My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2993: World body fits God, Samadhi

This scene stunned everyone--

Although it is only a mist of the size of a bean grain, it can be suspended in the middle of Yedi's eyebrows, which is unpredictable and mysterious, and other people watching are shocking and at a loss.

On the Eastern Mountain of the South Mountain, the ghost repair girl naturally saw this scene. Her face was rare and solemn, and she appeared directly in front of Su Jin, with her fingers in the depths, and her fingertips pointed towards the fog in the center of Su Jin's eyebrows——

Immediately, Gu Yan and the others took a breath!

"Lady, what is wrong with Ye Di?" Youan Yaozun asked boldly.

"Unheard of." The ghost repair girl's eyes were full of doubts, she seemed to be guessing, and it seemed that there was no trace to be found, unable to judge.

Youan Yaozun did not get the answer he wanted. He winked with the Ghost Flower Spider Mother and decided that if Ye Di died in this catastrophe, he and Ghost Flower Spider Mother would lend their reasons for the battle. This Nanshan, fleeing here——

However, the woman in red looked lost, with deep confusion deep in her eyes, and finally murmured, "Is this my destiny--"

"Huh?" Gu Yan and the others heard it earnestly, and looked at the woman in red, not understanding why she suddenly said such words at such a critical juncture.

"Flee, let's run away--" The old tortoise in the arms of the woman in red was very upset, and even uttered in a panic tone.

"In my Nanshan Forbidden Land, it takes at least three days for those people to come in, so don't worry." The ghost repair girl said lightly.

"It means stay away from him." The woman in red pointed at Su Jin, with a bitterness at the corner of her mouth.


Away from Yedi?

Everyone was dumbfounded and didn't understand what the lady in red meant--

"Do you know what happened to him?" The ghost girl suddenly understood the meaning of the lady in red, I am afraid she knew the inside story, otherwise she wouldn't suddenly act like this.

Seeing everyone looking at herself, the woman in red sighed and said, "This is the ultimate manifestation of Buddhism. The former king of the wheel of life and death told me that the other side of the Buddha may be the result of the'world body samadhi'. realm."

"Jieshen Samadhi?" No one else had heard of it.

"It means that the mind stays, waits, stays now, stays close, stays alive, does not disperse, holds, still, waits, and the mind is one state. It is called samadhi."

The woman in red nodded, and then said: "Samadhi is that that does not arise or die, does not increase or decrease, is intangible and intangible, and has no place in which the gods can be transformed into the realm."

"How do you know that Ye Di is in this situation now?" Ghost Flower Spider Mother asked somewhat questioning.

"It's very simple." The woman in red pointed to the bean-sized fog and slowly said: "Golden Light Pure Land, Buddha Ting Pu descends. The dark light mourns death, does not live or die."

"Run, run--" The old tortoise was in a panic to death, his four tortoise feet kept pulling, and he was dying of fear, "Samadi is achieved, this bald donkey is about to start stewing us!"


This word is very essence.

At least this means that there has been a story, which is also the source of hatred and obsession.

A picture emerged in the red woman’s mind. Her unforgettable memory gradually became clear. There was an old tortoise lying on the shore outside the Tongtian River, which was connected to the sea of ​​evil, and a little cardinal fell there from time to time. Bask on the turtle's back...

Until one day, such a joyous day was broken by a monk, and the bank of the Tongtian River, a strong smell of meat wafted for three consecutive days. The entire Cardinal Demon Clan, except for her, was captured, and the monk stewed for three full days. Eight pots——

What’s more hateful is that before leaving, the old tortoise and her were also captured. The monk was too powerful, and the Dharma was so powerful that he did not have any ability to resist. He said that when he was hungry again, he realized the ultimate Samadhi realm. To stew the bastard, the monk bound the turtle with twine, tied it around his waist, and left the bank of the Tongtian River...

That's right! That monk is exactly the "Buddha King of Life and Death"!

