounded by the butterfly wing——

Immediately, Su Jin let go of the blue ice butterfly and watched it fly down.

A little bit of time.

Su Jin couldn’t help it anymore. He felt like he wanted to give up. He opened his eyebrows for years, and opened them no less than three times. He couldn’t see the ice-covered corpse of God at all. He knew that the butterfly was guiding the direction. Just follow, but Tandi is really weird, he has never encountered such a situation.

Just after a dozen breaths, Su Jin saw an amazing scene on the blue ice wall on all sides!

In the places where ice crystals protrude, there are illusion of ice faces. The ice faces are so vividly ‘portrayed’ that even the expressions can be distinguished!

"Oh, butterfly—"

Under the Heavenly Cold Lake, I suddenly sighed...

If Su Jin hadn't known that he had no hearing problems, he would definitely wonder if he had an illusion, but the sigh was very clear and definitely not a hallucination.

Su Jin finally stepped on the bottom of the lake! He was quite sure that there was a beast forest ice river below, his face was calm, looking at the ice faces still manifesting around...

In the end, Su Jin's body suddenly stiffened, and all the thousands of Bing Faces escaped and rushed towards him!

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