My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2999: Take your life to bet!

Anyone who sees it is as good as getting an electric shock!

A simple and unreal sword embryo, the nine roads converge, blooming in the void like a dreamlike glow, and the appearance of the nine auras also makes people deeply understand the enchanting level of Su Jin——

The great evildoer of the nine practitioners!

"Ye Di, he is the Nine Dao Xiu——" Ghost Flower Spider Mother couldn't help trembling, her eyes were full of fear. She once believed in the authenticity of Su Jin's refining avenue, but she couldn't accept Su Jin's nine Dao Xiu together. fact.

Yes, it is too difficult to accept.

Gu Yan hugged the purple civet, her clear and ethereal eyes seemed to add a touch of confusion. She was obviously the same as others. She was impressed by Su Jin's shocking performance. She walked down from the'Wangxiang Corridor' and is still fine now, even more so. Repairing the Nine Gate Avenue made the Lord of Shadow Stream helpless.

"What's so shocking?" The ghost repair girl's face was calm, and there was even some disappointment in her eyes. She continued: "He just barely met his expectations and proved that his theory is feasible."

"Senior's meaning--" Gu Yan woke up from the confusion and looked at the ghost repair girl.

"He once threatened to take charge of the Three Thousand Great Dao, to be the existence of'Heaven to Heaven', but this is no longer possible. There are only nine ways. Although he has embarked on a path that no one has ever walked, it is still a drop in the ocean. Not enough." The ghost repair girl shook her head.

This...not enough--

The words of the ghost repair girl simply subverted the understanding of the practice of the people present!

At this time, the sea **** Tian Qinghai Niu stared at that sword embryo, somehow, it hated this sword very, very much, especially the gorgeous nine halos, which gave it an inexplicable threatening feeling!

"Do you think this ability alone can pose a threat to me?!" With the aura of the sky green manatee, the entire animal forest seemed to shake three times.

Su Jin did not respond. He knew how important this battle was to him. In fact, he knew very well that he had no chance of winning, or even a chance of winning, but he still had to fight!

Nine auras were neatly on the sword, and countless divine powers poured into the sword for a moment, and the entire sword embryo was trembling violently——


The sword embryo of Su Jin's incarnation disappeared directly!

Qiang Qiang, the sword embryo slashed towards the divine body of the sky Qinghai Niu at a very impressive speed, and dozens of swords all slashed at the opponent’s divine body at a very tricky angle...

"How could this happen!" Su Jin was extremely shocked. He didn't understand. He didn't use the nine auras to bless him before, and he was still able to display the gray sword marks on the opponent's cow. Now his burst of power is at least more than before. Many times, but there is no trace on the opponent's body--

There must be something wrong.

Su Jin moved back to his original position, thinking about the problem!

Soon, Su Jin fell silent.

Su Jin saw a layer of blue light on the body of the Tianqing Manatee. In fact, when he attacked for the first time before, the opponent underestimated him, which led to the existence of gray marks. This time, although his strength was stronger, the opponent did It has already been guarded.

There seemed to be a sneer in the huge eyes of the Tian Qing Hai Niu, and it soon became serious. On the two curved horns in the deep sky, a cyan vortex was condensed——

At the edge of the vortex, traces of Taoist rhyme gathered into a picture, and in a blink of an eye, a Taoist figure covering the sky was formed!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The sword embryo of Su Jin's incarnation, as if sensing something, stood up!

Bang bang bang bang, a phantom giant sword condensed out of the deep sky, and a terrifying sword rain suddenly started outside the western mountain!

"You are so trash with swordsmanship, just like tickling my ancestors!" Tian Qing Hai Niu laughed loudly.

The momentum is enough, but if there are more swords, the power is scattered too much——

Su Jin felt that this technique was not right, and it could not solve the problem at all. If it was to deal with the beast tide, this blow could wipe out most of the enemies, but it was useless to face the existence of the sky-green manatee!

"I can't cause harm to the sea god. It's not that I'm not good at swordsmanship, nor is my Nine Paths fellow practitioners wrong. What's the problem..." Su Jin's mind kept running and thinking.

Soon, Su Jin's mind flashed.

Now he transformed himself into a sword. This sword was not lacking in strength, but not sharp enough, it was just a blade!

The pressure in Su Jin's heart suddenly increased. That's right, the sword embryo alone would naturally not be able to fight the Qinghai Niu this day. If this continues, when the other party launches the "Essential Dao Map" between the horns, he is doomed to fail!

"I need to open the front, open the sword embryo!" Su Jin shouted deep in his heart——

Not bad!

Only by opening up the sword embryo, can you have a chance!

How to start? How to start? no idea--

Now, all those who don't know are very disappointed.

For example, Youan Yaozun, seeing this scene now, shook his head and said, "Although the fellow practitioners are strong in the nine realms, the performance of Ye Di is also amazing, but after all, he can’t match the power of the sea god. Young, and the opponent has been a super power that has dominated the sea for countless years."

"Only the Golden Ape King can save him." The woman in red said slowly.

"I don't know how to advance or retreat, I'm looking for a dead end, who can be blamed?" The ghost repair girl snorted. In fact, she was the most disappointed. Naturally, the Tianqing manatee came here to take the body under the Tianhantan. She knew that she could not stop it, ridiculous The thing is, she had a glimmer of hope just now! I hope that the emperor can stop the sky green manatee!

just now--

Hope was dashed.

"Which one of you is not qualified to judge him! Just ask, at his age, who can do better than him?" Miss Guyan asked back.

Su Jin has no time to think about other things now. In his mind, he is completely thinking about opening the sword embryo!

In the end, Su Jin made an unexpected decision——

"What is he going to do?" Ghost Flower Spider Mother suddenly exclaimed, pulling the few people in the dispute back to reality.

The sword embryo of Su Jin's incarnation rushed directly onto the head of the Tian Qing Hai Niu!

In that deep space, the power of Dao Tu has been demonstrated, but the sword embryo came from the sky, and it was actually chosen to have a frontal contact with the strongest horn!

This scene is incredible! You should know that Su Jin just worked like the law, and even the Tianqinghai Niu's physical body can't break the defense. What good will he do?

No one knows, Su Jin is betting!

Take your life to bet!

The reason why Su Jin’s incarnation of the sword embryo chose to slash the horns of the sky and the Qinghai Sea was to open the front.

"He's crazy?!" The ghost repair girl couldn't understand.

Are you crazy?

Yes! Su Jin is obviously very crazy, the big deal is to die for the sword! If it succeeds, he will use the blood of the **** of the sea to open the front of his sword and god, and it may not be a chance!

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