The scene was silent.

On the mist of the eyebrows, a flower from the other bank slowly opened its buds. The flower bloomed quickly, but at the moment it bloomed, it quickly withered.

The flowers bloom for a moment, and the flowers fall for a moment, but a lifetime! But a thought!

Immediately afterwards, a violent wind blew around Su Jin's sitting side by side. His robe sleeves were hunting, and his long black hair quickly grew wildly. Every black hair seemed to contain mystery, sinking into the surrounding void, shattering the world. .


Su Jin's eyebrows split, and a drop of golden Buddha's blood condensed into a drop of blood. The fog quickly absorbed the Buddha's blood, but the crack was not closed and repaired.

"No! What is still missing... What is still missing?!" Su Jin was crying frantically in his heart as he entered.

The cloud of mist on the center of his eyebrows was extremely unstable, and might collapse at any time, and the cracks in his eyes, overflowing with Buddha's blood, were actually in the shape of lightning.


The Erhan who fought against the silverback crocodile ancestor, out of a huge disadvantage, was swept away by the opponent's tail and slammed into the sacred mountain in the west, and the entire ancient forbidden enchantment was shaken again.

The ghost repair girl's face changed drastically. If this went on, the Nanshan Forbidden Land would definitely not be able to survive for three days. She did not expect that the two golden holy apes would not be able to contend against the invading enemy. The silverback crocodile ancestor was too strong, and it was swallowing the sacred mountain. The restraining force is actually constantly transforming to make up for its own losses.

"There have been too many powerful enemies, and the number of demon veterans who have come has reached more than 30. Dahan was affected by the dream-making'Sky Turning Dream Snake', and his combat power was greatly reduced. Unless the entire Golden Sacred Ape clan was dispatched, otherwise Since then, there will be no Nanshan again." The ghost repair girl's face was cold, she disappeared, and she flashed away from the mountain in the next second.

Yin wind cry——

The sky outside the mountain seems to have turned into grayish white. With the girl's action, countless bones rise and fall from the ground outside the sacred mountain. The anomalies of bone buildings appear in the sky, and the evil ghosts turn into strands. The black smoke gnawed directly towards the sea monster in the evil sea.

"Can she control evil spirits?" The Ghost Flower Spider Mother's face was exceptionally weird, and the degree of surprise was no less than that of the first sight of Ye Di.

"I'll help you!" A short bow appeared in Gu Yan's hand. She followed the ghost repair girl out of the mountain, bowed to the sky, even if she pulled away with difficulty.

This arrow was actually transformed from the power of the stars, and the intense star brilliance was dazzling. Soon the lone geese took the arrow off the string and directly penetrated the eyebrows of a **** demon!

There are constantly terrifying monster shadows rushing out of the void water curtain, which is the void passage connecting the sea of ​​evil. There are not many monsters outside the mountains, but there are also small sea monsters all over the mountains. For example, the silverback crocodile ancestors will sink and float. The number one silverback sea crocodile!


Guyan Arrow was hit by a sea fork thrown from the void, and his entire right shoulder was directly pierced, and he vomited blood!

The woman in red looked at Su Jin complicatedly, and finally seemed to be determined, and threw the old tortoise towards the west mountain. The horrible figure instantly appeared outside the mountain, and she was full of red light and walked up. Dabeilou, sitting on the big clock.

The lines on the clocks began to turn into flames. The woman in red gritted her teeth fiercely, and re-patted the giant clock with her right hand. Those red lines hovered all over her body. She chose to face the silverback crocodile ancestor, Jie Erhanzhi Danger!

Su Jin only felt the burning pain in his eyebrows, and the lightning crack could not stop the bleeding, and he heard the sound of the wounded and painful Guyan Arrow God just now—

"You have to die!" Su Jin screamed out loudly. He covered his eyebrows with his left hand, opened his eyes, and got up!

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