My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2998: Big Ear Sanzo

Beyond Xishan, the void.

Su Jin knew the horror of the sea god, but he didn't expect it to be so terrible. In just this blow, although he destroyed the wave technique, the blood surging in his body almost tended to be injured. He looked at the sky green manatee, It's like looking at the endless starry sky, without seeing the shore——

He didn't know why at this moment, Eguanhai would suddenly be in trouble. Could it be that not long ago, after he went down to the cold pool, the mysterious goddess corpse in the ice revealed its breath?

You know, Su Jin heard the sobbing sound at the time--

There are also ice faces floating on the glacial wall.

This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to think too much, Su Jin's face is shaken, knowing the ordinary attack, he can't resist the Qinghai Niu!

Taking a deep breath, Su Jin raised a hand and slowly closed his eyes...

At that moment, the killing intent of Chong Xiao instantly permeated the battlefield! !

When Su Jin closed his eyes, he was naturally focused in the eyes of everyone. He seemed to be in a very mysterious mood at this moment. At that moment, his figure gradually faded, and someone faintly saw that there was a sword embryo in his brow. The phantom is releasing a special Tao Yun.

Be like a sword!

A simple and unpretentious sword embryo, even the hilt, tip, and blade are not very clear. This prototype of a divine sword actually evolved from Su Jin——

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Tian Qinghai Bull. For some reason, there was no Su Jin figure in the battlefield, only a sword embryo floating in the void, but it was this sword embryo that caused a slight crisis in his heart...

In the distant void, the golden ancient ape kings are also watching Su Jin with full attention...

The illusory Buddha song slowly appeared from the west of the beast forest. There was a fat-eared monk walking barefoot, wearing a monk's clothes, with twelve broken Buddhist beads hanging on his neck, and pulling the Buddha bowl. His eyes gleamed intensely.

"The Big Ear Sanzang of the West Bitter Sea, you have been in retreat and enlightened the Dharma for a long time. You claim that the sky will not collapse, the earth will never die, and the earth will not return to the world. Why have you appeared now?" Baimei Shanzun looked at the Big Ear Sanzang and asked. .

"Buddha king is present, Sanzang will naturally come to worship the Buddha, he is still faster than me after all -" Daer Sanzang sighed.

"Oh?" The blood-stripe white tiger said again, "You bald donkey, you really care about the common people of the beast forest. What is the Buddha of the Buddha, it is just an excuse. You are afraid that the big catastrophe of the beast forest will affect your western sea of ​​suffering."

"Fart!" Big Ear Sanzang glanced at the white tiger with blood marks, "My Buddha is merciful, and the Buddha King has reached the realm that my Buddha is extremely longing for. If you don't understand, shut up."

"What state?" Baimeishan Zun asked.

"Samadhi is rumored to be on the other side of the Buddha, but I don’t believe that'samādhi' is the end of the Buddhist path. Just as you and I climb the peak, there is still an insurmountable mountain outside the mountain. After all, the Dharma Boundless--" Da Er San Zang laughed.

"I don't understand your shit." Bloody White Tiger said coldly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, do you see the magical power that turns the sword into a body? It depends on the transformation of my Buddhism, Taoism and Samadhi realm, condensing the years, and coming together with the gods." Da Er Sanzang sternly looked at him. The sword embryo in the distance put his hands together, saluting respectfully.


What a distant realm.

It can be traced back to a time even more distant than ancient times. At that time, the practitioners had the supreme unity of God, saying that at that time the closest connection between man and the Dao reached me as Dao and I could be a wonderful mood of all things.

"Quack quack—"

The sharp cry awakened Daer Sanzang and the others. From the naked eye, in the north of the sea of ​​bitterness, there was a pink long-necked crane approaching. It had only one foot, but there were so many sacred mountains and ancient trees. On its knees, this divine crane is too eye-catching.

"Fenqin Tianhe, a divine object that often fishes in the sea of ​​evil, it is the enemy of the sea of ​​evil, and it has also walked out today—" Da'er Sanzang was a little surprised.

Those who dare to fish in the sea of ​​evil are all relentless. Obviously, this is an existence who is not afraid of the sea god, and it makes people awe and shocked.


Su Jin turned into a sword embryo, and in the magical rhyme of Heshen, he felt that he had become the magic sword in this golden pupil of the years. What made him even more excited was that his incarnation could use all his power! There is even an unpredictable mystery improvement in it!

"Good boy!" Tian Qinghai Niu clenched his fists. He was always cautious. After feeling the extraordinary of Su Jin, the whole body was bathed in the sea, and the horns of the human body were hidden in the sea.

Gradually, a terrifying bull roar appeared——

That roar, as if God was shaking with fright!

I saw a cyan sacred cow, gradually showing its figure, this is the body of the sky Qinghai cow, the strongest state! This day, the Qinghai cow is too big, and it is not much more than that of the Fenqin Tianhe!

Stepping on all fours among the clouds, the tip of the oxtail of the sky is white, and most of the cow's body has a ‘azure’ auspicious cloud pattern slowly rotating. The pair of horns in the deep air can actually catch the god-level lightning silently!

Su Jin’s sword embryo of the God Empress slashed directly to the sky Qinghai Niu in a flash——

Boom boom boom boom!

Amidst the lightning and flint, the Tianqing Manatee remained motionless, with only brilliance and sound. Su Jin combined with the gods, using the method of turning into a sword, could only leave gray marks on it, and could not break its defense at all!


Too strong, too strong!

Strong makes people desperate, no wonder the king of the sea of ​​evil, who can be the enemy of the golden ancient ape king!

"Give up, my main body, all laws are not broken, even if the golden ancient ape king who protects you is in front of me, I dare not underestimate my main body." Tianqing Manatee's eyes were playfully abused. The gas ejected from the nostrils can be turned into two blue clouds, shaking the embryo of the sword.

"It was just a test--" Su Jin's voice sounded from the sword embryo.


Didn't come really?

Who believes this? Even the people in the Nanshan Forbidden Land do not believe...

Miss Guyan holding the Purple Spirit Cat, and seeing Youan Yaozun's eyes, her face was helpless, Su Jin has given them too many miracles, and now she is still awe-inspiring, but the words just now are really not shocking. , Because no one believes it.

Just as a joke--

Does Su Jin need to explain to others?

Naturally no need!

Slowly, the incarnation of Su Jin's sword embryo floated horizontally in the void. At first, a circle of brilliant golden Buddha rings slowly condensed on the sword, as if it were a sword with a golden color. The same aperture.

Then, the dark ghost king halo, accompanied by the scream of evil spirits, gathered on the sword.

The third--

the fourth--

With more and more auras, all the strong also know what the situation is. That aura represents the road of the emperor!

When Mother Ghost Flower saw the sixth halo condensed, her heart suddenly beat, she felt difficult to breathe, her eyes had a strong dreamlike color, she didn’t believe it, didn’t believe that someone in this world can stand against God, can Build a avenue with more than six doors!

carry on--

The seventh, eighth, and finally the ninth halo on that sword embryo condenses! !

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