My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2991: Ten Thousand Beasts Carrying Coffin

Su Jin snorted--

Nearly a thousand lifelike ice faces, the momentum has never been seen before, just before he is physically present, the blood in Su Jin's body begins to surge, this feeling, even the Golden Ape King did not make him like this!

Suppressing the feeling of vomiting blood, Su Jin's eyes were cold and harsh, but then his face became gentle.

These ups and downs of ice faces have the same expressions, floating around him with changing emotions, seeming to be angry, complicated, obsessed, and complaining—

Su Jin's face was solemn, he saw the ice butterfly melt into an ice wall tens of meters away, and he didn't hesitate anymore and followed.

At that second, the ice was gorgeous, and Su Jin saw the most unbelievable thing in this life...

In the depths of the vast glacial cliffs, on a two-meter-long faint blue ice bed, a quiet beauty slept, her goose-yellow dress, a few carefully woven blue silks, tied with a few butterfly hair accessories——

This woman's appearance is exactly the same as Xia Yuyan! If Su Jin hadn’t known that Yu Yan would never dress up in such a costume, he would have believed that this was his wife...

Although very fairy and dreamy, Su Jin knows that the other party is not—

Su Jin's face was numb now, and his eyes were dazed, as if he had understood something.

Not long ago, Xuan Zhi and Xuan had seen himself with Xia Yuyan, double coffins side by side, floating in the endless starry sky, surrounded by terrifying beasts carrying coffins. At this moment, he felt that the fulfillment was getting closer and closer.

It turned out that it was not Xia Yuyan who joined the coffin, but this woman.

Su Jin slowly woke up and turned around. For a while, he had mixed feelings. He had always had doubts about Xia Yuyan. He even checked the information of the other party's death in the underworld. The origin was blank, as if it was because of him. In, have a constant relationship with this woman?

Bai Yulou, an expert of the Heavenly Clan, has been here before. Why can the Bai Yulou go down to such a deep place, and even get crazy, looking for the blue sky fire?

Looking for the sky fire, melting the extreme cold, want to help her out?

Su Jin stared at him, all he could feel was the aura of godliness, there was no vitality! How come this woman comes from! !

"Go, I must leave!" Su Jin felt a strong crisis in his heart.

You must know that this is under the beast forest. Now the beast forest is going through a catastrophe, and the tide of beasts is surging. If this situation arises because of yourself, and you really fall here, the coffin of the beasts will definitely come true!

Walk around!

Su Jin was crying madly in his heart, he even had a strong hunch, that he would never be able to return to the bustling city, and would never be able to return home again——

He didn't dare to look at it, he couldn't bear it, he was not without shortcomings!

"Wolf Whale Domination!" A brand on the back of Su Jin's hand slowly lit up, and a terrifying wolf whale phantom immediately enveloped him. He wanted to leave quickly, never looking back!


But when a sob in his ear appeared, his body froze again.

An ice-blue butterfly appeared slowly, followed by the second and fifth, groups of ice-blue butterflies slowly condensed.

"Since you don't want to save her, why follow the little red bird to find her--" A figure slowly appeared among the group of ice-colored butterflies. This was actually the existence of the six sacred mountains and the eastern mountains. It was she who used the ice blue butterfly to lead Su Jin here.

The sound of sobbing just now did not come from this woman, as if the **** corpse was crying in the dark.

"Little Red Bird?" Su Jin's expression proved how strong his heart fluctuates.

"The one holding the old tortoise in Wushan, in red—"

"It's you, it turns out that you instructed her." Su Jin seemed to be clearer, and said coldly.

Before walking to the'Wangxiang Corridor', the girl in red stopped herself from walking up, but she knew that she would be watched by the Shadow Hall if she walked up. At that time, the goddess of Baijinghu was tit-for-tat with the girl in red. If you want to harm him, take him to other places, that place is probably here!

It turns out that the lady in red and the goddess of Bai Jinghu have long known who each other is, and each has a purpose! And the lady in red has a demonic air, which naturally fits the little red bird that this lady said--

"Right or wrong, it doesn't matter anymore." The girl in the butterfly group slowly said: "She is in pain and is in urgent need of relief. Now you use the Vulcan Dao to urge your Eastern Emperor Bell to turn into ten rounds of blazing sun. If the ice crystal melts, you can save her."

"Bai Yulou, you were also influenced by you back then?" Su Jin felt a kind of strong anxiety in his heart for some unknown reason.

This matter is strange. First, Xia Yuyan's talent attribute is also an ice attribute. Second, he has no way to resurrect the opponent, but I am afraid that this woman can.

Third, if it is really resurrected, what will happen to Xia Yuyan?

"That is a useless waste. I used divine refining techniques to refine his spirit sea, so that he became persistent, and went looking for the blue sky fire to transform this glacier sacred wall, but he went and never returned. He did not succeed. The blue sky was burnt to ashes, but now you don't need him, your Vulcan Way plus the Eastern Emperor Bell is many times more powerful than the blue sky fire."

"Yeah... then you listen clearly." Su Jin didn't want to be sloppy, just spread it out and said: "I can't do this! Goodbye--"

"You can't go." The girl in the butterfly group actually became tough.


Su Jin yelled, he only felt angry, and he was surrounded by a black halo, and the black halo quickly rose up. Soon, he directly urged the wolf and whale domineering magic, and stepped closer to the ghost repair girl— —

The soul trembled fiercely.

The coercion of the king from the depths of the soul burst out, and the ghost repair girl in the butterfly group suddenly turned pale. Although she has been transformed by profound arts and her realm has been half-step created, she can only get rid of some fear of the ghost king, only when she really arrives After the creation of the realm, she can create her own divine body, directly reverse the time and space, and turn back to life.

But now Su Jin’s king's coercion is too strong, the ghost repair girl is trembling all over, she can hold it without kneeling down—

I go~~~

so smart.

Since Su Jin awakened the ghost king body and truly cultivated the ghost king way, who did not submit to the evil ghosts he encountered? Now this ghost repair really opened his eyes.


Powerful fluctuations burst out from the black halo of Su Jin's body, and the shining black and red ghost king curse mark, as if there are hundreds of billions of evil spirits screaming, as if the ghost girl will be spurned if she does not surrender. .


The ghost repair girl couldn't resist any more, she shook a circle of the glacial spring, her knees were kneeling, but her eyes were still firm to the extreme, as if everything did not move her heart, she raised her head to Su Jin and said, "It's hard to die. Ni! The woman who dreams of the ghost king and thinks about it day and night will eventually pass away. And here the presence of the companion king! You will save her—"

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