My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3004: In harmony with God

At the end of her life, the girl stared wide-eyed. She felt that her breathing had slowed down a lot, and the time around her was slowing down. The sharp claws of the Purple Charm Tiger were so clear and the speed of sweeping was very, very fast. slow--

Is this what it feels like to be near death? The girl thought.

wrong! The girl suddenly returned to normal, but the eyes of the purple magic tiger in front of her were filled with fear. What happened?


The five Purple Charm Tigers fell directly to the ground as if they were affected by gravity. The terrible power suppressed them and couldn't stand up. What was the reason?

"Are the two girls okay?" Su Jin's calm voice appeared in the ears of the two women in the Saintess Hall.

Someone! It's still a man's voice!

Song Xiaoyu originally thought that she was going to die. Who knew that someone had tried to save her. She and Senior Sister Lingsu looked directly and saw two people unconsciously appearing nearby. The talking youth was very handsome. A luxurious golden robe with purple and gold dragon patterns on the sleeves, the export is extraordinary.

Naturally, this suit was changed by Su Jin after the battle against the Sea God and returned to the Haotian Clan to wash away the blood stains. It feels luxurious and unobtrusive, so it's a bit too showy—

"Master Xie helped me..." Song Xiaoyu said gratefully.

"Who is the son? Why did you appear here?" Senior Sister Lingsu looked carefully, and she actually had a big question in her heart. Dressing like Su Jin does not look like a person without a family, and if he has a big family status, How come here? There are some great monsters who cultivate their bodies here, so they will naturally be wary.

"We are from the native people in the forest--" Su Jin laughed.

"The tide of beasts is fierce, and everyone is in danger. I heard some wandering and casual cultivators who came to exchange materials said that there was a great upheaval in the beast forest, and even the evil sea gods were dispatched." Senior Sister Lingsu still felt uneasy. The world is in a catastrophe. Why does such a young man dare to walk in the animal forest if he doesn't stay in the clan honestly.

Su Jin suddenly--

It seems that there are still a lot of casual cultivators in the animal forest, and it is not unwilling to communicate with the outside world.

"Is it? But Master, I am used to gathering and playing outside. I passed by here today and saw you and two of you fleeing. Could it be that your family has suffered a beast?" Su Jin pretended not to know, and asked.

"We are holy--" Song Xiaoyu was about to explain the origins, but was directly interrupted by Senior Sister Lingsu.

"My son, come back to the clan, there is a monster power that you can't imagine here. My two sisters don't want to hide it. If you stay here, you will definitely die." Senior Sister Lingsu said.

"Hehe, I really don't believe it, there is a monster power that I haven't seen?" Su Jin made a disdainful expression, and then he glanced at the five purple charm evil tigers, gently raised his hand, and snapped his fingers... …


The five-headed Purple Charm Tiger directly swelled into a ball, directly exploded into pieces of flesh and blood!

Song Xiaoyu and Lingsu stared in a daze!

Patriarch Gushan admired Su Jin's methods very much in his heart, this is really ubiquitous pretence, there is really no one.

"The son is really amazing..." Song Xiaoyu said sincerely in admiration after being dull.

"Normally, take me to your house, I want to see what demon clan is capable of, dare to be fierce in the beast forest, but I hope I don't let me down——" Su Jin said lightly.

"No, we admit that although the son is strong, the powerful demon races are the demon lord. You are a person in the beast forest. You naturally understand what level of the demon lord is. Why do you ignore your life so much?" Ling Sudao .

Senior Sister Lingsu and Song Xiaoyu wanted to see the shock in Su Jin's eyes. After all, Demon Venerable, but the reality is really very bizarre. They regretted that they didn't see the change in the expressions of this brother Junmao.

"It's okay to lead the way and help you kill Demon Lord." Su Jin smiled.




The minds of Song Xiaoyu and Senior Sister Lingsu were blank, this person...can kill the demon?

Su Jin became a little impatient. If he didn't feel abrupt, and if he encountered the two women in trouble, why bother, he could just go straight to the Saintess Peak.

"Since the son insists on doing this, then I wait for the sisters, and then take the son to go--" Senior Sister Lingsu nodded and pointed to the front, "That's where the sect of my senior and sisters are located, called the Palace of Saints."

"Go." Su Jin waved and rolled up the two women, and went directly to the Saintess Peak with the Gushan Patriarch.

Virgen's Peak.

The surrounding green hills stretch, and the peaks and ridges are stacked. This mountain is not the largest mountain around, but it is enough for more than a hundred female nuns to live. At this time, a splendid radiance is shining on the top of the mountain, and a group of women are supporting the mountain array to resist Several demon shadow powers in the void.

And outside a green palace, there are three female disciples taking care of a middle-aged woman. The woman has a bloodshot and her face is pale. Despite this, she can still get a glimpse of her youthful beauty, even now it is rare. beauty--

The patriarch Gushan looked straight. With his cultivation, he naturally felt that the realm of the woman was definitely the saint master of the Saintess Hall. He quietly compared his fingers to Su Jin, obviously very satisfied. .

"Song Xiaoyu! Lingsu! Why do you both want to go back to the temple!" The holy master of the Saintess Hall, his eyes restored a little lustre, directly shouted clearly.

"Holy Lord...there are big monsters everywhere outside, and I almost died behind the mountain, and I can come back alive, all of which were saved by these two benefactors--" Lingsu numbed his scalp.


The Saint Lord of the Saintess Hall saw Su Jin and Gushan. According to the predecessor of the beast tide, their Saintess Peak did not accept men into the mountain. They only accepted vagrant nuns to attract disciples, but now they have suffered a catastrophe. What did the law care about-

"You actually have a respectable cultivation base." The Saint Lord of the Saintess Hall looked at the Gushan patriarch in surprise.

"Exceeded prize, passed prize, haha." The Gushan patriarch scratched his head, obviously a little bit embarrassed, this thing is like a blind date.

"You alone can't help my whole sect. Let's leave at speed. This place is under siege by seven demon lords." Feeling lonely and impure, the holy master of the Saintess Hall intends to persuade him to retreat.

"If you can help, how do you say?" Su Jin suddenly asked.

The holy lord looked at it, and then took a closer look at the young man next to Gushan. It's a pity... It's a pity that the realm is too low, it's absolutely impossible.

"My own safety does not matter, but these disciples are not enough to survive in the beast forest. If the son can retreat from the demon lord, let him send it." The Saint Lord of the Saintess Hall said directly.

"You said--" Su Jin smiled very thiefly, then he coughed slightly, concealing his pride, and then said: "Start to clear the scene and let your saint who turned on the pupil technique come down."

How can this be?

The face of the Saint Lord of the Saintess Hall changed. She looked back and saw the lonely figure in the void. She sighed silently in her heart, opening the pupil of the destiny. The child was overstretching his vitality, but even so, it would not last long.

"Cangshanxue, come down--" the holy master of the Saintess Hall shouted distressedly.

no respond.

Su Jin shrugged, and a splendid Buddha ring slowly rose up around him. On the center of his eyebrows, the lightning mark slowly pulled apart, a bright golden eye pupil opened, and the word ‘卍’ was spinning rapidly!

Ignoring the Holy Lord and the female disciples, Su Jin slowly folded his hands together, and suddenly, a vicissitudes of temperament that had surpassed his age spread out!

A huge Buddha shadow condensed by the light of the Buddha, tilted forty-five degrees in front of him, and his body actually soared to the void!

"Heshen! The true appearance of the Buddha!" ​​Su Jin's voice spread from all directions.

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