My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3000: Blue eyes


Tens of thousands of azure lightning bursts out of the horns of the azure sea cow. The cyan auspicious clouds around are slowly flowing, and the sword embryo of Su Jin's incarnation is bathed in the gods of heaven, but it has not retreated a bit!

If it were the original physical body, I don't know how many times it would take to die to hold this blow, but now it's different, Su Jin can't even care about feelings, the sword embryo flashes with electricity, and the speed is endless!

"The **** thunder quenches my sword body, and the blood of the sea **** opens my supreme swordsmanship!" Su Jin's roar even spread throughout the beast forest.

At that moment, the Nine Auras radiated the strongest brilliance since their birth!

At that moment, the breath of long-lasting vicissitudes filled the sword embryo!

In the blue auspicious cloud pattern of the sky, the lightning of the gods is getting stronger and stronger. The picture seems to be a star field. There are lines in it. One star after another is flashing in the road picture. The whole sky is like a manatee. The invincible demon **** in ancient times has accepted the supreme great way bestowed by God.

Under the rendering of various gods, a very terrifying vision appeared in the void——

A splendid buddha lotus, with its rotating buds, blooms. At the moment of blooming, there is a vaguely prosperous Buddha song melodiously rising, the buddha lotus is extremely eye-catching, and there is a faint tendency to transform!

In the Buddhist song, a bright red candle dragon gazing at the world, like a nightmare of the common people, slowly swimming with a huge size, it is like a king from ancient times, roaming his battlefield!


In the colored void, there is a faint sword **** who has come from the emptiness and long years. He may have existed, perhaps only the road has evolved. Although his face is vague, no one can ignore his existence. The sword intent on his body seems to transform everything For the power of Jianshang, he just stood in the air, and he felt a sense of suffocation of oppressing the earth. He seemed to exist in time and space, and he seemed to have escaped from any level!

This vague sword **** seems to have not died yet--

Before it was finished, there was a ring of bone-thinning chill in the colorful gods. There was no brilliance, no color, only the deep darkness of ancient times, but suddenly, a cluster of flames ignited, and the flames seemed to be advancing civilization. The lighthouse is average.

This is actually the uncivilized heavens, without the sky full of stars, without the daytime, it is the fire that brought hope to the common people of the Dadao. This scene is definitely from the prehistoric era!

Scene by scene, one by one, the restoration of the immortal way, the prosperity of the immortal way, the decline of the immortal way, there is sadness, there is hope, one hundred thousand planted reincarnation, the way of immortality comes back from the beginning, and the heavens are re-brightened——



At this moment, it is obvious that something is wrong with Tianqing Manatee——

I never thought that this night emperor risked his life to prove his kendo heart!

The sky full of visions, each of them is extremely terrifying, even Tian Qinghai Niu could not find any solution in a short time, and Su Jin is still a sword embryo at this moment, but the surrounding years seem to slow down The same.

"Can he succeed—" Miss Guyan muttered.

"Nine ways of resonance, there is a shocking vision, this kind of method is unheard of, unseen, even the origin of the sky Qinghai Niu can not defeat the sword embryo transformed by the emperor of the night, this is proof of its way by death, it has never been Ruthless people are willing to do this, knowing the gap, knowing that the hope is slim, and the heart is still there." The woman in red was also deeply moved, she had never expected it to be like this before.

"Why did Ye Di prove Dao Xin in such a dangerous way?" The Ghost Flower Spider Mother admired her and was deeply convinced in her heart, but there are so many ways in the world, this way is obviously not desirable.

"Proof is just one of the reasons." The ghost repair girl is also quite nervous now, "He knows his own disadvantages. Although the sword embryo is strong, but the sharpness is not enough, he wants to use Tianqinghai Niu to open his sword god's sharpness. Cut out a path that belongs to the future."



In just a moment, the scene seemed as long as several epochs, and countless strong men were watching this scene with bated breath.

Baimeishan Zun, the Golden Ancient Ape King, the blood-stripe white tiger and other animal forest mighty powers, their eyes are very straight-

The Big Ear Sanzang has long been cross-legged in the air, with six sense perceptions activated, even if it is stronger than him, he can't help but feel nervous about Su Jin's destiny, but the Fenqin Tianhe is getting closer and closer to the sky.

"I regret it. I knew that. It's better to let my clan go out." The Golden Ape King looked at this scene more nervously than anyone else.

"How many successes or failures are there?" The blood-stripe white tiger looked at the Baimei Mountain Venerable who was pinching the stone fingers. This mountain Venerable was born for good fortune, the root of the natural great growth, and the beast forest was avoided because of its'Dayan Heaven Arithmetic' The catastrophe was destroyed several times.

"Less than a thousand one." Baimei Shanzun shook his head.

This means that only one successful attempt in a thousand attempts!

At least this chance is already high!


On the other side of the beast forest, on the other twin star, there seems to be an unknown horror, and it has displayed the supernatural power of spying. On the opposite star, there is a giant blue eye, which can be seen clearly even in the beast forest. To the pupil!

The golden ancient ape king gasped. The conjoined star opposite had a horrible secret, but since the birth of the beast forest, this giant blue eye has only appeared a few times, but this time he looked at Su Jin——

"Not good." The huge face of Mount Baimei suddenly became very ugly.

"What's the matter?" Bloodmark White Tiger asked with a startled heart.

"Look at it carefully, there is lifelessness growing up on that sword embryo--" said Baimei Shanzun.

The **** white tiger was stunned for a while before he sighed softly, "It's going to fail."

The golden ancient ape king raised his head and burst out with a terrifying roar. It clenched its fists and was about to rush towards the sky green manatee, but a stone arm directly grabbed it.

"The Ape King calm down! It's just that life is growing. Ye Di seems to have encountered a predicament. It bathes in the mood of time. Those lifelessness should be related to the wheel of time. It is too early to find the Qinghai cattle trouble." Bai Zun Meishan persuaded.

"If the Taoist son of my clan falls, this king will surely smash this old bull into ten thousand pieces, turn its evil seas upside down, and refine it to its descendants and grandchildren!" The golden ancient ape king furiously said.

Su Jin did have some problems. The death energy on the sword embryo could not be suppressed at all. He felt that the incarnation of the sword embryo was a mistake. After all, the existence of the **** pupils, but the wheel of years combined with other pupil techniques caused him A crack in the shape of lightning appeared on the center of his eyebrows. He did not even find a way to heal. Opening his eyes could feel the pain of tearing flesh——

Everyone naturally didn't know what Su Jin was thinking. They just stared at the sword embryo that exuded a strong lifeless spirit. After finding the angle, they made a positive contact!

Life and death, but this cut!

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