My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2995: Purple civet

The whole picture, the shock that people produce is indelible——

In the field of vision, Su Jin, who is far away in the "Tianhantan" in the center of Nanshan, wanders around the dragon. The slowly cruising black dragon is wrapped in black death, and his calm face is quite powerful.

He is too calm!

Calm makes people feel terrible!

"Ye Di -" Youan Yaozun was suddenly ceased fighting at this moment, and he was shocked. When he saw this scene, he only felt his throat dry, and a cold wind was blowing on his head. People thought it would be like this!

Ghost Flower Spider Mother was a little bit lucky, just like You An, wasn't she just making a choice? Even she, like most people, only has one word of procrastination, thinking that Su Jin has nothing to do. Only by waiting for the golden ape tribe to dispatch, can it be possible to resolve the crisis——

But now!

Yedi alone has the temperament of a peerless powerhouse! And his attack method is very mysterious and terrifying. You must know that it is impossible to attack in the Nanshan prohibition, otherwise they will not go out to fight like this.

"This little guy is really surprising." Mount Baimei was obviously startled.

"The Ape King said beforehand that if it weren't for the Great Tribulation of the Beast Forest, he could be trained to be a strong person with you in ten thousand years. From my point of doesn't need ten thousand years at all." Bloodline White Tiger said with emotion.

"It did surprise me a little bit--" The Golden Ape King's face was filled with relief.

"Our old guys, if they survive this beast catastrophe, they might see the birth of a super sword god. The sword just now was extremely stunning." Baimei Shanzun sighed.

That's right!

The sword embryo in Su Jin’s golden pupil just now contains a lot of profound insights. The years, epochs, and even a faint touch of Dao rhyme breed in time and time. That sword has surpassed too many unimaginable things. fencing.

Su Jin put one hand behind him, and in an instant, one step appeared outside Xishan.

"I should stop this battle." Su Jin looked at the monsters of the'Evil Guanhai', and said lightly: "Your sea **** is watching this battle, and the supreme existence of the Shadow Palace is here, you Leave it all, it's not my opponent at all, nor is it qualified to be my opponent."


Not only Eguanhai but the powerhouses felt Su Jin's arrogance, and even Miss Guyan looked at Su Jin with special eyes. This guy's meaning couldn't be more obvious.

This means--

This means that only the sea **** or the lord of the shadow current are worthy of his opponent!

"What a mad junior! Our Lord of the Seagod, how can you challenge if you want to challenge?" The Silverback Crocodile Ancestor slowly turned around, staring directly at Su Jin with scarlet eyes, "My ancestor, you can't kill you three times. interest."

"Sneak attack is nothing. You little guy is very strange. It's better to fight with your sister. I would like to see what is special about you."

Not far away, a girl walked out of the gloom. She was wearing a black robe. She had a very strong demon spirit. From the looks of it, her eyes were erect and her hair had two furry lavender ears. This is not evil. Guanhai's strong.

"You are from the Shadow Palace." Su Jin rubbed his chin and looked.

This person's demon body should be a civet cat or the like. Under careful perception, the strength is not defeated by the silverback crocodile ancestor, and it should be a strong under the master of the Palace of Shadows.

"Yes, I'm from the Shadow Palace, the main purple civet." The girl smiled slightly.

"This Wang Ping always practice hard, and there is not much time to accompany the immortal concubines. I just don't have a **** pet to accompany them. I think you are quite suitable." Su Jin looked at the purple spirit cat demon venerable very seriously.

The atmosphere became particularly weird--

The original smiling face of the purple civet became difficult to look at. She could see that Su Jin was very arrogant, but she did not expect to be so confident. You must know that she has practiced for countless years under the seat of the shadow stream and won the shadow stream. The Supreme True Legend has a very high status in the Shadow Palace, and the person in front of him actually wants to accept her as a favorite for his fairy concubine to have fun? ? ?

Really, unreasonable!

"Let me see if your strength is as sharp as your mouth!" Zun Zilingmao's arms are horizontally in front of him, ten feet long nails, purple light overflows, and his eyes are even more fierce. .

"Don't worry, get to know your mistress first." Su Jin smiled and directly moved the lone geese to his side. The speed was not even a blink of an eye!

So fast!

Zun Zilingmao's face was solemn. Just now Su Jin moved Gu Yan over, making people wonder if he moved. This speed is simply a monster!

Miss Guyan is flushed now, and her injury is not too serious. At this moment, Su Jin stunned the evil Sea-Monster Venerable in the audience. She was able to recover. It was no problem. Now I heard Su Jin was about to take it. It feels like a strong person who is stronger than her being a **** pet... she can't describe it.

"Looking for death!" The Purple Spirit Cat Zun was completely enraged, and was about to do it--


Su Jin lightly pointed, and the fingertips seemed to be surrounded by a touch of mysterious Taoism, pointing directly to the Zun Zilingmao.

what? ? ?

Zun Zilingmao's eyes were strong in disbelief, she stopped moving! The whole body is like a stone, cannot be controlled by her, the vast demon power in the body is instantly frozen, unable to swim through the meridians, and even the thinking in the spirit sea is half a beat!

Youan Yaozun and Ghost Flower Spider Mother are already stupid——

This is an eternal trick!

After Su Jin performed the'Ape Strike Technique' not long ago, he has another eternal technique! !

"Ai, do you like this cat?" Su Jin put his left hand on Gu Yan's shoulder, covered her face with the palm of his hand, raised her flushed face, and asked.

"I—" Gu Yan no longer knew what to say, how to answer this?

"No problem, kill if you don't like it." Su Jin said.

"Like it." Gu Yan sighed. In any case, the purple civet cat on the opposite side is better than her. I don't know how much, and if she doesn't make a choice, maybe this extremely beautiful cat might be caught by the night. The emperor was killed.

"You look pleasing to the eye." Su Jin slowly raised his head, and after speaking, looked at the Zun Zilingcat.

The surrounding black dragons formed by hairs have already filled the West Mountain. This scene is too shocking. Even if the demon veterans outside the court take all their actions, if these black dragons contain unpredictable mystery, their lethality is definitely not small.

The golden pupil of Su Jin's eyebrows slowly overflowed with golden light, and the sword embryo in it gradually faded. In other words, there was a wonderful ‘卍’ Buddha seal rotating.

Zun Zi Ling Mao hated her, but now she couldn't speak, her strength was sealed, she couldn't even blink her eyelids, but when she saw the scene in Su Jin's vertical eyes, a feeling of super danger grew!

Gradually, the purple civet cat was full of golden brilliance——

Su Jin's golden pupil in these years has actually slowly transformed her body into a monster...

"Meow~~~" In just five seconds, the Purple Spirit Cat turned into a purple cat! !

The audience suddenly turned into a dead silence again——

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