My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2994: That person, that glance, did not come out of the mountain!

However, at this moment, seeing the two Youan Yaozun Su Jin standing up, the corners of their mouths were slightly bitter.

Trapped in the Nanshan Forbidden Land, there is a tide of evil sea beasts outside. The Ghost Flower Spider Mother and Youan Yaozun originally hoped that something happened during the Yedi cultivation. They had an excuse to escape, but now the big evil star has woke up! And listening to it, there is a sense of immortality with the other party.

Su Jin turned his face slightly, a trace of cold flashed in the depths of his pupils, and said indifferently: "My immortal concubine is fighting people desperately outside the forbidden area. Why don't you two demon masters take action?"

The air seemed to freeze--

The Ghost Flower Spider Mother felt that Su Jin's temperament had changed, and it became incomprehensible, and the strong sense of oppression made her feel like her back was cold.

Youan Demon Venerable experienced more thoroughly. Its demon heart was throbbing, and a very dangerous aura grew deep in its heart. This kind of danger was the Ye Emperor who came before him!

"Big...big...sir...we are afraid that adults will have an accident when they enter, so we specially stayed to protect the law for adults--" Youan Yaozun was startled in a cold sweat and quickly bowed in panic.

Su Jin's stern eyes returned to normal in a flash, and said lightly: "It's the king who blamed you. Now this king gives you a chance to behave. Outside the mountain, if you kill a demon, you will not be investigated for past grievances. Cut the two demon masters, I will give you the supreme demon technique for both."

Youan Yaozun's face suddenly turned green.

The complexion of Ghost Flower Spider Mother was not much better either.

Slashing the demon veterans at the same level, they naturally have a great opportunity, especially the ghost flower spider mother, who is superb poisonous attack, and they are all outstanding among the demon veterans. It is not that they are embarrassed or unable to do it, but are afraid!

Can't afford to offend!

Outside, the known force is that the strong of the sea of ​​evil are constantly crossing——

The strong man in the Shadow Palace is probably already dormant in the dark, ready to wait for an opportunity to offend these two great forces, and the Ghost Flower Spider Mother feels that it is not much better than offending Ye Di!

"I would like to use my life's strength to help Yedi kill the enemy..." The Ghost Flower Spider Mother nodded with a solemn expression.

"In fact, you don't have to doubt it, you just need to drag it until the Golden Sacred Ape Clan arrives. By then, what is the sea of ​​evil? My uncle Wang will be there." Sukin paused, "I just promised a very small benefit. , If you two kill the Three Demon Venerables, don’t worry about revenge by those two forces. I can let you two be protected by the golden holy ape. In the beast forest, you will go sideways in the future."


Youan Yaozun's face was shocked.

Su Jin is now the Taoist son of the Golden Sacred Ape clan. Naturally, there is no doubt about this promise. It is too important to be blessed by the Golden Sacred Ape. The entire animal forest is about the size of the power. The two groups are too small, and there is only it. The second talent is at the level of the demon, and it is not worth mentioning in other places.

"I'm Youan, I must do my best--" Youan Yaozun gritted his teeth fiercely. This is a bet for it. If the arrival of the Golden Ape is not delayed, they will undoubtedly die.

"Is it just trying? I want you to use the strongest means. Don't worry, the more demon masters you cut, in the end I can even let the two of you practice under my uncle's seat, and let it guide you and build nothing. On the battle body." Su Jin continued.

"Xie Ye Di!" Youan Yaozun couldn't wait, and the blood boiled in his body.

Su Jin waved his hand.

Youan Yaozun and the Ghost Flower Spider Mother directly disappeared in place, coming out of the mountain to meet the enemy!

But they didn't notice it at all. When they disappeared, Su Jin's mouth raised an arc of sarcasm——

In fact, Su Jin had already seen the intention of these two monsters, two unfamiliar beasts, I am afraid it is not the Shadow Palace Rats who want to die the most, it should be them.

Sure enough, with the joining of Youan Demon Venerable and Ghost Flower Spider Mother, the pressure on the Guyan group was instantly relieved, and Gu Yan wiped away the blood from Ying's mouth. She knew why Su Jin ordered the two demon Venerable to join.

