My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3003: That's it!

Heaven, earth--

In the eyes of the heads of the aborigines of the thirty-five tribes, Yedi is simply a blessing, a savior who saves the world! Now that the beast tide is fierce, the surrounding evil beasts have already launched attacks on its clan one after another. If moved to the depths of the beast forest, under the blessing of the golden holy ape clan, they will surely be able to survive the beast tide without hurting any soldiers. !

Facing the request of the thirty-five clans, Su Jin, who was drinking, could naturally hear it.

Gu Yan and others walked silently, the last one was the Gushan patriarch who bowed his head and was sulking. He still couldn't let it go, but the decision was up to Ye Di——

"Why should father-in-law be so depressed?" Su Jin took a sip of the clay pot and asked calmly.


father in law?

Is this shouted?

Miss Guyan's face, like a ripe peach, turned red and transparent, not to mention her, even the woman in red on the side scolded Su Jin as shameless.

The patriarch Gushan immediately awkwardly and courteously arched his hands: "Please also Yedi to accept the 35 tribes. The Golden Ape King notified millions of miles of fertile beast forest. In fact, it does not need much land for the human race to survive—— "

Su Jin laughed, "For the reason, I used my **** pupils to vindicate my past ability. I have already seen it truly. If I fall in the battle with the evil sea gods, I am afraid that the Vast Sky Clan will not be able to keep the clan land. , They belittle me so much, I am magnanimous not to trouble them."

"It's true." Gushan's eyebrows were a little more worried, and continued: "My Haotian clan is not considered a big clan among the 36 clan. My ancestors once said that if you don't marry another clan, the clan will only be destroyed sooner or later. In the early years, there was a tribe in the animal forest that did not come into contact with foreign tribes. In the end, the people were weak and died silently."

"There is no other human race in the beast forest?" Su Jin asked with some doubts.

"Yes, but not on a scale. In our beast forest, those called wanderers are mostly excluded from other races --" Gushan said.

"I just watched through the pupil technique. So far, three thousand and five hundred miles southeast, there is a holy girl peak. More than a hundred of them are all female sisters. They are resisting the beast tide. If people from this peak join your Haotian clan, inheritance problems can Is it resolved?" Su Jin asked.

"This...I'm afraid it's wrong--" Gu Shanxin said with anxiety: "Not to mention the other party's willingness to accept external monks. My tribe may be ridiculed by other 35 tribes in the future, and there are many potential problems. "

"Father-in-law, the saint female peak holy master is very cold and glamorous, and looks similar to his father-in-law in age. In such a disaster, as the patriarch of the Vast Sky clan, if you rescue them, it would be a great favor to them. One piece..." Su Jin said seriously.

"Ah? That, that...that must be rescued!" Gushan changed his worried expression and said directly with a serious expression, "At the time of the catastrophe, the humanist will be the same as my human race, and my Vast Sky Clan will naturally extend assistance. Hand."

Seeing that his father was like this, Gu Yan's expression immediately became weird——

The woman in red snorted coldly, thinking that men are really not good things...

"That's it." Su Jin said lightly: "Youan Yaozun——"

"Yes!" Youan Yaozun gave a jealous shot and nodded directly.

"Drive people." Su Jin gave the order.

Youan Yaozun didn't even think about it, turned and went down the mountain. Dahan Erhan was unwilling to be lonely. The two golden sacred apes had not eaten cooked food, and only then lonely instructed the tribe to turn on the fire behind the mountain, and roast a few eight thousand catties. Elephant beast's elbow, this taste of cooked meat, made Dahan and Erhan seem to have started another wonderful ape life.

At this moment, two golden sacred apes, holding elephant elbows, are approaching the patriarch of the thirty-five clan!

"Master Yaozun, can Ye Di have instructions?" Guitian Patriarch, Ye Chonghai, the leader of the New Thirty-Five Clan Alliance, asked respectfully.

"Get out! Don't dare to quarrel Ye Di, kill them all!" Youan Yaozun said angrily.

Ye Chonghai and other patriarchs were all dumbfounded--

When looking at Dahan again, it directly threw the elephant beast's elbow into its mouth, as if it had thrown their 36 tribes into it. It was too scary.

Youan Yaozun didn't talk nonsense at all, and he turned around after speaking--

"How come, how come! How could Ye Di abandon me and the human race?" A patriarch's face was gloomy, and his heart was broken, and said blankly.

"It must be the lonely old man! We couldn't discuss the alliance before. When he left, he listened to what we said, and said those things to Ye Di!" A patriarch said with a grievance.

"Who would have thought that Ye Di could not die in the hands of the sea god, we were wrong from the beginning--" The Hai Yao clan chief sighed, the expression on his face not without regret.

"Then what shall we do now? Ye Di, you can't abandon us!"


Dahan and Erhan were reluctant to do so, they instinctively ate their elbows quietly, so loud, wave after wave, it was very noisy.

"Can you go?!" Erhan opened his big golden eyes like a lake, lowered his body, and looked down at the patriarch of the thirty-five clan and shouted.

Ye Chonghai and other patriarchs suffocated, but they couldn't dare to make a mistake. With such two golden sacred apes, they wouldn't want to go. If they make the other party angry, who can do it?

In the end, the patriarchs had to return in anguish, and no longer dared to petition, follow them to the depths of the beast forest——

Su Jin transmitted sound to Dahan Erhan and gave an order, and then he and Gushan also started to leave, opened a void passage, and went straight to the Saintess Peak——

Southeast of the Animal Forest.

The dark environment, the air is full of humid and hot breath, here is quite barren, the trees are much shorter, and the woods are full of vines, and the evil spirit is vertical and horizontal, but the spiritual energy is very thin. At this time, the geographical ranks can be reflected. The more noble species, the more fertile areas can be ruled. The status of monks here is like an ant insect, which is not worth mentioning.

The beast tide is affecting everything here. At this time, the sound of fighting is endless, and there is a graceful figure flying in the woods. Afterwards, there are demon shadows. Upon closer inspection, it is actually a few giant tigers with purple eyebrows blocking and pursuing— —

"Purple Charm Tiger, there are still five heads! Senior sister, can you still hold it!" A sweet female voice said anxiously.

"Quickly return to the sect, the Holy Master is also injured, and there are several demon-level enemies in our Saintess Hall."

"But the Holy Lord told us to flee, the beast tide is coming, life and death, and the saint has opened the pupil of destiny to buy us time, if we turn back—"

"Where can we... escape?" The woman who was called the senior sister said in a desperate voice, "Go back, we live and die together with the Holy Lord and Saintess."

"Ah! Senior sister, help me!" Suddenly, the speed of a purple charm evil tiger surged, and the girl with a weaker cultivation base instinctively turned her head and screamed, and the demon tiger's sharp claws had already been swept away!

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