My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2996: Sea god

In South Shanxi, today's battle is destined to be recorded in the annals of animal forest history!

The strongman of the Shadow Palace, the Purple Spirit Cat, was directly transformed into the main body of the monster by an unknown mysterious existence, using anti-origin methods to trace the origin.

Su Jin’s palm was lifted falsely, and the meowing purple civet floated over and fell into the arms of the Guyan Arrow God. Suddenly, this incomprehensible human world was stunning. Because of the purple civet, his whole body was even more special. Temperament.

"You ugly big crocodile, I think it's a suitable mount for Dahan Erhan." Su Jin looked at the silverback crocodile ancestor as if he had done a trivial thing.


Strong as the silver-backed crocodile ancestor, but because of the words of the emperor Ye, he escaped!

If it were placed yesterday, no one would believe it! We must know that the silverback crocodile ancestor is also a hero in the "Evil Guanhai", and is a famous existence!

Su Jin dumbfounded.

He was really frightening just now. For a strong man like Zi Ling Mao Zun, he used the power of the **** pupil to bring him back to his ancestral body. In fact, he can only use this method to barely do it last time. There is still a problem, it has not been completely recovered, and the silverback crocodile ancestor is much stronger than the purple civet——

"Ye Di, really powerful." Youan Yaozun's face could not hide the excitement.

"The huge disadvantage in number, just because he was alone, it shocked all the demon veterans. He even bluntly challenged the Lord of the Sea God and the Shadow Stream. This is incredible." The Ghost Flower Spider Mother also moved.

The ghost repair girl put away the many visions of the bone building, and retreated to the back like the lady in red and the others. They knew that the next battle was no longer something they could participate in. As for the demon lord facing the evil sea, absolutely It's impossible to dare to shoot at Yedi——

There are many factors.

At present, Su Jin has been extremely successful in deterring the two forces of Evil Guanhai and Shadow Palace, but don't forget that these two forces know that there is a powerful backstage behind Ye Di and have not taken action.

Dozens of demon veterans hit the night emperor, it is very likely to anger the golden ancient ape king, and it will naturally be very troublesome.

"Papa Papa--"

While waiting in silence, there was a burst of applause in the void.

"Today I am fortunate to be able to appreciate the immortal demeanor of the Ye Emperor. It is a worthwhile trip..." When the applause fell, deep in the dark void, a bright red hall shattered into the void, looming, sinking and floating. .

There were two people standing in the hall.

One person has a jade-like face, one has a rough appearance, and two cyan horns grow on both sides of the head. The identity of the person who comes is naturally self-evident——

"I have seen the Lord of the Palace——"

"I have seen the **** of the sea!"


Countless sea monsters that had been sent over, bowed to the temple, and the strong man with a jade crown was the Lord of Shadow Stream! The person who controls the Shadow Palace, and the **** of the sea, is too powerful. He can break his wrist with the Golden Ape King!

"The sea **** of evil, the main body is the sky green manatee." The woman in red said quietly to Su Jin.

"The Lord of the Shadow Stream, the originator of the Shadow Transformation Art, is good at exploring the assassinations. No one has escaped from anyone who is targeted by him. He maintains a 100% success rate of assassinations. He is the nightmare of the strong in the beast forest, and countless people are frightened. "The Ghost Flower Spider Mother said pale.

I just heard Su Jin say that both the sea **** and the master of the shadow stream have already arrived, but I didn't expect to see these two legendary existences. The master of the shadow stream made people feel scared and shuddered when they looked at it.

"Be careful." The ghost repair girl just spoke lightly, reminding Su Jin.

Su Jin laughed, looked at the Lord of the Shadow Stream, and suddenly said: "It is rumored that as long as someone appears on the Wangxiang Corridor, they will suffer violent death. Since the movie owner appears, can you explain one or two reasons? "

"Haha, it's actually very simple, because the Wangxiang Corridor is the back garden of my Shadow Palace, so naturally, people can't enter it casually. Are you satisfied with this explanation?" The Lord of Shadow Stream nodded.

Back Garden of Shadow Palace——

Su Jin's eyes dazzled. He had known for a long time that this beast forest and the opposite star were actually a twin star, but the Wangxiang corridor was the way to the opposite star! Could it be that the resident of the Shadow Palace is on the opposite star?

"I can feel that you are very strong." Su Jin looked at the master of the eye shadow stream and slowly said: "But, you can't help me. Today's opponent is it, the sea **** of the sea!"

This? ? ?

Everyone looked dumbfounded. Although the Demon Venerable hidden in the Shadow Palace did not show up, everyone's faces were extremely angry. Is the Ye Emperor floating? Think that with this strength, you can compete with the Lord of Shadow Stream?

The members of the Shadow Palace have no cards.

"Why are you so big?" Guyan Arrow held the purple civet in his arms, his face was very anxious, because Su Jin's words like this would obviously anger the Lord of Shadow Stream.

"Yedi had better contact the Golden Ape King, otherwise, either of these two powerhouses would be very scary." Youan Yaozun didn't want to die, and said quickly, and it finally thought of a question that made it fearful. .

Youan Yaozun underestimated Su Jin’s city palace. If he didn’t fight for him just now, I’m afraid he would be killed on the spot by the Tianhan Lake, and the other party’s promise was only an excuse and wording, because according to the golden holy ape clan Speed, it's definitely impossible not to come for so long! Probably not coming!

Thinking of this, the clothes behind Youan Yaozun were soaked in cold sweat——

"Although the Ye Emperor is strong, but the Lord of the Shadow Stream spreads across the beast forest and is proficient in the supreme assassination technique, it is better for the Ye Emperor to call the Golden Ape King, otherwise it will be bad if there is danger at that time -" Ghost Flower Spider Mother Said worriedly.

The lone goose, the girl in red, and the girl in ghost repair all doubt Su Jin very much. No one has ever seen this kind of madness in the beast forest.

Many people were observing the face of the Lord of Shadow Stream. Almost everyone thought that he would be angry, and then slapped the arrogant Ye Emperor to death, but the reaction of the other party was beyond everyone's expectations...

There is no meaning of anger.

Even his face changed and he was not angry.

"I admit, it can't help you." The Lord of Shadow Stream nodded and said.

Rely on!

The worried people in Youan Yaozun were directly shocked, and never expected the Lord of Shadow Stream to say so.

"It seems that I was right." Su Jin is not paying attention to the Lord of Shadow Stream, pointing to the **** of the sea and the sea: "Today, this king is teaching the magic of the sea!"

"This is your calamity, and it's her calamity. I advise you to let go... Otherwise, even if the Golden Ape King comes, it won't be able to protect you." Sky God of the Sea Qinghai Niu said.

she was--

who is it?

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