The ghost flower spider mother is much stronger than the ordinary demon. She has many earth-shaking secrets in her body. For example, the ancient ancestor spirit is contained in the bloodline. Her spider venom is a sacred poison, even if it is strong in the sky. Don't want to be infected with the poisonous poison! This is too important in group battles.

"You are the eminent demon superpower in the beast forest. Why do you want to help a poor human race!"

Several men who built the body of the sea of ​​power, faced the Ghost Flower Spider Mother suddenly shouted——

"You dare to provoke the night emperor because of your persecution of the sea monster? I would advise you to leave quickly. If you wait for the Golden Ape King to take action, you can be wiped out with one finger!" Offend the offense more thoroughly.

"Emperor Ye is not an ordinary human race, his future achievements are at least a sage, an endless powerhouse, an existence that you can't afford! You are the Great Seahorse, I have heard of you." Ghost Flower Spider Mother calmly said.

"You ghost flower spider is very poisonous, I want to learn and teach!" Around the body of the Great Seahorse, a colorful seahorse shadow floated around.

If it is said that there is the least fear of the ghost flower spider mother's poison, I am afraid it is the great seahorse. It has talents and can cure millions of poisons——

Boom boom boom, there were fierce collisions everywhere, Shen Xia dyed the sky, You An and Ghost Flower Spider Mother joined forces, they were all very hot tempered, and they directly fought against the nine villainous sea-monsters. Come and go, this is beyond Su Jin's expectation.

The woman in red and the old tortoise also faced the silverback crocodile ancestor. In a short time, the sea crocodile monster corpse was swept away, and the battle was terrifying!

Su Jin has always been calm. He didn't know that in the distant high void, extremely powerful people such as the Golden Ape King were also paying attention to this battle.

"Doesn't the Ape King raise his clan to fight?" Baimei Shanzun asked a little bit puzzled.

"The potential of this child is terrifying. I am afraid that the Ape King wants him to experience and experience in this sinister beast forest." The White Tiger with Blood Mark also uttered a word and looked at the Golden Ape King.

"With my tribe's Jintian Golden Pillar Divine Art, even if the Sea God faces him, he can support an hour, it doesn't hurt." The Golden Ape King laughed.

"There are too many secrets in this child, I want to see how he will make a decision." Baimei Shanzun smiled.

"I guess, I will ask for the Ape King in the end." The Blood Mark White Tiger was not optimistic about this battle.

At this moment, Su Jin is standing in place, he has not yet come out.

Su Jin's left hand moved away from the center of his eyebrows. The lightning-shaped golden blood mark had not healed. He faintly noticed the problem, but unfortunately there was not much time to confirm it.

"Only verified in person—"

Su Jinqiang endured the bone-eroded pain, suddenly raised his head, and let out a roaring sound, his lightning-shaped brow crack, as if slowly pulling apart in the middle!

In that yellow golden pupil of years, a black sword shadow is still in its embryonic form.

Huhuhu~~~ A gust of sword wind appeared behind Su Jin, and black imaginary sword shadows cut off the black hair under his shoulders!


The woman in red, sweating profusely, turned her head strenuously when facing the ancestor of the silverback crocodile. What she saw was an unforgettable scene!

Gu Yan was facing an eel demon venerable, and the eel demon venerable was covered with sarcomas, and each sarcoma was a human head. This monster was too strong in close combat, which directly caused her to retreat steadily, and her injuries increased.

But when he heard the roar that shook Qi Ming, Gu Yan glanced at it with difficulty, and many of the strong men of the sea, and even the silverback crocodile ancestor looked at Su Jin.

Each of Su Jin's severed black hair turned into a black dragon, and the Nanshan Forbidden Land was full of black dragons cruising!


Among the golden pupils of Su Jin's years, the black prototype sword shadow shook suddenly, and the lone geese far away from the West Mountain only felt unpredictable mysterious fluctuations around them!

Click, click, click——

There was a faintly intangible vertical and horizontal sword energy, cutting around the lone geese. When she looked again, her opponent, the terrifying eel demon, had thousands of red blood lines on its giant body! In an instant, the corpse fell to the ground!

Suffocating, the scene is full of suffocating atmosphere, no one speaks, no one fights, and some, only the black dragon roaring in the forbidden land of Nanshan!

That person, that glance, did not come out of the mountain! In the center of the remote Nanshan Forbidden Land, a Great Demon Venerable Heavenly Venerable was killed in the air!

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